
  • 网络network accounting
  1. 就当前来看,亟待解决的问题是:科学界定网络会计的概念、加强网络会计基础建设和积极探索财务会计ASP模式。

    Currently , the problems to be solved urgently are how to define network accounting in a scientific way , how to strengthen its fundamental construction and how to explore ASP pattern of financial accounting .

  2. 网络会计信息系统安全问题与对策

    The safety of network accounting information system : problem and countermeasure

  3. 虽然电算化的发展速度很快,已经发展到网络会计和ERP阶段,但从国内的实施效果来看,ERP的实施仍然有赖于企业的良好管理和扎实的会计基础工作。

    Although the develop speed of the computerized accounting is very quickly , from the computerized accounting to network and ERP , the implementation of the ERP is rely on the good managements and the basic accounting work .

  4. 使会计经历了由会计电算化到会计信息化的变革,由传统的会计形式演变为网络会计。

    It must promote the traditional accounting change to network accounting .

  5. 加强网络会计人力资源职业道德建设。

    And improve the HR professional morality education of network accounting .

  6. 网络会计越来越引起人们的重视。

    People are attaching more and more weight to network accounting .

  7. 建设银行实时网络会计系统

    NETWORK A Real-time LAN Accounting System at the Construction Branch Bank

  8. 网络会计的发展与会计假设理论的松动

    Development of Network Accounting and looseness for Presumptive Theory of Accounting

  9. 最后,分析了网络会计的目标。

    Finally , analyzed the target of the network accountancy .

  10. 网络会计利弊及发展对策探讨

    Approach to Advantages , Disadvantages and Development Countermeasure of Network

  11. 关于信息时代网络会计若干问题的探讨

    Discussion of some network accounting problem in the information era

  12. 高校网络会计信息系统中的内部控制研究

    The Research of Internal Control in College Accounting Information System

  13. 电子商务环境下网络会计的产生与发展初探

    On the Emergence and Development of E-accounting in E-commerce Environment

  14. 实行预算网络会计创新财政监督机制

    The Budget Innovation of Network Accounting of Financial Supervision Mechanism

  15. 关于电子商务下的网络会计发展的研究

    The Research on the Development of Internet Accounting under the Electronic Commerce

  16. 网络会计发展中的问题及策略

    The Network Accounting Develops the Subject and the Strategy of the Inside

  17. 网络会计及其对会计假设的影响

    Network Accounting and Its Influence on the Hypothesis of Accounting

  18. 网络会计发展存在的问题和对策

    The Existing Question and Measure in the Network Accounting Development

  19. 浅谈网络会计的安全问题及对策

    On the Safety Problems and Countermeasures on the Network Accounting

  20. 谈网络会计对传统会计的影响

    On Influence of the Network Accounting on the Traditional Accounting

  21. 试论网络会计的形成及其发展对策

    An Approach to Shaping and Development Response of Network Accountancy

  22. 网络会计&会计史上新的里程碑

    Network accounting & new milestone in the history of accounting

  23. 会计体系的新发展&网络会计

    The New Development of Accounting System : Network Accounting

  24. 网络会计的优势及其弊端的防治

    Research on the Superiority of Web - accounting and its Prevention of Defects

  25. 网络会计在企业中的应用

    The Application of the Network Accounting in the Enterprise

  26. 网络会计目标的转变对企业财务报告的影响

    Influence of transformation of accounting goals in network era on corporation financial reports

  27. 对于支而言,要完善对网络会计系统内部控制。

    Perfect the inner control about intranet accounting system .

  28. 加强会计信息审计与稽查,提高网络会计信息的正确性;

    Enhance the audit and correctness of accounting information ;

  29. 随着因特网的普及和应用,网络会计应运而生。

    Summary Network accounting comes into being with the Internet popularity and application .

  30. 网络会计软件的发展对审计的影响

    Influence of Development of Internet Accounting Software on Auditing