
  • 网络shopping goods;Shopping Product
  1. 选购品是要进行挑选的商品。

    Shopping goods are items for which customers search .

  2. 基于选购品的商业集聚印象对店铺印象的影响研究

    The Impact of Cluster Image over Store Image Based on Shopping Goods

  3. 在传统购物环境中,应用较广的是将产品分为日用品、选购品和特殊产品。

    While in traditional shopping environments , the widely applied scheme is classified product as convenience products , shopping products and specialty products .

  4. 在选购床品时,伍德夫建议要买加长床单,学校寝室的床比普通双人床要长&照顾个子高的孩子。

    When buying bedding , Woodruff says to be sure to buy extra-long sheets because college beds are longer than the average twin & to accommodate the taller kids .

  5. 选购营养补助品时,以下的因素有多重要?(1为最重要,7为最不重要)

    How do you rank these factors when considering to purchase a health supplement ?( 1 being most important , 7 being the least important )