
  1. 战略配售和网上发行将采取定价发行的方式。

    The strategic allotment and the on-line offering will adopt fixed price offering .

  2. 多媒体教学软件网上发行的原理与实现

    On Principle and Realization of Multimedia Teaching Software Launching

  3. 公司债券网上发行的具体事务,由公司债券的主承销商牵头安排。

    The specific affairs of online issuance are arranged mainly by the master underwriter of corporate bonds .

  4. 二是优化网上发行机制,将网下网上申购参与对象分开。

    Second , optimization of online distribution mechanism to net separate online application to participate in the object .

  5. 代价发行〔上市方式〕战略配售和网上发行将采取定价发行的方式。

    Consideration issue [ listing method ] The strategic allotment and the on-line offering will adopt fixed price offering .

  6. 试点期间,本所对公司债券网上发行不收取发行手续费。

    During the piloting period , this bourse shall not charge the procedure fees over the online issuance of corporate bonds .

  7. 现在游戏可以网上发行,意味着游戏开发者再也不需要借助专业公司的渠道把他们的游戏送到玩家手里了。

    The advent of online game distribution has meant that game developers no longer need corporate infrastructure to get their games into the hands of players .

  8. 网上发行是将一定比例的公司债券,按确定的发行价格和利率,通过本所竞价交易系统面向社会公众投资者公开发行。

    Online issuance is to issue corporate bonds publicly in certain proportion to the public investors in determined issuing price and interest rate through the bidding trading system of this bourse .

  9. 从实证研究的结果来看,在所有因素中对创业板抑价率有显著影响的因素包括:首日换手率、网上发行中签率、发行规模、蜜月期、市场景气程度等五个指标。

    The results showed that the market sentiment index , online purchase success rate , listed on the first day of new shares turnover , issue size , the honeymoon period is significant factor .

  10. 随着Internet的发展以及音视频压缩技术的不断成熟,使得音频、图像、视频等数字化产品在网上大量发行。

    The fast growth of the Internet and the maturity of audiovisual media compression techniques make the widely on-line publication of digital products , such as audio , image , video , etc.

  11. 山东省新华书店网上教材发行系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Implementation of Shan Dong Provincial Xinhua Bookstore 's Online Teaching Material Publication System

  12. 本文在实证调查部分采用了调查研究法,对出版社网站、省级新华书店网站以及具有代表性的三家民营网上书店网站图书发行的相关情况进行了数据调研。

    It researches the relevant data of the issue of press , provincial Xinhua bookstore and three representative private stores .

  13. 本文以网上和网下发行股数作为权数,以网上和网下中签率,推导出综合中签率,作为衡量一级市场供需关系和投资者情绪的指标。

    In this paper , online and offline as weights the number of shares issued to online and offline success rate , integrated in the success rate is derived , as a measure of a market supply and demand and investor sentiment indicators .

  14. 它的内容主要包括网上证券交易、网上证券发行、网上支付和网上信息服务等四个方面。

    Securities e-commerce consists of online securities trading , online ' securities insurance online payment and online information service .

  15. 进入20世纪90年代之后,互联网技术在证券市场的应用,彻底改变了证券交易的传统运作模式,网上证券交易主要包括证券商网上交易服务、网上证券直接公开发行以及另类交易系统等。

    In 1990 's , Internet has altered the traditional operation model of securities trading , which mainly includes the trading services on Internet , Internet DPO and alternative trading systems .