
  1. 譬如我国农产品生产规模经济的缺失、农产品物流水平的落后以及农业科技成果转化率低。

    For example , the lack of economies of scale in production of agricultural products in China , the level of backwardness of agricultural product logistics , as well as agricultural science and technology into low .

  2. 所以我们需要搞集约化生产和规模经济。

    So we must have intensive production and economies of scale .

  3. 企业生产规模的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Production Scale of an Enterprise

  4. 聚酯民用长丝生产合理规模经济的研究

    Studies on reasonable economical scale of PET textile filament production

  5. 不同肉牛生产规模的经济效益比较分析

    The Analysis of Economy Benefit With Different Production Systems of Finishing Beef

  6. 大规模定制生产与规模经济思辨

    The thinking of Mss Customization and Economies of Scale

  7. 库存还可以帮助企业达到生产的规模经济。

    It also can help enterprise obtain scale economy .

  8. 对促使城市形成力量的分析表明,起源于比较利益和生产内部规模经济的市场力量是首要因素。

    Analysing the strength urges the city to form indicate that market force origins in the comparative advantage and the production interior economies of scale is the most important factor .

  9. 近些年来,各船公司为了降低单位运输成本,实现运输生产的规模经济效益,不多扩大船舶的规模,集装箱船舶日趋大型化。

    In recent years , in order to reduce the unit transportation cost and realize the transport production of scale economic benefit each carrier are expanding the ship size and container ships are becoming larger and larger .

  10. 人口再生产中微观经济利益与宏观经济利益之间既有统一性又有矛盾性,其统一或矛盾及其力量对比,与生产力的发展水平、人口生产的规模经济作用等因素有关。

    The authors hold that the micro-economic interest and macro-economic one of population reproduction is of contradiction and unity , which is closely relevant to the development levels of productive forces and the scale economy effect of population production .

  11. 同时要提高国内本土钾肥生产企业规模经济和资源利用率,加快建设国内钾肥生产基地,从而保证国内钾肥供给量。

    At the same time , we should improve the economies of scale and resource utilization of the domestic potash producer and accelerate the construction of domestic potash fertilizer production bases , thus ensuring the supply of domestic potash fertilizer .

  12. 在我国,‘内生式’低壁垒产业集群起步于20世纪70年代末的改革开放初期。经过三十年的发展,该类集群在生产规模与经济实力上都有了很大的进步。

    In our country ,' endogenous ' low barriers industrial clusters started in the early stage of reform and opening up at the end of the 1970s . After three decades of development , there has been much progress in the production scale and economic strength of such clusters .

  13. EVE还提供了一种独特的容量投资自动补偿机制,使得在发电生产成本存在规模经济性时,发电厂商可以得到合理的补偿。

    When there are economics of scale in generation market , EVE pricing method provides an intrinsic and reasonable mechanism to compensate the capacity investment automatically .

  14. 黄磷生产装置的规模经济比较

    Economic Evaluation On The Scale Of Yellow Phosphorus Plants

  15. 企业生产规模庞大,经济实力雄厚,在国内外市场有较高的知名度。

    The company enjoys a high reputation both in domestic and international markets .

  16. 茶叶生产经营规模对经济绩效影响的实证研究

    Positive Study on Relation between Economic Performance and Scale of Tea producing Farm

  17. 首先,婚姻可以带来生产中的规模经济,特别是在生孩子方面。

    First , marriage offers economies of scale in production , particularly production of children .

  18. 自然垄断是指由于生产技术具有规模经济的特征,使平均成本随着产量的增加而递减,从而,最小有效规模要求只能有唯一一个企业提供产品。

    In the nature monopoly industry , the average cost decrease progressively along with the output .

  19. 后来,远方的工厂接管了制造工作。这些工厂通过大规模生产实现了规模经济。

    Then the role of manufacturing was taken over by distant factories that achieved scale economies through mass production .

  20. 即使不考虑生产方的规模经济,网络外部性本身也足以成为国家战略性贸易政策的依据。

    In other words , even without considering the production-side economies of scale , network externalities in itself is enough to provide a basis for national strategic trade policies .

  21. 比较利益的存在促进了社会分工的发展,而分工的深化和生产的内部规模经济的存在则为非农经济的空间聚集创造了条件;

    The comparative advantage exist promoted the social division of labor development and deepened of divided the work and the existence of production internal economies of scale gathered for the non-agricultural economy space has created the condition .

  22. 论文针对船舶工业属大型复杂制造系统的特点,从船舶建造的工厂规模经济和造船企业生产经营的企业规模经济两个层面,深入剖析了船舶工业的规模经济性。

    On the other hand , the economic scale of shipbuilding enterprises is analyzed .

  23. 确定矿井最优生产规模的一种经济数学方法

    An economic-mathematical method to determine the optimum production

  24. 另外,电影作为一种内容产出,产出的多样性与独特性使得电影生产趋向于规模不经济,但电影的消费却因内容产品极低的复制成本而趋于经济。

    In addition , film as a content output , the diversity and uniqueness means that the film production tends to diseconomies of scale .

  25. 理论上大规模定制生产模式将依托规模经济、范围经济以及集成经济实现对个性化需求的高效满足。

    In theory mass customization relies on scale economics , scope economics and integration economics to meet personal need in low cost and short responding time .

  26. 观点:现在自动化生产技术下,规模经济并不只靠生产系统的标准来实现。

    Viewpoint : Now , under the automated production technology , the implement of scale economy does not just depend on the standard of production system .

  27. 企业的理财风险,是指企业为了扩大生产经营规模、提高经济效益,在筹集资金过程中所产生的财务风险。

    The financing risk of enterprises is the risk which is produced in the process of raising money in order to expand production scale and increase economic benefit .

  28. 在市场需求预测的基础上,对矿井生产规模进行了技术经济分析和方案比选;

    On the basis of market demand forecasting , the paper conducts technological and economic analysis over mining capacity and compares several plans for reaching the different mining capacities .

  29. 在产业价值链的中游,大量的通用模块生产商,实现规模经济,同时又出现了完全市场竞争格局。

    In the middle reaches of industrial value chain , quite a few general module producers has realized scale economy , simultaneously it appeared the complete market competition pattern .

  30. 企业的生产经营规模小、经济实力较弱依然是提升农业企业竞争力的制约因素。

    The paper gets the following conclusions : 1 The small production scale and weak economic condition are still main factors which seriously restrict the promotion of our agro-enterprises ' competence .