
  • 网络Private Flow
  1. 因此,人们不断在寻找减轻财政和债务负担的新型融资方式,而BOT融资方式由于自身所具有的特点,逐渐成为各国吸引民间资金发展基础设施的重要方式。

    Base on the above , people are trying to find new financial methods which can reduce financial and debt burdens , BOT gradually becomes one of the most important financial methods for attracting private funds for the development of infrastructure worldwide owing to its specific characteristics and advantages .

  2. 陕西民间资金流失问题研究

    The Study for the Outflow of the Non-Government Funds in Shaanxi Province

  3. 促进辽宁民间资金向民营资本转化问题研究

    Analysis on transformation accelerating of nongovernmental fund to nongovernmental capital

  4. 民间资金的来源主要有:(1)居民储蓄;

    The sources of informal financial capital are : ( 1 ) savings ;

  5. 至于城市的垃圾、污水处理,目前也有民间资金进去。

    Nongovernmental investment has also gone into urban garbage disposal and sewage works .

  6. 就组织形式,本文提出应建立政府导向型风险投资基金的模式,带动民间资金;

    And the forms of organization of the venture investment fund should be Government Orientation .

  7. 社会资本的非均衡性分布与民间资金流动的形式分析

    The Analysis of Social Capital 's No - proportion Distribution and Forms of Private Fund Mobility

  8. 政府要采取激活存量资产、调动民间资金的策略,实现资金约束瓶颈的突破。

    Government should activate asset , attract the nongovernmental capital and get the breakthrough of capital bottleneck restraint .

  9. 民间资金向民营资本转化是促进经济发展的重要手段之一。

    The transformation of nongovernmental fund to nongovernmental capital is the main way to accelerate the economic development .

  10. 也有自身直接因素:满足了高等学校自身发展、民间资金寻求投资和人民群众接受优质教育资源的需要。

    Self-factor such as the demand of high school 's self-development private capital investment and people sharing top quality education resources .

  11. 小型贷款机构是动员民间资金进入贷款领域并有效防范商业银行金融风险的一种制度设计。

    Small credit agency is an institutional design that mobilizes private funds and effectively reduces the financial risk of commercial banks .

  12. 许多研究中心被迫将实验室一分为二,以使项目获得民间资金的支持。

    Many centres have been forced to divide their labs in half , to keep projects paid for by private money separate .

  13. 另一方面,我国的民间资金非常充裕,又有强烈的投资欲望。

    On the other hand , the civil funds of our country is very abundant , and the people have strong investment desire .

  14. 实行特许经营制度可以充分地利用民间资金、外资及私人投资,进一步减轻政府负担;

    Adopting franchise system can fully use the folk capital , foreign fund and personal fund and lessen the finance stress of the government .

  15. 第四部分浙江省民营资本区域流动的案例分析。促进辽宁民间资金向民营资本转化问题研究

    The forth section is case study of regional transfer of Zhejiang-based privately operated capital . Analysis on transformation accelerating of nongovernmental fund to nongovernmental capital

  16. 当前,在我国深化经济体制改革、促进经济持续发展过程中,人们越来越重视民间资金的使用问题。

    At present , China should continue economic reform and keep economic development ; There is a growing emphasis on the use of folk funds .

  17. 非公有制商品林业投融资渠道:金融机构资金、外商直接投资、企业自筹资金及民间资金。

    Nonpublic ownership and commercial forestry investment and financing channels : financial institutions ' funds , foreign direct investment , enterprise self-financing and private funds .

  18. 在完善资本市场过程中,若能将民间资金妥善地引入风险投资行业,那将是经济发展一个开创性的进步。

    In the process of improving the capital market , the proper introduction of private capital to venture capital industry will be a ground-breaking progress of the economic development .

  19. 随着经济的发展,民间资金积累日益增加,民间借贷也相对频繁,浮现例如高利贷等相关社会问题。

    With economic development , private capital is accumulating so that the number of private lending is relatively increasing , which led to plenty of loan-sharking and other relevant social problems .

  20. 一般认为,政府应主要通过提供利息补贴来“撬动”大规模的民间资金进入住房建设,同时引导住房建设结构的合理调整。

    It is widely believed that government can stimulate private funds into housing construction through interest subsidy and at the same time help to improve the supply structure of housing construction .

  21. 基金将通过为欧元区债券提供类似于国家认可的风险保单,借助民间资金;如果出现违约,基金将承担损失的20%。

    The fund would be levered up by offering a kind of state-sanctioned risk insurance on euro zone bonds , which would cover the first 20 % of losses if it defaults .

  22. 该计划包括投资1.6亿多美元的政府和民间资金,创建先进组织生物制造创新研究所,研制开发人体组织的制造技术。

    The plan includes more than $ 160 million in public and private funding to create the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Manufacturing Innovation Institute , which will help develop ways of fabricating tissue .

  23. 项目融资可缓解铁路跨越式发展过程中建设资金的缺口,有利于铁路建设项目吸收民间资金,有利于促进铁路真正企业化的进程。

    The construction funds gap during the leap-forward development can be eased by the means of projects financing , which is favorable to absorb the private capital and to furtherance the railway process industrially .

  24. 目前,公路建设投融资已经初步形成以政府资金为基础、贷款资金为主体、民间资金为重要补充的新格局。

    At present , a new pattern of Chinese road construction investment and financing are formed . This new pattern has government funds as foundation , loan funds as principal and private capital as complement .

  25. 高门槛的银行信贷政策、民间资金寻找投资渠道和民间融资的需求等是近年来民间融资非常活跃的原因。

    Folk financing was extremely active , the causes are high threshold of the bank credit policy , the folk fund seeking the channels of invests and the demand of the folk financing and so on .

  26. 比如我们在筹集民间资金的时候可以采取福利彩票的模式,创新实行住房彩票制度。这样可以大量筹集到民间小规模、闲散但是总量非常庞大的资金。

    For example , we take the welfare lottery mode to raise private funds , of course we must innovative welfare lottery system , this can greatly raise the very small scale , idle but very substantial funding .

  27. 然而一边是中小企业对资金的大量需求,形成严重的“资金饥饿症”,一边则是巨额民间资金在寻找投资渠道。

    However , on one side , with great demand of fund the SMEs have caught the serious disease of " fund starvation "; on the other side , large amount of private funds is seeking investment channels .

  28. 政府风险投资引导基金通过有效集聚社会与民间资金,扩大创业风险投资资本总量,对创业初期企业提供部分资金支持和信用担保,促进了创业风险投资业和本国经济快速发展。

    By effectively gathering social capital and private funds , government venture capital fund of funds extend the amount of the venture capital , provide some financial support and credit guarantee , which promote venture capital industry and national economy into rapid development .

  29. 而从美日两国的石油储备情况看,我国石油储备体系的建立应充分考虑市场和民间资金力量、能源需求与供给、储备资金多元化及石油储备制度等几个方面。

    With the experience of the US and Japan for reference , the establishment of China Petroleum Reserve System shall take full account of the market and private fund , energy demand and supply , diversification of reserve fund and petroleum reserve system , etc.

  30. 以支持农业产业化发展,促进商品流通等属于市场化性质的私人产品建设,应以金融手段支持为主,财政可以适度贴息引进民间资金进入建设。

    To support rural industries of development , the promotion and circulation of commodities are market-oriented nature of the privacy product construction should be based on the financial means to support the main financial sector can appropriate discount introducing the popular fund into the building .