
  • 网络Behavioral Segmentation;behavior segmentation;Behavioural segmentation
  1. 文章最后讨论了以信息获取为标准进行行为细分的可能性,并试图提出超越管理的新的广告主策略:建立品牌自己的信息资源。

    The paper ends with a discussion of the possibility behavioral segmentation and targeting using the criteria of information search and proposes a new advertiser strategy beyond " management " build the information resource of your own brand .

  2. 移动通信行业多维客户行为细分模型研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on the Multi-dimensional Customer Behavior Segmentation Model of Mobile Communications Industry

  3. 基于K-means算法的中国商业银行零售业务顾客行为细分策略

    Segmentation Strategy on Customer Behavior of Commercial Bank Retail Business in China Based on K-means Arithmetic

  4. 在此基础上,通过对客户行为细分的研究,建立了客户行为特征分组。

    Then , the character group of customer behavior is founded by means of customer value segmentation .

  5. 首先,通过使用基于价值矩阵的行为细分方法将老客户分成四类,并确定了其中的重要客户。

    First , by using behavior segmentation method based on value matrix , customers who have consumed more than one time are segmented into four categories , and the valuable customers are identified .

  6. 在此基础上对现有旅游容量理论遇到的发展瓶颈进行了反思,认为对游客行为细分研究和累积效应是其关键所在,同时对旅游容量理论的研究提出一种新思路并进行了初步尝试。

    Therefore , the bottlenecks of the studies are considered , both the subdivision of tourist behavior and cumulative impact have been suggested as the keys . However , a new method has been introduced and tried .

  7. 通过对目前电信企业客户细分现状以及CRM数据系统实际需求的分析,提出了基于客户价值和客户行为的细分方法,对CRM数据系统电信客户细分模型进行了较为详细的设计与实现。

    According to the analysis of the current status of the telecom customer segmentation and the actual demand of CRM system , the method of segmentation based on customer value and customer behavior were put forward to design and implement in detail for telecommunications customer segmentation model .

  8. 最佳实践是首先要根据客户的行为来细分客户,然后再联接此信息到人口统计属性。

    A best practice is to first segment customers according to their behavior and then link this information to demographic properties .

  9. 基于持卡消费行为的客户细分模型研究

    Research on Customer Segmentation Model of Credit Card Consumption

  10. 基于消费行为的市场细分模型构建与验证&以移动通信行业为例

    Model of Market Segmentation Based on Consumer Behavior : The Mobile Communication Industry Perspective

  11. 论文采用基于客户行为的客户细分方法,引入信息熵增益的决策树算法,来实现电信客户的细分。

    Customer segmentation classification is based on customer behaviors analysis and the decision tree combined with information entropy production .

  12. 政府作为社会的管理者,为实现其社会管理的职能,其行为又可细分为政治市场上运用公权力的政府行政行为和经济市场中市场化运作的政府商业行为。

    To perform the function of social management , the government 's action can be subdivided into the administrative action who exercised public right as a governor and the commercial action who operated on the basis of market as a participator .

  13. 基于消费者行为的移动客户细分研究

    China Mobile 's Customer Segmentation Research Based on Customer Behavior

  14. 基于客户价值和客户行为的电信客户细分研究

    Research on Customer Segmentation of Telecommunications Enterprise Based on Customer Value and Customer Behavior

  15. 第三章:葡萄酒产品差异化营销的基础理论。该部分简要介绍了与产品差异化营销有关的基本概念和基础理论,即产品的整体概念、消费者行为理论、市场细分理论和产品差异化理论。

    Chapter 3 combs the basic conceptions and theories of wine product differentiation , including entire production conception , consumer behavior theory , market subdivision theory and product differentiation theory .

  16. 通过分析客户行为,结合客户细分方法,建立了客户价值模型,提出了客户价值提升的实现框架,探讨了以数据挖掘技术作为主要实现技术的实现方式。

    Through analyzing customer 's behavior and combining the customer profiling technique , we have set up the customer 's value model , have proposed a framework that customer 's value promotes , and have discussed the realization way base on data mining .

  17. 其基本原理是根据市场需求、特征或行为对市场进行细分,开发不同的产品,并针对不同的购买群体组合不同的营销策略以增强产品购买吸引力。

    The basic principle of the marketing is proposed basing on the market demand , characteristics or behavior of the market segments , which are used to develop different products and to put forward different combination marketing policies to the different customers to enhance the attractiveness of the product purchase .

  18. 随着产业的迅速发展,在线旅游企业需要采用更先进的手段对网站进行网站用户行为分析,并且大多在线旅游企业已经积累了足够的用户消费行为信息进行用户细分分析。

    With the rapid development of online travel industry , online travel agencies are requiring more advanced technologies or methods for user behavior analysis when they have enough user behavior information collected .