
  • shop online
  • online shopping
  1. 韦氏新世界大学辞典的编辑们认为,“信息零食”指的是人们在工作时偷偷处理个人邮件,搜索体育比赛成绩,与老友联系或者在网上购物这些“偷来的”时刻。

    Editors at Webster 's New World College dictionary define1 infosnacking as those stolen moments at work at which we sneak2 time to handle personal e-mail , Google sports scores , old friends or shop online .

  2. 接近三分之二的人拥有iPad,86%的人在网上购物,40%的人使用微博。

    Nearly two-thirds own an iPad , 86 % shop online and 40 % use weibo microblogs .

  3. 网上购物既便宜又方便。

    Online shopping is both cheap and convenient .

  4. 如今,许多消费者更愿意在网上购物。

    Nowadays , many consumers prefer to shop on the Internet .

  5. 不久之后,被盗数据出现在假卡上,并被用于网上购物。

    Not long after , the stolen data was showing up on fake cards and being used for online purchases .

  6. 你是否一直是在网上购物而不是去商店购物?

    Have you been doing Internet shopping rather than going to the stores ?

  7. 其中一个原因是网上购物没有人情味。

    One of the reasons is that buying online has no human touch .

  8. 格雷斯多久进行一次网上购物?

    How often does Grace do online shopping ?

  9. 网络游戏、QQ聊天、网上购物、娱乐新闻等等在互联网上应有尽有,触手可得。

    Cyber games , QQ chatting , shopping online , and entertainment news are available to everyone on the Internet .

  10. 疫情激发了5G、人工智能、智慧城市等新技术、新业态、新平台蓬勃兴起,网上购物、在线教育、远程医疗等“非接触经济”全面提速,为经济发展提供了新路径。

    COVID-19 has fueled the boom of new technologies , new business forms and new platforms such as 5G , artificial intelligence ( AI ) and smart cities , and accelerated the development of a contact-free economy like online shopping , online education and telemedicine .

  11. 英国的封锁政策已导致使用自动取款机取款的次数下降了60%,尽管人们提款的总额有所增加。现金提款量的急剧下降是由于越来越多的人不得不在网上购物。

    The dramatic1 drop in cash withdrawals2 is the obvious result of more people having to do their shopping online .

  12. “沙发商务”这个词源于很多人网上购物的时候都是坐在沙发上(或者浴室、阳台等)。

    The term " Couch commerce " is derived from the fact that many people will be sitting on their couch ( or in the bath , or outside on the balcony , etc ) while they do their online shopping this year .

  13. 基于SET协议的网上购物系统的实现

    An Implementation of Online Shopping System Based on Set Protocol

  14. 电子商务中网上购物的安全协议&SSL与SET

    The Security Protocols Used in On-line Purchase of E-commerce & SSL and SET

  15. Web挖掘在网上购物中的应用研究

    The Application of Web Mining in the Web Shopping

  16. Internet网上购物咨询系统的开发

    The Development of Shopping Consultative System on Internet

  17. 基于ASP与XML构建网上购物系统

    Realization of On-Line Shopping System Based on ASP and XML

  18. 电子商务(Electroniccommerce)是通过互联网来实现网上购物、网上交易和在线电子支付的一种新型商务运营模式。

    E-commerce is a business mode that realizes online-shopping , online - bargaining , and online electronic payment on Internet .

  19. 随着Internet和网上购物的迅猛发展,网上购物系统中的个性化推荐技术逐渐成为人们研究的一个重要领域。

    With the rapid development of Internet and the online shopping system , the technology of personalized recommendation has become an important field gradually .

  20. 基于eXecutableUML的网上购物系统建模分析

    Modeling Analysis of Online Shopping System based on eXecutable UML

  21. 基于Java和DAO设计模式的网上购物系统的实现

    Implementation of an Internet shopping system based on Java technology and DAO design pattern

  22. 用J2EE实现网上购物系统

    Using J2EE to Realize Online Shopping System

  23. 同时PC机和Internet的广泛使用也进一步促进了视频邮件、网上购物、远程教育以及远程医疗的应用。

    Meanwhile , the wide use of Internet promotes the use of video mail , remote medical treatment , remote education and shopping through the net .

  24. 基于Struts架构的网上购物电子商务平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of E-Business Platform Based on Struts Framework

  25. 随着Internet的普及与发展,网上购物随之出现,因而基于Internet的电子商务网站也在近几年呈现快速发展的势头。

    Because of Internet popularization and development , shopping on-line is appeared too , so in recent years based on the Internet electronic commerce website is also presenting the fast development .

  26. 根据J2EE架构的多层应用程序方案和网上购物系统的特点,系统采用以Web为中心的应用程序方案。

    According to the multi-layer application program scheme of J2EE and systematic characteristic of online shopping , this system adopts the application program scheme taking Web as the centre .

  27. 运用HTML语言、PHP与后台数据库MYSQL链接等关键技术建设网上购物系统。

    Using HTML language , PHP and MYSQL database links , and other key technical background builds an online shopping system .

  28. 随着Internet的发展,网上购物、电子政务、网上信息检索等活动日益频繁,人们对网络服务的需求成为网络发展的巨大动力。

    With the development of Internet , electronic commerce , electronic government , and information retrieval online have been used more frequently . The Internet services need has been the power for its development .

  29. 伴随着Internet科技的蓬勃发展,网上购物作为电子商务的一种形式正以其高效率、低成本的优势,逐步成为新兴的经营模式和理念。

    Along with the vigorous development of the Internet , e-commerce networks as a shopping center is a form of its highly efficient , low-cost advantages , gradually emerging as a business model and philosophy .

  30. 这一技术正以其的特有的优势被广泛的应用在CAD逆向工程、计算机视觉、模式识别、三维动画、网上购物和虚拟现实等领域。

    This technology , with its particular predominance , is broad applied in such numerous fields as CAD reverse engineering , Computer Vision , Pattern Recognition , 3D Cartoon and Virtual Reality .