
wù jià shuǐ píng
  • price level
  1. FDI的引进,会通过某种或某些渠道对货币供应量、固定资产投资和平均劳动报酬产生影响,进而推动物价水平的上涨,产生通货膨胀的压力。

    FDI will increase Money Supply Amount , Fixed Assets Investment Amount and Average Wage Amount through one or some channels , then pushing price level up .

  2. 经济增长是物价水平的Granger成因,而物价水平却不是经济增长的原因。

    Economic growth is Granger causes price level , but price level is not the cause of economic growth .

  3. 一些国家的物价水平高,大概是中国国内的十倍

    In some countries , prices are exorbitantly high which are ten as much as that in China .

  4. 一战结束时,英国的公债与国内生产总值(gdp)之比达到140%,物价水平则较战前翻了一番以上。

    The UK emerged from the first world war with public debt of 140 per cent of gross domestic product and prices more than double the prewar level .

  5. 从长期看,实际的GDP水平取决于生产要素和技术,从短期看,宏观经济变量受物价水平的影响;

    From its long term , the actual GDP depends on the main elements and technology of production ; from its short term , the prices have an effect on the variation of macroeconomics .

  6. 购买力平价(purchasingpowerparity)理论认为两国的货币汇率取决于两国货币的购买力,亦即:决定货币购买力的物价水平决定了两国的长期汇率。

    According to the Purchasing Power Parity , the currency exchange rate of two countries depends on their purchasing powers . The PPP can also be explained as the price levels in two countries will determinate the long-term exchange rate .

  7. 本文从汇率的基本功能出发,以物价水平(P)和汇价水平(e)为自变量,建立了有关汇率和经济增长相互关系的分析框架。

    A new framework is built up to analyze the relationship between exchange rate policy and economic growth in this article , starting from the basic functions of the exchange rate and taking price level ( p ) and exchange rate level ( e ) as two variables .

  8. 并对于物价水平有较密切关系的变数,进行pearson相关系数分析,而后进行回归分析以便了解变数间的相关程度。

    The paper also analyzes , with the pearson correlation coefficient , the variables relevant to the price standard , and then with the regression analysis , the correlation extent of the variables .

  9. 但是由ECM模型反映的短期相关关系,外汇储备增加却会由于中央的货币政策干预及不完全的市场机制这两方面的作用,进而不会对物价水平上涨产生显著的影响。

    But by the ECM model reflecting the short-term correlation between the two , because of the central monetary policy intervention and incomplete market mechanism , foreign exchange reserves will not significantly impact on the price level .

  10. 从CPI的指标来看,我国物价水平一直在持续的负增长,此时通货膨胀不仅还未显现,宏观经济甚至还处于通缩之中。

    The statistics of CPI reveal that our national price level has been constantly in negative growth . The trend of inflation has not appeared yet and the macroeconomics is even in a deflation .

  11. 其次,从实证的角度分析了影响物价水平的相关因素,并且结合我国的实际国情,在原有研究的基础上,改进了包括所有这些相关变量的VAR模型。

    Secondly , this paper mainly studies that there are some factors , and these factors influenced the price level by empirical method . Based on Chinese reality , we improve a new VAR model including all above factors preceding research .

  12. 宣布加息前不久,中国央行(PBoC)公布了一份全国城镇储户问卷调查。调查显示,储户对物价水平不满,而且预期物价会继续上升。

    The announcement of the rate rise came shortly after the People 's Bank of China released a survey of depositors that showed their dissatisfaction at price levels and expectations of continued increases .

  13. 为消除CPI中短期波动成分对一般物价水平长期变动趋势的影响,人们提出运用核心通货膨胀作为通货膨胀长期变动趋势的度量。

    For eliminating the influence of long-term change trends in the general price level due to the components of CPI short-term fluctuations , people has maken use of " core inflation " as a inflation measure of long-term change in trend .

  14. 克鲁格曼(Krugman)的国际收支危机模型认为由于政府持续地通过货币创造融资造成货币供给的增加,必然造成国内物价水平的上涨,随之又将带来货币贬值的压力。

    Model of Payment of Balance Crisis ( Krugman ) reckons that the consistent creation of money by government will definitely cause the rising of domestic price level . This will then bring the stress of devaluation to domestic currency .

  15. 因此,我国在根据物价水平的短期波动调整货币政策时,应主要关注CPI等标题通货膨胀指标,但同时也需要前瞻性关注核心通货膨胀指标。

    Consequently , When China adjust monetary policy according to the transitory fluctuations of prices , the headline inflation index such as CPI should be mainly concerned , and the core inflation index should be pay attention to in the same time in a forward-looking way .

  16. 其次,介绍了市场经济体制下我国利率政策的变化、IS-LM模型的构建以及利率与物价水平、经济增长和货币供给量等主要经济变量间的关系。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the changes in interest rate policy of the market economy in China , construction of the IS-LM model and the relationship between interest rate and the main economic variables , for example price level , economic growth and money supply .

  17. 我国物价水平变动的预期效应分析

    The Analysis of the Expectation Effect of Price Change of China

  18. 物价水平的财政决定理论与实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Fiscal Theory of Price Level in China

  19. 我国正处在经济建设的攻坚阶段,寻求稳定物价水平下的经济持续增长,是我国宏观经济调控的重要目标。

    Our country is in the crucial stage of economic construction .

  20. 居民预期物价水平对中国宏观经济变量影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Expectation Effect on Some Chinese Macroeconomic Variables

  21. 它是指一般物价水平普遍地、持续地下降。

    It is the steady come-down of general price indices .

  22. 生态环境补偿费征收对物价水平影响的模型研究

    The levy on eco-environmental compensation fee and its effects on price level

  23. 我国物价水平的非线性调整分析

    A Study of Nonlinear Adjustment For China 's Price Level

  24. 浅论经济增长与物价水平的关系

    On the relationship between economic growth and prices of commodities

  25. 人民币升值对国内物价水平的影响研究

    RMB Appreciation on Domestic Prices of the Impact of Research

  26. 转换之后贷款基准利率调整对产出和物价水平的效应都降低了。

    The adjustment of basic rate has less effect on output and price levels .

  27. 短期内,它会引起居民实际收支余额的下降和物价水平的提高。

    In short terms , it will decrease actual balancing and increase commodity price .

  28. 根据不同的物价水平进行调整后,差异稍稍显得不那么惊人。

    Adjusted for varying price levels , the disparities are a little less dramatic .

  29. 物价水平是受货币政策影响最明显的经济变量。

    The price level is the economic variable that monetary policy influences most strongly .

  30. 排污收费对物价水平的影响研究

    The Study of Pollution Charge Effect on Price