
  • 网络web-to-print;Web to Print;network printing
  1. 大规模逻辑神经网络印刷体汉字识别系统

    Chinese Character Recognition System Via Large Scale Logical Neural Networks

  2. 如此,就需要缩短文件传输的时间以及实现网络印刷中远程文件的管理。

    So , it is necessary to shorten the time and the realization of document transmission web printing in the remote files management .

  3. 印前工艺的数字化更是为网络印刷的发展提供了广阔的平台,印刷原稿的数字化传输缩短印刷流程,做到了随到随印的程度。

    Before printing technology of digital printing for the development of web provide a broad platform , printing design of digital transmission shorten printing processes , done with the degree to print .

  4. 基于BP神经网络的印刷字符识别系统

    Machine Printed Character Recognition System Using Backpropagation Neural Network

  5. 基于BP神经网络的印刷色彩质量综合评价

    Printing Color Quality Comprehensive Evaluation Based on BP-ANN Method

  6. 基于神经网络的印刷体数字字符的识别

    Printed numeric character recognigion based on neural network

  7. 他们的客户覆盖所有媒体、网络、印刷,从环境到零售设计,从移动图形到电影片头设计。

    Clients range across all media , from web to print , and from environmental and retail design to moving graphics and film titles .

  8. 对数字化、网络化印刷技术的运用,计算机直接制版技术、传统印刷工艺、设备的发展以及各种新的特种印刷技术的产生和发展都产生了重要影响。

    This article expounds in several aspects like digitalization , the application of web-print technology , making plate directly by computer , traditional print technology , the development of equipment and all sorts of new special print technology .

  9. 浅谈网络环境下印刷型文献的主体地位

    On Main Position of the Printing Document under the Network Environment

  10. 数字媒体与网络出版对印刷业的影响

    The Influence to Printing Industry of Digital Medium and Network Publishing

  11. 网络环境下印刷型期刊的生存和管理

    The survival and management of printed periodicals under the network environment

  12. 网络环境下印刷型和电子型外文期刊协调建设研究

    A Study on Reasonable Construction of Foreign Periodicals under Network Circumstance

  13. 基于神经网络的手写印刷体汉字识别

    The Studies on Handprinted Chinese Character Recognition Based on Artificial Neural Network

  14. 试论网络环境下印刷型期刊的采访与配置工作

    Discussion on the Collecting and Arranging Work of Printed Periodicals under Network Environment

  15. 网络技术使印刷出版业变成一个在很大程度上由数字技术所驱动的行业,进而重写了出版的意义;

    Net technology has made printing and publication , to a large extent , an industry impelled by digital technology . It has also changed the meaning of printing and publication .

  16. 本文就网络环境下印刷版书刊、电子书刊、网络书刊在图书馆信息资源建设中的地位及图书馆如何适应信息资源建设的变革进行了探讨和论述。

    The paper explores the role of printed books , electronic books and network books under Internet environment and discusses how to adapt to the variation of construction of informational resources .

  17. 同样的故事,变成语言发表在专栏或者网络上、印刷成书、以歌曲的形式表现、做成动画、拍成电影、做成游戏或者设计产品来描述等,其交互效果会有很大差别。

    Same story , published in the column or into the language network , printed book , with the form of songs , made animation , film , game or design products made of description , the interaction effect will be very different .

  18. 网络电子期刊替代印刷文本的决策研究

    Substitution of Networked Electronic Journals for Printed Text : A Strategic Study

  19. 网络环境下图书馆印刷型期刊合理配置及利用的研究

    Study on the Rational Distribution and Utilization of Printed Periodicals of Library under the Network Environment

  20. 本文描述了采用这种网络模型实现的印刷体汉字识别系统。

    The paper describes the printed Chinese character recognition system via this kind of the network .

  21. 它可借用一切可用的载体,包括网络,电流,印刷品等在社会中迅速传播。

    It can be transmitted by any useable medium , such as network , electricity , and print .

  22. 结合包装印刷业的特点,本课题提出了利用目前新兴的信息隐藏技术结合传统加密技术,来保护网络传输的包装印刷图像的方案。

    The Information Hiding technology and traditional Cryptography are proposed to use to protect these images in this paper .

  23. 叙述了典藏管理的内涵和传统管理模式,分析了网络环境下对印刷型文献、电子出版物、网络虚拟资源、随书光盘的新的管理模式,提出了搞好典藏管理工作的几点意见。

    This paper has expounded the definition and traditional managerial models of book collection , analyzed the new managerial models for the printed document , electronic publication , Internet resources and CD attached Books , and provides a few pieces of suggestion for promoting the management of the collecting books .

  24. 然后讨论了数字的归一化和特征提取,并在介绍人工神经网络的基础上,提出了一种比较简单的基于人工神经网络的印刷体数字识别方法;

    After that , the normalization of printing numbers and the pick-up of the characteristics are discussed , after the introduction of artificial neural network , a simple algorithm based on artificial neural network is proposed with the purpose of recognition of printing numbers .

  25. 因网络所具有的匿名性、开放性和互动性等技术优势,网络文学相比于印刷性传统文学,拥有巨大的自由,并呈现出平民化风格。

    Based on the advantages of network such as anonymous ? open and interacting , and so on , network literature is different from traditional printable literature and has tremendous freedom .