
  1. 首先,运用企业战略管理理论和SWOT模型分析决定浏阳市国有粮食行业资源重组模式;

    First , enterprise strategic management theory and SWOT model analysis are adopted to decide the re-structuring mode ;

  2. 该文采用DEA方法,对资源配置进行了有效性分析,并以黑龙江省工业行业资源配置为例进行了实证研究,得出资源配置的有效状态和优化方向。

    Applying DEA to validity analysis of resource allocation , industry in northeast China 's Heilongjiang Province was used as a research example to find effective state and optimizing direction of resource allocation .

  3. 园林行业资源组织的概念体系与描述元数据

    The Concept System and Description Metadata of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  4. 中国主要污染行业资源环境信息共享系统开发研究

    Research on China 's Main Pollution Industry Resource & Environment Information Sharing System Development

  5. 丰富的国内外行业资源;

    Abundant industrial resources both China and abroad .

  6. 资源节约&政府的重要职责仇保兴副部长纵谈行业资源节约

    Resource Saving : an Important Responsibility of the Government & Deputy Minister Qiu Baoxing talks about construction saving industry of

  7. 其商务模式是通过整合行业资源,减少流通环节,为消费者提供性价比高的产品。

    Its business model is the integration of industry resources , reduce the circulation , to provide cost-effective products for consumers .

  8. 受全球并购浪潮的影响,我国也加大了对制造行业资源整合的力度。

    Affected by the wave of global mergers and acquisitions , China has also increased the integrated intensity of the manufacturing sector resources .

  9. 随着木材加工行业资源匮乏的日益严峻,重组装饰材以其环保、经济等优势成为家具用材的新成员。

    As shortage of wood resource , Reconstituted Decorative Lumber becomes a new furniture material for its environmental protection , economic and new functions , etc.

  10. 组建网络化制造联盟,进行专业化协作生产,是整合行业资源、发挥企业核心竞争力的有效途径。

    Establishing networked manufacturing alliance with specialization and cooperation , is an efficient method for integrating the industry resources and bringing core competency of the enterprises into play .

  11. 有资金、团队、创新、技术,同时又有好的行业资源,专注于本行业,突出专业特色才能长久留住用户。

    Funds , team , innovation , technology , and have a good industry resources , focusing on the industry , outstanding professional features can be retain long users .

  12. 因此,出租车需求量变化趋势的预测,是保证城市出租车行业资源优化配置、持续良性的发展以及制定合理的城市交通拥挤政策的前提。

    Therefore , reasonable taxi number trend prediction is to guarantee the city taxi industry resource allocation optimization and continuous benign development and formulate reasonable urban traffic congestion policy premise .

  13. 实证研究分为两个方面,首先采用线性回归方程的方法从行业资源配置的角度测算了我国股市的资源配置效率。

    There are two parts in this empirical study . Firstly , using linear regression method this paper estimates the resource allocation coefficient in terms of resource allocation among different industries .

  14. 资深电视人、社会活动家,现任中国湖南广播影视集团驻北京办主任,拥有丰富的行业资源和管理经验。

    He is a TV Senior , social activists . Now , he is the director of the China 's Hunan Radio , Film and TV Group 's General Office in Beijing .

  15. 论文从资源外包合作双方的整体利益视角出发,在分析影响制造业资源外包合作伙伴关系的相关因素基础上,重点研究了该行业资源外包合作伙伴关系评价的模型方法与指标体系。

    On the basis of analyzing the influencing factors of outsourcing fellowship of manufacturing , the thesis emphases on fellowship evaluating and correlative factors system in view of the whole point of both enterprises .

  16. 因此,合适的城市出租车拥有量是保证出租汽车行业资源优化配置,健康、有序的发展以及城市公共交通体系协调发展的前提。

    So an appropriate taxi number in the city is the premise that can ensure optimized allocation of resources , the healthy and orderly development as well as coordinated development of the urban public transportation system .

