
xiānɡ tónɡ chǎn pǐn
  • Same product;identical product, the like commodity, the like product
  1. 论GATT第3条下的相同产品及相关问题

    Research on Like Products and Related Issues under GATT Article III

  2. 传统界定相同产品的标准主要基于产品的物理性质和使用价值,很难与产品的碳含量产生联系。这是以碳含量为基础的低碳经济措施在WTO法中获得正当性的重要障碍。

    Traditional criteria of like product is based on the physical property and use value of products , not considering carbon content of products , which is a key obstacle to low-carbon economy measures .

  3. PPMs是界定相同产品的新兴标准,能使产品生产过程中对环境的影响进入到相同产品的考虑、判断因素之中。

    PPMs is a new criterion of like product , which considers environment impacts of products in their production and process .

  4. 直接竞争或替代性产品以及产品的生产加工方法(PPMs)标准等概念使得相同产品的含义更加复杂化。

    The meaning of like products is made more complicated by the criteria of direct competitive or substitutive products and PPMs .

  5. 我们保证此款是市场相同产品的最低价格!

    We promise the lowest price for this model in the market .

  6. 生产相同产品的企业现象普遍存在。

    Production of the same products enterprise phenomenon exists generally .

  7. 你将会发现,我们给贵公司的报价是相同产品中最低的。

    You will find that we have given you the most favored quotation for the same products .

  8. 个人品牌让你可以在相同产品的海洋中脱颖而出。

    A personal brand gives you the ability to stand out in a sea of similar products .

  9. 竞争当两家以上的公司在自由开放的市场上向同一客户生产相同产品时就产生竞争。

    When two or more companies market similar products to the same customers in a free and open market .

  10. 文中构建的模型证明了封闭经济下不同要素禀赋的国家生产相同产品成本不同。

    A model is constructed and proved that same production has different cost because of factors endowment in different closed economies .

  11. 相同产品,是判断低碳经济措施是否符合国民待遇,是否构成歧视的出发点。

    Like product is the starting point in deciding whether a low-carbon measure is consistent with National Treatment Principle , or is discriminatory .

  12. 如果你们的供货状况不改善,我们不得不从另一供货商订购你们经营的相同产品。

    If your supply conditions don 't pick , we have to switch to another vendor to order the same products you deal .

  13. 为此需要分别对相同产品和直接竞争产品条件下的国民待遇义务运用不同标准进行衡量。

    Thus different criteria for the measurement of nation-al treatment obligations should be justifiably employed in cases of like products and directly competitive products .

  14. 不管怎么样,比较世界市场上相同产品的价格,我们的价格总是很低的。

    Anyway , compared with the prices of similar products on the international market , our price has always been on the low side .

  15. -将进口商对相同产品获得两个标志的时限缩短为不超过3个月。

    – Shorten the time period needed for importers to obtain both marks regarding the same products , to no more than three months .

  16. 这些添加的下载可以为安装工具(如本例中的情况)、所需的维护级别或相同产品或其他产品的修复。

    These additions can be installation tools , as in this case , or required maintenance levels or fixes from the same or other products .

  17. (一)对相同产品或者直接竞争产品的国内生产或者销售采取限制措施;

    Taking restrictive measures over the domestic production or sale of the products that are of the same kind or that directly compete with each other ;

  18. (二)通过补贴消费的形式,消除国内过剩的相同产品或者直接竞争产品;

    Clearing up , by way of subsidizing consumptions , the domestic superfluous products that are of the same kinds or that directly compete with each other ;

  19. 然而,相同产品的范围和界定一直存在争议,并与税收差别、环境保护、贸易保护等交织在一起。

    However , there are disputes on the issues of scope and definition of like products , which mingle with tax difference , environmental protection and trade protection .

  20. 他们说得好听,但这样做会导致通胀,美国家庭平均收入不变前提下,购买相同产品的支出却在不断提升。

    Well says but that will cause inflation because average American Family with the same income , will have to foot out more everything for the same purchase .

  21. 但是在过了一段时间之后,企业领导人发现性质不同的企业不好管理,与专门生产相同产品的公司相比,生产率和经济效益均较低。

    Over time however , business leaders found that managing such diverse enterprises was often difficult , less productive and less profitable than corporations with more narrowly defined product lines .

  22. 这种双重身份决定了农户在同一个市场上出售自身产品获得的实际收入不同于购买相同产品时付出的实际支出。

    The dual-role decides that the real income cannot equal to the actual expenditure when households sell their own production and then buy the same one at the same market .

  23. 实现相同产品功能,可用不同的产品设计方法,因而体现在产品的功能特性、开发周期及其它经济性指标上亦不相同。

    To reach the same product objective function , different product development methods can be selected , the performance , development cycle and economical index of reaching product are different .

  24. 此数学模型是一个关于企业之间的竞争模型,它是假定生产相同产品,在相同环境下两企业竞争,根据它们在某一时期的盈利情况来建立的。

    This paper presents an economic model established by the authors for the competition between two enterprises which are supposed to be under the same condition of production and environment .

  25. 相反,中国更经常地被视为一个“山寨大国”,即蹭其它国家的创意、用自己的庞大劳动力以更低成本生产相同产品的国家。

    The country is instead more commonly seen as one that piggybacks on the ideas of others , using its vast labour force to mass produce the same goods more cheaply .

  26. 这种现象,一方面表明了在一个国度内,相同产品的企业相互之间为各自利益而导演出的恶性竞争;

    This kind of phenomenon , on the one hand , showed in a nation inside , of the same products for their respective interests between enterprises and director out of vicious competition ;

  27. 使用概念非常简单,如果你看上啥,打开相机功能,然后你的手机就能识别出相同产品,或者相似产品让你选择购买。

    The concept is simple - if you see something that you like , you can point your camera at it and your phone will then show you the same item , or similar items , to purchase .

  28. 在单个供应商和多个零售商构成的易逝品两级供应链中,市场终端价格固定,各个零售商对称且在同一区域市场销售相同产品,市场需求不确定;

    In a two-echelon supply chain of perishable goods consisted by a supplier and multi-retailers , the market price is exogenous , the retailers are symmetry and they sell the same perishable product , the market demand is stochastic .

  29. 由于各个国家的生产成本等因素不同,相同产品在不同国家的售价也会不同,因此产生价格上的差异。而平行进口商正是利益了产品价格差异而赚取差价利益。

    Because of the cost is different , and the price of the same product is different in each country , so the different price gives the parallel importers a chance to parallel import the patented products to gain profits .

  30. (二)在专利申请日前已经制造相同产品、使用相同方法或者已经作好制造、使用的必要准备,并且仅在原有范围内继续制造、使用的;

    Where , before the date of filing of the application for patent , any person who has already made the identical product , used the identical process , or made necessary preparations for its making or using , continues to make or use it within the original scope only ;