
shēnɡ xī zī běn
  • interest-bearing capital
  1. 马克思生息资本理论的逻辑内涵及现代价值

    The Logical Connotation and Realistic Value of Marxian Theories on Interest-bearing Capital

  2. 马克思生息资本理论对中国资本市场发展的若干启示

    The Inspiration of Marx 's Interest-bearing Capital Theory to the Development of Chinese Capital Market

  3. 马克思生息资本理论是其货币金融理论的重要组成部分。

    Marx 's interest-bearing capital theory is an important part of his theory of money and finance .

  4. 浮息国债的定价研究清代国家生息资本&盐业帑本考

    Study the Price of the Floating Rate T-bond A Brief Analysis on Capital and Interest of State Treasury

  5. 安特卫普时期与热那亚时期,商人资本主要表现为商品资本与生息资本;

    At the Antwerp Ages and the Genoa Ages , much merchant capital was the merchandise capital and interest capital .

  6. 荷兰时期,商人资本在前期主要表现为商品资本,后期主要表现为生息资本;

    During the Holland period , the merchant capital was mainly the merchandise capital in early days , and later transformed into interest capital .

  7. 同样,商业资本&生息资本接在产业资本之后放在第三卷的第四、第五篇,也反映了从属和继起的两重关系。

    So is the case with commercial capital and interest-bearing capital , which are put after the industry capital in part four and five in Volume III.

  8. 论文运用马克思主义经济学的产业资本循环和生息资本理论,深入考察现代金融产业资本运动的新形式,全面总结了现代金融产业资本循环的路径。

    The thesis has applied the theory of industrial capital circulation of Marxism economics and its interest-bearing capital theory , investigated new form of the circulation of modern financial industry capital , and fully summarized its new route of circulation .

  9. 虚拟资本同现实资本的分离性和生息性是虚拟资本的重要特性。

    Separation from the present capital and the nature of interest bearing is the essential characteristics of fictitious capital .