
mín jiān zī běn
  • private capital
  1. 而PPP模式可以实现民间资本与高速铁路建设之间的对接。

    Public-private partnerships models can achieve the docking between private capital and high-speed railway construction .

  2. 本文就民间资本投资基础设施项目的PPP模式进行了研究。

    This article mainly studies about the PPP pattern of the investment of private capital into the infrastructure project .

  3. BOT模式&民间资本参与西部大开发的选择途径

    BOT Model-Choice of Private Capitals in Participating Western Development

  4. BOT模式在供水工程建设中应向民间资本倾斜

    Preferential Treatment of Civil Capitals in the BOT Mode Construction of Water Supply Projects

  5. WTO规则对铁路行业规制作用是:允许外国资本和民间资本参与投资或经营;

    According to the rules of WTO , foreign capital and folk capital should be allowed to participate in the investment in railway industry or its management ;

  6. 随着经济发展,我国民间资本日益雄厚,并有了投资基础设施建设的需求,内资BOT有了较高的呼声。国营企业、民营企业、个人投资越来越多参与到基础设施建设中。

    More and more state-owned enterprises , private enterprises , individual investment begins to take part in infrastructure .

  7. 在分析资本因素时,通过引入垂直FDI、内源性民间资本、国有资本的划分标准来阐述;在分析专业化因素时,通过讨论垂直专业化、柔性专业化来论证。

    When considering the ingredient of capital , we expatiate it by importing the partition standard of vertical FDI , the intention non-governmental capital and state-owned capital ;

  8. 随着民间资本实力的壮大,我国已有大量民间资本以BOT方式参与基础设施建设,但少有民间资本参与铁路建设。

    With the increasing accumulation of non_governmental capital in China , it has been invested in infrastructure except railway construction in BOT mode .

  9. 只要P2P网络借贷平台操作符合政策法规,并且能够有效的规避借贷风险,就能够有效的促进民间资本流动,促进经济发展。

    If provided services with policies and regulations and could effectively circumvent the risks of lending , P2P Loan can effectively promote the flowing of private capitals and the economic development .

  10. BOT作为一种特许经营权方式,将民间资本引入公用事业的建设、经营,能提高效率、缓解政府融资压力。

    BOT , as a kind of franchise , introduces folk capital into the construction and management of public service , and it can increase efficiency and relieve government 's financial pressure .

  11. P2P网络借贷不同于银行和小额信贷公司,而是致力于为有融资需求和投资意愿的人牵线搭桥,为闲置的民间资本寻找投资出口。

    P2P Loan is different from banks and microfinance companies , but is committed to provide a channel for who needs financing and who has willings to invest . It also provides investment outlets for idle private capitals .

  12. 在越来越多的国内民间资本参与基础设施的背景下,论文明确界定了内资BOT的概念,分析了内资BOT模式在我国发展的重要性及可行性,并对其适用范围进行了初步的探讨。

    Under the background that more and more domestic non-governmental capital are invested in infrastructure in the forms of BOX , the importance , feasibility and the suitable area it can be applied is discussed .

  13. 一些经济发达国家和地区的经验表明,民间资本以BOT方式参与基础设施建设能够较好地解决公共物品与私人物品之间的矛盾。

    Some experiences in developed countries and regions indicate that the contradiction between public goods and private goods can be handled preferably when non_ governmental capital is invested in infrastructure with the method of BOT .

  14. 美国财政部将利用tarp计划中的剩余资金来带动民间资本,为收购银行问题资产(随衰退加剧而出现问题的证券及常规贷款)提供资金。

    The Treasury will match private capital with remaining TARP money to capitalise funds for purchasing assets from banks both securities and conventional loans turned sour by the deepening recession .

  15. BOT(build-operate-transfer)作为一种吸引外资或民间资本进行基础设施和公共事业建设的项目运作形式在国内外迅速发展起来。

    In recent years , the BOT has a rapid development in china and abroad , as an operation way of foreign or private capital investment for public utilities and infrastructure construction projects .

  16. 采取BOT、TOT、PPP等多种形式使民间资本进入城市公用事业,推动城市公用事业民营化的进程,既可以解决政府财力不足的困难,又可以克服政府独家经营效率低下的弊端。

    By such forms as BOT , TOT , PPP , making private capital enter civil public enterprises , to promote this course can not only solve the economic difficulties of the government , but also overcome the disadvantages of the government 's low efficiency for lack of competition .

  17. 建设&移交(Build-Transfer)模式有利于大量的民间资本进入公共设施和基础设施建设项目中,解决了当地政府的巨大财政压力,同时也为民间资本投资提供了一个新的途径。

    Build - Transfer Mode is conducive to a great amount of private capital entering into the construction of public facilities and infrastructure projects to relieve the enormous financial pressure on the local government . Meanwhile , it also provides a new way for private capital investment .

  18. 民间资本和高科技风险投资结合的理论与案例研究

    Theory and Case Study on Individual Capital Investing to Hi-tech Company

  19. 对西部大开发中启动民间资本的思考

    Reflections on the Startup of Civilian Capital in China Western Development

  20. 对民间资本投资西部开发的一些思考

    Considerations about the Investment of Non-governmental Capital into The Western Development

  21. 民间资本为中小企业融资护航

    Folk Capitals Escort for the Assets of Middle and Small Enterprises

  22. 关于民间资本投资基础设施领域的研究

    Study on Non - state Capital Investing Infrastructure and Public Utility

  23. 民间资本进入银行业:制度变迁的非均衡轨迹

    Private Capital Entering Domestic Banking : Non-balanced Track of Institution Transition

  24. 我国民间资本有可能进入电信领域吗?

    Headline : Can Private Capitals of China Enter Telecom Market ?

  25. 论民营经济与民间资本投资的主体地位

    On the Primary Position of Nongovernmental Economy and Nongovernmental Capital Investment

  26. 以需求为导向,正确引导民间资本的投资方向;

    To correctly guide the orientation of private investment based on need ;

  27. 宁波市民间资本数量可观,活动剧烈。

    Private capital in Ningbo is huge and very active .

  28. 民间资本投融资城市基础设施建设的研究

    Study of Folk Capital Project Financing in City ′ s Infrastructure Construction

  29. 民间资本进入铁路的障碍分析

    Analysis upon the Obstacles for Private Capital Entering Railway Sector

  30. 民间资本是中小企业融资的主要来源

    Civilian Capital is Main Source of Medium Small-Size Enterprises Financing