  17. 论文以我国国有粮食企业改革改制,以及地方粮食行政管理机关职能转变的总体要求和趋势为背景,采用理论与实际相结合的方法,研究浏阳市国有粮食行业资源的重组方案。

    Taking the general demand and tendency of grain SOEs reform and re-structuring and function transformation of local grain administrations , this thesis reviews the re-structuring scheme of state-owned grain industry resources through combining theory with practice .

  18. 从资源和环境两个方面筛选9项指标,对水泥行业资源能源消耗和污染物排放水平进行了纵向和横向评价。

    Nine indicators were screened by the two aspects of resource and environment states . The vertical and horizontal evaluation was carried out in the level of resources and energy consumption and pollutant emission in cement industry .

  19. 因此,提高公交公司行业资源利用率和办公自动化水平,不论对公共交通领域的可持续发展还是对企业自身核心竞争力的提升都有着无比重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , to improve the bus company industry resource utilization and office automation level , regardless of the sustainable development of the field of public transport , or to enhance their core competitiveness has extremely important practical significance .

  20. 我国文化体制改革日益深入,书业传统秩序和利益格局正在发生根本性变化,行业资源的重组整合正在向全面纵深推进。

    With the cultural system reform deepening increasingly , the traditional order and the benefit pattern of the book industry have been changing fundamentally , and the reorganization and integration of the book industry resources are advancing to the full depth .

  21. 在介绍网格的概念、特点及基本结构的基础上,提出了行业资源共享的网格系统的体系结构以及资源管理模式,并阐述了行业资源管理系统的应用流程及其特点。

    Based on the definition , characteristics and architecture of grid , the architecture and resource management pattern of the grid system are provided to implement the industry resource shares . The application and character of the industry resource shares are also outlined .

  22. 并以人力资源管理理论为指导,充分考虑CS公司所处行业人力资源管理的实际情况,提出了CS公司的人力资源管理构想,对CS公司的人力资源管理具有现实的指导意义。

    And at last , this thesis applied the theory of human resource management to put forward the human resource management countermeasure of CS Company , and has the instructing significance .

  23. 第四部分,应用PEST分析和SWOT分析对水产行业人力资源管理的内外部影响因素进行分析,并作出水产企业人力资源差距分析,探讨水产行业人力资源管理优化的必要性和迫切性。

    The fourth part is analyzing the internal and external influencing factors of HRM basing on the PEST and SWOT analysis . Do a gap analysis and discuss the necessity and urgency .

  24. 本研究的目的是构建BPO从业人员的胜任特征并对其应用进行探讨,对BPO行业人力资源管理工作提出建议。

    The aim of this paper is to explore the competency model of the BPO employee and give suggestions to BPO human resource management .

  25. 未来的十年将是中国3PL企业蓬勃发展的十年,随着3PL企业加大行业间资源整合力度,行业集中度将进一步加强。

    The future decade will be China 3PL enterprises ' decade of the booming development . The degree of industry centralization will be further enhanced with 3PL integrate more resources in industry .

  26. 原因主要在于SCP范式是建立在市场主导的背景下,而景区行业属于资源依托型的行业,景区资源在很大程度上属于国有资产,受到强烈的政府规制。

    The main reason is that the " SCP " paradigm is based on the dominance of the market . However , the trade of scenic areas is resource-based and the scenic resources are mostly state-owned assets under the rigid regulation and control of the government .

  27. 为了快速和准确地获取行业网络资源中的知识,提出了面向行业网络的知识发现及共享服务平台(IONK-DSP)系统框架。

    An industry oriented network knowledge discovery and sharing platform ( IONK-DSP ) was proposed to fast and accurately obtain the knowledge from industry network resources .

  28. 典型制造行业企业资源计划系统应用研究

    The Research on Enterprise Resource Planning System for Typical Manufacturing Industry

  29. 行业信息资源的平台产业内容产品的供应商

    A Platform of Information Source , A Supplier of Industrial Content Product

  30. IT行业人力资源管理模式比较研究

    Comparison and Research of Management Model for Human Resources of IT Industry