
  1. 敦煌吐鲁番借贷契约的抵赦条款与国家对民间债负的赦免&唐宋时期民间高利贷与国家控制的博弈

    The Articles that Resisting an Absolution from the Emperor in Loan Contracts Found in Tunhuang and Turfan and the Commands of Remitting Civil Debts by the Emperor in That Time & the conflict between the civil usury and state control in Tang and Song Dynasties

  2. 法律是否重要&来自华南的一个民间收债案例

    Is Law Important : Based on an informal debt - collection practice in South - east China

  3. 民间收债形式多样化,其中暴力收债在我国目前是禁止的,但现实生活中却屡见不鲜。

    Informal debt collection forms varies , although it is prohibited to use violence , in real life , it is not uncommon .