
  • 网络network products;network goods;TP-LINK;E-PRODUCT
  1. 它计划复制其在英国使用的安全密室(securecell)架构,即网络产品所用的关键软件代码由当地企业编译并交第三方保管。

    It plans to replicate the secure cell structure it uses in the UK , whereby critical software code for network products is compiled by locals and put in escrow .

  2. 在技术创新和市场驱动的双重作用下,TD-SCDMA从概念向产业化的进程正在加快,全球主要设备制造商都在积极跟踪和研发基于TD-SCDMA技术的3G网络产品。

    Technological innovation and the market are accelerating the transformation of TD-SCDMA from conception to industrialization and main manufacturers all over the world are tracking and developing network products based on TD-SCDMA .

  3. 网络产品和服务提供者不得向未成年人提供诱导其沉迷的产品和服务。网络游戏、网络直播、网络音视频、网络社交等网络服务提供者应当针对未成年人使用其服务设置相应的时间管理、权限管理、消费管理等功能。

    Providers of online services , including game , livestream , audio and video , and social media , shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit , authorization and consumption limit for minors , according to the revision .

  4. CDMA无线网络产品研发、生产、销售、是公司的发展方向。

    CDMA wireless network product development , production , sale , are the company 's development direction .

  5. 多媒体网络产品,像IP电话,视频会议,视频点播,远程教育等已经从实验室普遍应用到商业领域。

    Multimedia networking products like Internet telephony , Internet TV , video conferencing , remote education have appeared on the market from laboratorial purpose .

  6. 实际上目前还没有Google操作系统这样的东西&但尽管如此,这也是最为被频频论及的网络产品之一。

    There 's no such thing as the GoogleOS in reality-but despite that , it is one of the most talked about Web products .

  7. 利用PDM(产品数据库)技术,将分散的、孤立的信息集成在网络产品概念设计系统中,提出基于Internet计算机辅助产品概念设计(ICACD)方法,以解决产品概念设计阶段信息孤岛问题;

    The method of Internet-based computer aided product conceptual design was presented , which utilizes the PDM technique to integrate disperse and isolated information into internet product conceptual design system .

  8. MIG寻找富有经验的内容编辑参加他们的无线和网络产品团队。

    MIG is looking for an experienced sport content editor to join their exciting wireless and web production team .

  9. 除了平板电脑,英特尔还在努力提高自己在智能手机、网络产品乃至可穿戴设备市场的份额,希望借此抵消PC业务不断衰落的影响。

    Apart from tablets , Intel is also trying to improve its share in smartphones , networking products , and even wearable devices , in hope of balancing out the declining PC business .

  10. NEC为商业企业、通信服务以及政府提供信息技术和网络产品。

    NEC for business enterprises , communications services and the provision of information technology and networking products .

  11. 除了这一点,我们还进行了翻译研究,优化,简化和质量保证进入NHS推出一个诊断测试。这已经被英国基因检测网络产品组合接受。

    Alongside this we undertook a translational research study to optimise , streamline and quality assure a diagnostic test to be introduced into the NHS .

  12. 每当有一个新技术、新产品进入社会,社会成员都有机会逐渐感知到这个创新并使用这个新产品,特别是以ICT产品为代表的网络产品。

    Every time a new technology , a new product comes into a society , the members of the society become to be aware and adopt this new product , especially for network products like ICT product .

  13. 中国网络产品分销市场正在发生显著的变化,作为一家网络产品分销公司的XT计算机网络公司,为应对变化中的各种挑战,在日常业务中越来越多地使用了信用销售的方式。

    XT Company , a network products distribution company , applies more and more credit transactions in his daily business to meet the varying challenge in the network products distribution market in China .

  14. 随着无线网络产品应用的普及,无线网络管理软件的质量变得尤为重要,拟从工程实际的角度,将软件自动化回归测试引入WIFI网管软件测试,并在一个实际应用环境进行部署和评估。

    With the popularity of wireless networking product applications , the quality of wireless network management software becomes more important . In the light of the engineering , we bring the automated regression testing of software into WIFI network management software testing .

  15. 网络产品定制系统信息模型的研究

    Research on Information Model for Product Customization System Based on Web

  16. 网络产品市场均衡无穷维变分模型

    The Market Equilibrium Model of Network Products with Infinite Dimensional Variational Inequality

  17. 基于消费者跨期选择的网络产品标准竞争研究

    Standards Competition about Network Goods Based on Consumers Multi-periods Choice

  18. 网络产品的市场份额既是消费者选择的结果,又是消费者选择的依据。

    Customer choice determines the market share of network products .

  19. 生存分析在网络产品用户中的应用

    Application of Survival Analysis in Internet Products ' Customer

  20. 亚洲最大之电脑软件、硬件、打印机与网络产品的代理商。

    Asia 's Leading Distribution of Computers Systems Software , Networks and Peripherals .

  21. 梅丽莎o梅耶尔——时任谷歌消费者网络产品总监;

    Marissa Mayer - then , Google 's director of consumer Web products ;

  22. 分布式测试方法是对网络产品进行协议一致性测试活动的一种重要的抽象测试方法。

    Distributed test method is an important abstract test approach in protocol conformance testing .

  23. 网络产品创新方法研究

    Methods research of innovation of international product

  24. 协议的冒烟测试在网络产品的设计过程中有着重要的作用。

    Protocol smoke testing plays an important role in the procedure of network product design .

  25. 基于网络产品定制设计中若干问题的研究与实现

    Virtual Product Customized Design Based on Web

  26. 1997~1998年度网络产品商百强中业绩十佳与十差

    The First and Last Ten Network Product Suppliers among the Top 100 in 1997 to 1998

  27. 业务涉及印刷设备、广告材料及相关的网络产品。

    The business involves the equipment of printing , the advertisement material and related network products .

  28. 网络产品与网络规划

    Network Products and Network Designing

  29. 这不排除为行为定向或创造有用的新网络产品而收集信息。

    That does not rule out collecting information for behavioural targeting or to create new and useful web products .

  30. 更糟的是,它们有可能转而进军内容业务,随后就会选用自己的网络产品,排斥竞争对手。

    Worse , they might move into content and then favour their own web products over those of competitors .