
  • 网络Online Sales;Selling Online;E-commerce;E-sales
  1. S汽车销售总公司网上销售模式研究

    The Research of E-Sales Model in S Auto-Sales Company

  2. 美国服装零售商gap下月将开通一个中国网上销售站点,以配合其首批在华门店开张。

    Gap , the US clothing retailer , will open a Chinese online sales site next month , to complement the opening of its first stores in the country .

  3. CD网上销售系统

    The CD Sale System on Net

  4. 基于PDM的网上销售管理通用模型的研究

    Research on Internet-based Sale Management Universal Model Based on PDM

  5. FantasyBookstore是一个在线书店程序,用于在网上销售各种类型的书籍。

    Fantasy Bookstore is an online bookstore application used to sell books in various categories .

  6. 根据IBMDigitalAnalytics的数据,在圣诞节前的最后一个购物周,网上销售同比飙升37%。

    During the last shopping weekend before Christmas , Web sales jumped by 37 % from the year before , according to IBM Digital Analytics .

  7. 市场研究公司ForresterResearch预计,这个假日购物季,在商场客流量和实体零售店销售萎靡不振的同时,网上销售将增长15%。

    Market research firm Forrester Research expects online sales to increase by 15 % this holiday season amid slow mall traffic and weak sales at brick-and-mortar retailers .

  8. 该文在实践的基础上,以网上销售系统为例,探讨了基于WWW和CORBA技术的四层体系结构的思想。

    This paper researches the thought of four-layer system structure , such as E-business System , based on WWW and Corba technologies in practice .

  9. 马云在数月前刚创办的新公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)将从这座公寓起步——马云说他想在中国开展在网上销售商品的业务。

    The flat was the nucleus of a new company that Ma had named Alibaba a few months before , saying he wanted to sell things online in China .

  10. 他还提到要创造出新的机会,比如让巧克力成为一种礼品,还有就是网上销售的增长,亿滋计划通过与阿里巴巴(Alibaba)合作来开拓网上销售。

    He also talks of creating gifting opportunities on top of existing ones and the growth of online sales , which Mondelez plans to exploit via a partnership with Alibaba .

  11. 通过其子公司天猫(TMall),阿里巴巴让消费者信任在网上销售品牌商品的小商家,甚至是无人知晓的商家。

    Through its subsidiary , TMall , it made consumers trust small and even unknown sellers of branded goods online .

  12. 举个例子,用谷歌搜索“微波炉”,会显示梅西百货(Macy'sInc.)和TargetCorp.等零售商在网上销售的具体款型的照片,并明确标明价格。

    For example , a Google search for ' microwave oven ' shows a grid of photos for specific models , sold online by retailers like Macy 's Inc. and Target Corp. , with prices clearly marked .

  13. 同样,和它们的前辈小米一样,Oppo和Vivo注重网上销售并因此抢占了三四线城市的销量,由此取得佳绩。

    Also , like their predecessor , they achieved this by selling heavily online and thus scooping up sales in third - and fourth-tier cities .

  14. 许多网上销售广告暗示加快制定网簿规范,使其能够运行微软的WindowsXP操作系统,而不是在许多网簿上作为标准提出的自由与开源的Linux系统。

    Much advice on offer online suggests souping up the specification of a netbook so it can run Microsoft 's Windows XP operating system , rather than the free , open-source Linux system that is offered as standard on many netbooks .

  15. 目前该公司月收入约3000元人民币,两位创始人正在探索更广泛的分销渠道以扩大销售额,并且通过淘宝(Taobao)进行网上销售。淘宝是阿里巴巴集团创建(AlibabaGroup)的与亚马逊(Amazon)和易趣(eBay)类似的购物网站。

    With a monthly income so far of around Rmb3000 , the founders are looking to wider distribution to increase sales and are now selling online through Taobao , China 's answer to Amazon or eBay , founded by the Alibaba Group .

  16. 人们可以通过电子数据交换(EDI)和电子邮件订立合同进行网上销售,而这种方式将与传统销售渠道并存,我们开始进入一个以互联网为媒介的电子商务时代。

    One can through electronic data interchange ( EDI ) and e-mail online sales contract , and in this way will coexist with traditional marketing channels , we entered a medium of the Internet to e-commerce era .

  17. 除了假药所引发的知识产权问题以外,fda和美国禁毒署(dea)还对非法药品威胁公众健康表示不满,因为网上销售的无处方药物,在美国导致了一些消费者死亡的案例。

    In addition to the intellectual property problems raised by the fakes , the FDA and the drug enforcement administration complained about a public health threat , because some US consumers have died from drugs bought online without a prescription .

  18. 在销售上,雷军还寄望用实体店补充网上销售——也就是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等科技巨头追求的无缝“新零售”——以及征服印度等新市场。

    Mr Lei is also banking on the combination of supplementing online sales with physical stores , the seamless " new retail " being pursued by the likes of tech giant Alibaba , and conquering new markets , specifically India .

  19. 如果您的站点是简单的个人或公司站点,主要用来提供博客,不需要维护大型文档库或在网上销售商品,那么应该考虑WordPress。

    If you have a simple personal or company site that would primarily be used for blogging and where you don 't need to maintain a large library of documents or make sales online , consider WordPress .

  20. 最后对系统进行了测试,其中主要包括系统的功能测试以及系统的性能测试,最终测试结果能够证明,系统功能架设比较合理,BUG较少,能够投入网上销售业务工作当中。

    Finally , system testing , which mainly include functional testing and performance testing of the system , the final test results could be shown that the system functions set up a more reasonable the BUG less , can be put into the online sales business which .

  21. Carvana是美国最大的二手车交易商之一DriveTime投资的一家公司,已经开始在自己的网上销售最新款的二手豪车和高端车型了。

    Carvana , a venture sponsored by DriveTime , one of the nation 's largest used-car operations , has begun selling late-model used premium and luxury models on its own website .

  22. 他写道,另一条线索是,当去年10月份iPhone4S广泛上市销售时,核心零售额(排除汽车、汽油和建材)0.8%的增幅中,超过一半的增幅来自网上销售和电脑及软件销售。

    One clue : When the iPhone 4S became widely available last October , he writes , over half of the 0.8 % increase in the nation 's so-called core retail sales ─ which exclude autos , gasoline and building materials ─ came in the categories of online sales and computer and software sales .

  23. 而且直到去年普拉达才开始在网上销售产品。

    It did not start selling products online until last year .

  24. 在网络营销和广告和网上销售,吸引新的顾客。

    Web marketing and advertising and online sales attract new customers .

  25. 问题24哪种商品不适合在网上销售?

    Question 24 . What products are unsuitable for selling online ?

  26. 笔记本电脑也是一个非常适合在网上销售的产品。

    Laptop computers are another good product for selling online .

  27. 他还补充说,黑莓还有些库存经典款在网上销售。

    He added that BlackBerry had some remaining stock on sale online .

  28. 一方面,开店的成本很高;另一方面,若只在网上销售,恐怕难以树立品牌知名度。

    Listing costs are high but brand recognition may not travel online .

  29. 适合网上销售的商品主要有有形商品和无形商品。

    Commodities fit for online sales include material commodities and immaterial commodities .

  30. 这条裙子也是在米德尔顿穿过之后就迅速在网上销售一空。

    That dress also swiftly sold out online after Middleton wore it .