
  1. 第三方物流产品设计与营销策略

    Third Party Logistics Product Design and Market Strategy

  2. 而且信息对于通过跟踪物流产品的管道也是十分重要的。

    And information is also important in tracking product flow through the logistics pipelines .

  3. 依据物流产品特性界定我国现代物流产业狭义和广义概念。

    Limited and the general concept of industry are defined based on the characteristic of logistic products .

  4. 本文首先介绍了有需求提前期的物流产品/服务的特征,对物流产品/服务的需求提前期在生产和库存中的作用进行了分析,说明了需求提前期对生产和库存的影响。

    This paper first introduces the characteristics of the logistical products or services with a demand-leading time , analyzes its effect in manufacture and inventory .

  5. 国际多式联运中的项目物流和产品物流。

    Item logistics and product logistics in International container multi-model transportation .

  6. 物流机电产品网络化市场开拓支持系统

    Networked Marketing Exploiting and Support Systems for Logistics Electromechanical Products

  7. 现代农村物流金融产品的设计与创新

    The Design and Innovation of the Products for Modern Rural Logistics Finance

  8. 逆向物流中产品回收策略模型的建立与应用

    The Reversion Flows the Product Recycling Strategy Model Establishment and the Administration

  9. 基于逆向物流的产品拆卸管理

    Disassembly Management of Product Based on Reverse Logistics

  10. 物流运输产品市场效果的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation of the Logistics Transportation Products

  11. 物流融资产品是近年来国内新兴的一种金融融资产品。

    Logistic Finance Product ( LFP ) is a new finance product rising recently in China finance market .

  12. 现代物流中产品包装的种类很多,每年因包装防护不当引起的产品破损十分严重。

    There are many types of packaging at the modern circulating process , product damage due to inappropriate packaging .

  13. 第三层是支撑技术层,主要包括面向逆向物流的产品设计、产品跟踪管理、再制造生产计划和调度。

    The third level is supporting technology level , involving product design facing reverse logistics , product track management , production plan and schedule of remanufacturing .

  14. 最后,提供集装箱班轮公司物流服务产品五层次结构的网上展示方法。

    Finally , this thesis provides some methods of how to lay out the five levels structure of logistics service products of Container Line Co on website .

  15. 试析创新产品的价值决定与价值构成物流企业产品定价策略与报价的研究

    On the Value - Determination and Value-Constitution of the Innovated Products ; Research on the Pricing Mechanism and the Establishment of Price Quoting Systems of Logistics Companies

  16. 本文将农产品出口作为一个系统工程(终端市场中间物流优势产品产业合作),对系统工程的主要环节做潜分析,并以此作为总的出口潜力。

    The thesis seem agricultural products export as systems engineering ( terminal market intermediate logistics advantage products industry cooperation ), it is research the potential on the key of systems engineering .

  17. 物流企业产品定价策略与报价的研究产品对象化视角中的劳动价值论与效用价值论&基于现代企业竞争范式角度的探讨

    Research on the Pricing Mechanism and the Establishment of Price Quoting Systems of Logistics Companies On the Labor Theory of Value and the Utility Theory of Value from the Perspective of Product Objectification

  18. 原材料价格持续走软,商界领袖通过利用科技降低劳动力和物流在产品和服务中所占的比重,保证了利润高企,从而成功适应了经济增长放缓的形势。

    Raw material prices continue soft and business leaders successfully adjust to slower economic growth by using technology to reduce the labor and logistical component of goods and services sold ; profit margins stay high .

  19. 其次,为满足货主的个性化需求,提出集装箱班轮公司可通过新产品开发和信息系统的建设,来提供定制化物流服务产品;

    Secondly , in order to satisfying the personalize demand of the consignor , Container Line Co should provide the tailored logistics service which can be got by means of exploiting new products and establishing information system ;

  20. 由于物流金融产品是涉及多方合作的一种创新服务,因此如何在物流金融产品提供者之间进行公平的利益分配以维持合作各方的联盟的稳定性就显得尤为重要。

    Quantitative research content is little , as financial products are innovative service which involved in multi-cooperation . How to distribute benefits among providers of logistic financial products , in order to maintain the stability of coalition partners , become particularly important .

  21. 在这种情况下,物流仅指产品分销。

    Logistics in this situation is sometimes referred to as physical distribution .

  22. 现代物流与农产品流通

    Modern Logistics and Circulation of Agricultural Products

  23. 对不合格采购产品进行更换的保证;物流要求;产品标识和可追溯性;

    Warranty replacement for nonconforming purchased products ; logistic requirements ; product identification and traceability ;

  24. 电子废弃物逆向物流指电子产品从消费者返回到生产者的物流过程。

    Electronic scrap reverse logistics means the physical flow of electronic products from customer to manufacturer .

  25. 作为专业化物流,农产品第三方物流可以大大降低农产品流通成本,提高流通效率。

    As professional logistics , 3PL could reduce circulation cost and improve the efficiency of logistics .

  26. 研究对寿光蔬菜物流中心农产品供应链从物流企业核心竞争力的培育和库存模式两方面进行了优化分析。

    The dissertation does the optimized research from enterprise 's core competitive and inventory management to APSC .

  27. 反向物流是指产品在顾客使用后重新返回加工和销售渠道的过程;再制造是反向物流中昂贵的、使用后剩余价值高的产品的主要再利用形式。

    Reverse Logistics System deals with the returned product from the customer , and returns them to product and distribution channel .

  28. 生产物流是制造产品的工厂企业所特有的,它与生产是同步的,而生产过程又是在一定的车间范围内进行的。

    Productive logistics is special feature of manufacturing corporations , and it is synchronous with the production process carrying through within a workshop .

  29. 基于物料清单的汽配企业物流管理优化产品数据管理中的物料清单自动生成方法研究

    Logistical Management Optimization of Auto Parts Enterprises Based on Bill of Material A Study of Automatic Generation Method of BOM in PDM System

  30. 农产品物流是农产品流通现代化建设的重要内容,对推进农业产业化、现代化具有重要的战略意义。

    The agricultural product is an important content of the agricultural products marketing modernization , which has a strategic significance promoting agricultural industrialization and modernization .