
  • 网络trapping;TRAP
  1. 列举出标签印刷在印前工作流程中应注意的事项,包括承印物和油墨的选择、陷印操作、拼版特点等。

    The things that should be noted in prepress of label printing are listed , including the selection of printing stock and ink , trapping operation , and the characteristic of imposition .

  2. 基于边界密度的包装印品陷印方法解析

    Analysis of the Method of Packaging Trap Printing Based on Border Density

  3. 从数字陷印技术的基本原理出发,分析在包装印刷中如何进行恰当的陷印处理,以实现完美的印刷效果,并对陷印量的确定提出了计算方法,给出了典型陷印值作为参考。

    The way to make appropriate trapping in packages printing was analyzed beginning from basic principle of digital trapping technology to realize the perfect printing result . The method to the determination of trapping value was put forward and typical trapping value was provided for reference .