
  • 网络Lifestyle segmentation
  1. 除了利用自身掌握的有关用户家庭以及观众收视习惯的详细信息以外,天空广播公司还与信用调查机构益百利(experian)等公司合作,进一步根据生活方式和富裕程度细分受众层次。

    In addition to its own data on households and detailed information on their viewing patterns , sky works with companies such as Experian , the credit checking agency , which helps it segment customers by lifestyle and affluence .

  2. 并通过知名服装品牌以生活方式为互动平台的推广策略,进一步论证生活方式不仅是细分市场的一个特殊指标,同时也是市场行销的最佳切入点。

    Pass the tactics of popularization taking life style as interdynamic platform of the famous clothing brand , prove a special index that the life style not only subdivides the market further , it is the best breakthrough point of market marketing at the same time .