
  • 网络Network Market Segmentation
  1. 基于利益的网络市场细分研究

    The Research on Network Market Segmentation Based on Benefit

  2. 网络市场消费者细分同传统消费品市场细分基于网络市场特性出现了一定的差异性,因此,网络零售商需要寻找适合网络销售的营销战略和营销工具。

    The segmentation of the network market has some differences contrasted with the same traditional consumable market based on the network market characteristic , therefore , the network retail merchant needs to seek new marketing strategies and marketing tools which are suit for the network marketing .

  3. 基于粗糙集和SOM网络的客户市场细分方法

    A Method for Customer Market Segmentation Based on Rough Sets and SOM Network

  4. 接着,从营销理论的基本原理出发,对网上市场调研以及网络营销的市场细分与目标市场选择进行了系统地分析与研究。

    Secondly , from the fundamental principle of marketing theory this thesis analyzes and studies Internet market survey , subdivision or choice of target market .

  5. 试对供应链管理一体化营销运作技术的研究同传统营销一样,网络营销需要市场细分。

    Discussing the Marketing Operation Technique of the Supply Chain Management Integral Whole Turns ; As traditional Marketing , Internet Marketing also need marketing segments .

  6. 文章从网络营销的基本问题入手,结合信息服务的特点,提出了信息服务网络营销的市场细分策略、品牌策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略。

    From the basic questions of information service and Internet Marketing , the author puts forward some strategies such as the marketing division strategy , the brand strategy , price strategy , channel strategy and sales promotion strategy .

  7. 本文正是基于对网络消费者购买行为(消费者受营销和环境刺激产生需求到最终做出购买决策的整个过程)的认识和分析研究,提出网络市场的细分方法。

    This article is precisely based on the understanding and analysis of the purchasing behaviors of the consumer on-line ( the whole process includes consumers ' demands stimulated by marketing and environment and the finally purchasing decision-making ), proposed the segmentation method of the network market .