
  1. 集团正在诚招全球无线网络设备代理商,以求共同发展无线网络事业以及满足国际市场对无线网络设备需要的日渐增加。

    Kangqi Group is seeking global agents in order to develop wireless network and to meet the steady increase in demand for wireless network equipment in the world .

  2. 外资旅行社的大举进入、网络旅行代理商的异军突起,都加剧了旅行社的市场竞争,导致中国旅行社业发展困难重重。

    The foreign capital travel agency and network travel business agent enter into travel agency market on a large scale , making the market competition more intensive , and cause the China Travel Service Industry to develop stiffly .

  3. 亚洲最大之电脑软件、硬件、打印机与网络产品的代理商。

    Asia 's Leading Distribution of Computers Systems Software , Networks and Peripherals .

  4. 我们3年的历史,是作为一家专业的网络营销服务代理商,与客户共同发展、共创成就的历史。

    The3 years history is the history that IMC grow up with clients , and build the success with clients .

  5. 同时公司应借助现代销售方式,广泛利用代理商的营销网络,建立对代理商的监控体系,拓展营销渠道。

    At the same time , companies should use modern marketing methods , extensive use of agents of the marketing network of the agents set up a monitoring system , develop marketing channels .

  6. 于是,商品流通渠道中的中间商的位置开始变得尴尬起来,他们似乎不再适应网络环境,多级代理商更成为增加企业成本的代名词。

    So , the position of the middlemen which in the commodity circulation became embarrassed , they seem not adapt to the network any more , multi-level agents have become the synonymous with increased cost of doing business .