
  1. 我国钢铁行业规模经济的实证分析

    The Analysis On The Economics of Scale of Steel Industry In China

  2. 对实现我国钢铁行业规模经济的思考

    An analysis of the scale economics involved in the iron and steel industry of China

  3. 美国传媒集团实施全球化、本土化和战略联盟等集中化发展战略,旨在实现传媒行业规模经济和范围经济的要求,增强集团的竞争力,实现传媒集团的总体战略。

    In order to achieve economy of scale and scope of the media industry , to strengthen the competitiveness of the association , and at last achieve the overall strategy , the American media group implementation of globalization , localization , concentration of development strategy .

  4. 回归结果得出国家经济规模,要素禀赋差异和技术进步差异与产业内贸易负相关,而需求相似程度、行业规模经济及直接投资水平与产业内贸易为正相关关系。

    The results prove that the size of the national economy , differences in factor endowments and differences in technological progress are negatively related to intra-industry trade , while the degree of demand homogeneity , industry economies of scale and level of direct investment as positive correlations with intra-industry trade .

  5. 我们已经开始努力寻找出口市场,实现行业的规模经济。

    We have started a drive to find export markets to achieve economies of scale for our industry .

  6. 广东经济的整体发展迫切需要提高区域竞争力,而区域竞争力与产业集聚有着重要的关系,产业集聚能够带来行业的规模经济,有助于本区域产业获取竞争优势。

    Guangdong 's overall economic development is largely based on the enhancement of its regional competitiveness in the world , which is closely related to industrial clusters with scale-economy .

  7. 产业集群能够带来行业的规模经济,有助于本区域产业获取竞争优势。

    Industrial cluster brings about economy in scale , which is helpful to industry in the region to gain competitive advantage and plays a more important role in reinforcing competition of the state .

  8. 区分了内部规模经济和外部规模经济,指出外部规模经济是规模经济的一种新的发展形式,并在外部规模经济中又区分了同行业和各行业规模经济。

    The chapter also differs inner scale economy from outer economy and points out that outer one is the new developing model of scale economy .

  9. 银行业是一个不完全竞争的行业,存在着规模经济,因此追求规模经济成为商业银行海外并购的一种内在动因。

    Banking industry is far beyond a perfect competitive industry , and economies of scale are existed . So the pursuits of economies of scale become Chinese commercial banks ' intrinsic motivation .

  10. 随着资本市场全球化的快速发展,资产重组已经成为各行业上市公司实现规模经济、增强竞争实力、提高公司绩效的重要途径。

    With the rapid development of globalization of capital markets , asset restructuring has become the important way to achieve economies of scale , enhance competitiveness , improve corporate performance in listed companies .

  11. 中国铁路行业相当高的行业集中度、规模经济性以及进入退出障碍表明中国铁路行业是一个高度垄断的产业;

    Remarkably high industry concentrated rate , economy of scale and barriers to entry and exit demonstrate that China railroad industry is a highly monopolized one ;

  12. 第二部分阐明了网络行业的特性,重点分析了网络行业的规模经济和范围经济,继而进一步从网络行业角度分析了电力行业自然垄断的不完全性。

    Part II : This part expounds the characteristic of the network industry and especially analyses the economies of Scale and Scope economies of network industry , then analyses the incompleteness of the natural monopoly of power industry in terms of network industry further .

  13. 进而在研究行业企业行为的基础上,着重从行业经营绩效和行业规模经济这两个方面,深入研究了中国油菜加工业的交易行为与合约行为。

    Then , on researching the enterprise behavior of the profession , it thoroughly studied transacting behavior and the contractual choice of Chinese oilseed rape processing profession from the view of profession management performances and the profession economies of scale emphatically .

  14. 目前我国摩托车生产行业集中度不高,现有的纵向一体化模式不符合行业发展趋势,规模经济不明显,税费过高,市场竞争无序,自主知识产权严重缺乏,应积极探索有针对性的发展对策。

    Now , our motorbike trade is short of concentrate , the vertical model does not conform with the development . The scale economic effective are not appeared . And the tax rate is higher .

  15. 产业进入壁垒低、技术落后、企业组织结构不合理等是其规模不经济的主要原因,应通过加快钢铁行业的兼并重组、提高进入壁垒、技术创新等方式实现我国钢铁行业的规模经济。

    The low entry bulwark , behindhand technology , not reasonable enterprises structure and so on are the main reasons of it . We must quicken the annex and the recombination , increase the entry bulwark , innovate technology to achieve economics of scale .

  16. 本文通过对我国钢铁行业的集中度、企业规模、企业效率等方面的实证分析,指出我国钢铁行业还没有达到规模经济水平。

    Through the analysis of centralization , enterprises scale , enterprise structure , we can know that the steel industry in China has not reached the economics of scale .