
wú xínɡ shānɡ pǐn
  • intangible goods
  1. 随着Internet和信息技术的发展,无形商品(例如信息产品)成为人们日常消费中日益重要的组成部分,信息产品的销售越来越得到人们的关注。

    With the development of Internet and information technology , intangible goods such as information products becomes more and more important in people ' daily consumption .

  2. 生产无形商品的劳动也创造价值&劳动价值论新探

    The work of producing the intangible goods creates value too & On the labour value theory newly

  3. 适合网上销售的商品主要有有形商品和无形商品。

    Commodities fit for online sales include material commodities and immaterial commodities .

  4. 的确,总部不在中国的有形与无形商品经销商一直在大发横财。

    True , vendors of hard and soft commodities based outside China have enjoyed windfall profits .

  5. 《京都议定书》制定了在全球范围内流动的以碳信用为标志的无形商品的贸易体系。

    The Kyoto Protocol established a trading system for intangible goods flowing worldwide which are typified by carbon credit .

  6. 随着知识经济的发展,以知识产权转让、许可使用为主要形式的无形商品贸易受到了世界各国的普遍关注。

    With the development of knowledge economy , every country in the word widely pay close attention to intangible commodity trade that is made mainly by assignment and license of intellectual property .

  7. 通过这三种市场机制,排放二氧化碳等温室气体成为一种权利,温室气体减排量成为无形商品,具有经济价值,可以交易,这就成为碳交易市场发展的基础。

    Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases become a kind of right , greenhouse gas reduction become invisible commodities , it has economic value , can be traded , this becomes the foundation of the carbon market .

  8. 创造有价值的体验是商业健身俱乐部的营销目标,它既是一种无形商品和服务,又是顾客对健身的精神要求和忠诚内驱,是商业健身俱乐部服务优化的体现。

    It is a marketing goal of the commercial health club to create the valuable experience , intangible goods and service and the spiritual needs and the loyal drive of the customers . It embodies the optimized service of the commercial health club .

  9. 随着世界范围内低碳经济时代的到来,国际碳减排交易体系和市场逐渐成熟,国内的碳减排交易也取得了初步的发展,碳排放成为了一种具有经济价值的无形商品。

    Now the world is in the era of low carbon economy . GHG ( greenhouse gas ) emission trading scheme and related market is being mature gradually and it also achieved initial development in china . Carbon dioxide emission has become a valuable intangible commodity .

  10. 电子商务是基于Internet在双方或者多方之间进行有形或者无形的商品交换活动,因此如何实现公平交换在电子商务中起着至关重要的作用。

    Electronic commerce is the Internet-based exchange of tangible or intangible merchandise between two or multi party , so the fair exchange protocols take important part in the electronic commerce .

  11. 无形资产商品属性研究及其意义

    The Significance of Researching on Commodity Property of Intangible Asses

  12. 第二类模型是研究时变需求的无形变质商品的两仓库库存模型。

    The second part studied two-warehouse value deteriorating inventory model with time-varying demand .

  13. 那么现在让我们转向服务业吧,服务业营销的不是商品而是服务,也可以说是无形的商品比如交通、餐饮服务、职业咨询……

    So let 's shift now to the service sector , which markets not goods but services , intangibles like transportation , food service , career counseling ...

  14. 随着社会生产力的发展,无形服务商品越来越多地进入人们的视线,动漫市场成了一块越来越大的蛋糕,然而我国的这块蛋糕大部分被日本享用了。

    With the rapid development of productivity , intangible service products are drawing more and more attention of people . Now the cartoon market is more like a cake with an increasing size . However , most of this cake in China is enjoyed by Japan .