
  1. 行政诉讼目的三分论之层次分析

    Arrangement and Analysis of the Three-Parts-Divisions of Administrative Action Purpose

  2. 行政诉讼目的是国家基于对行政诉讼固有属性的认识预先设计的关于行政诉讼结果的理想模式。

    Aim of administrative litigation is ideal type of result of administrative litigation .

  3. 论宪法诉讼的目的行政诉讼目的新论

    On the Goal of Constitution Lawsuit Discussion on the Purpose of Administrative Litigation

  4. 此外,就制度创新和行政诉讼目的之间确立一种良性的互动关系。

    Benign interaction relationship should be established between system innovation and administrative action purpose .

  5. 论行政诉讼目的的唯一性

    The Only Aim of Administrative Lawsuit

  6. 行政诉讼目的研究

    The Administrative Litigation Purpose Studying

  7. 本文意在从法学理论方面对法的目的、诉讼目的等进行层层剖析,进而定位我国的行政诉讼目的。

    The article intended to analysis on the purpose of law and litigation from the aspect of the law theory .

  8. 行政诉讼目的论是行政诉讼法学的一个基础性范畴,它不仅关系着行政诉讼法学的理论建构,而且决定着行政诉讼的制度设计,也影响着行政诉讼的司法实践。

    The theory of the purpose of administrative proceedings is one of the fundamental categories in the sphere of administrative procedural jurisprudence .

  9. 因此实务操作中对起诉的审查设置较高的门槛,不利于行政诉讼目的的实现。

    That the higher threshold to the examination is prosecuted in practice is unfavorable to the realization of the administrative litigation purpose .

  10. 行政诉讼目的是指主体希望通过发挥行政诉讼功能想要实现的价值和追求的结果。

    The administrative proceedings goal is refers to the main body to hope that realizes the value and the pursue result through the display administrative proceedings function wish .

  11. 文章结合行政诉讼目的与新解释之精神,对比其他国家和地区的有关规定,对第三人制度提出新的诠释。

    The article will put forward new interpretations about the system through combining the aims of administrative procedures with spirits of the new interpretation and comparing with related stipulation of other countries .

  12. 考察各国行政诉讼目的的发展历程可以发现,在不同历史阶段,行政诉讼目的的重心不尽相同。

    Through the study of the development of judicial review in various countries , we find that the main purpose of the judicial review is not totally same in different stages of history .

  13. 三是首次提出行政诉讼目的具有多主体多层次性,其应有学理目的、立法目的和司法目的三个层次。

    Third , proposed for the first time the administrative proceedings goal has multiagent multi-level , its should have the scientific theory goal , the legislative goal and the judicial goal three levels .

  14. 行政诉讼目的论是合理构建行政诉讼制度的基础性理论,深刻地影响着&国行政诉讼理论的研究状况和实践的发展方向。

    Theory on purpose , which is a kind of basic theory helping to build administrative litigation system , influences profoundly the current situation of theory on administrative litigation and the developing direction of its practice .

  15. 虽然我国法学界对行政诉讼目的的研究已经数不胜数,但是鲜有人注重从纯粹的法哲学方面对行政诉讼目的进行评析。

    Although law circles of our country has been pay more research on the purpose of administrative litigation , few people pay more attention to the law from the pure legal philosophy respect to comment on it .

  16. 行政诉讼目的作为行政诉讼法的基石,是构建行政诉讼体系的基础,也是行政诉讼制度建立和运行的逻辑起点和内控因素。

    As the cornerstone of administrative procedural law , the goal of administrative proceedings is the foundation of administrative proceedings system . It is also the logical beginning and factor of inside control of the establishment and movement of the administrative proceedings system .

  17. 对实现行政诉讼法目的之具体法律制度的思考

    Consideration on the Law System for Carrying Out the Aim of Administration Lawsuit

  18. 行政诉讼的目的初探

    On the Purpose of Administrative Litigation

  19. 结合行政诉讼立法目的,证据交换制度只适用于第一审程序,其他程序不宜适用;

    Balancing the aims of legalization of administrative litigation , this system is applicable to the first procedure , not other instances ;

  20. 司法变更权制度的完善与否,关系到司法变更权的功能和作用能否充分发挥,也关系到行政诉讼的目的能不能充分实现。

    Whether or not system of judicial power to modification is perfect bears upon not only whether the role of judicial power to modification can be completely played but also whether the goal of administrative litigation can be fully realized .

  21. 建立环境行政公益诉讼的目的是给公众和被管理者提供司法途径参与国家环境管理的权利和机会。

    The purpose of establishing environmental administrative public interest action system is to provide a legal channel , rights and opportunities for the general public to participate in the country 's environmental management .

  22. 在维护与监督之间&《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》立法目的分析

    Goal of the Legislation of Law of Administrative Proceedings : Upholding and Supervising

  23. 论行政诉讼法律制度的目的

    On the Purpose of Administrative Procedural Law System

  24. 论行政诉讼中的合目的性审查

    On the Review of Pro - objective in Administrative Litigation The Nature of Criminal Law

  25. 行政诉讼法律制度的目的理论是构建该法律制度的基础和实施该法律制度的指导。

    The theory on the purposes of administrative procedural law system is both the basis of constructing this law system and the direction of implementing it .

  26. 三是正确厘定《行政诉讼法》的目的、扩大行政诉讼保护范围、保护诉权、提升立法技术;

    Thirdly , correctly define the goal of the administrative procedure law , enlarge the extent of protection of the administrative proceedings , protect the prosecuting right , and promote the skill of legislation ;

  27. 行政民事纠纷关联诉讼刍议行政诉讼目的论

    A Brief Discuss on the Lawsuit of Interrelated Administration and Civil Dispute On the Aims of Adminstrative Litigation

  28. 第二,行政判例制度有利于更好的实现行政诉讼目的。

    Second , administrative case regulations help better implementation of administrative litigation purposes .

  29. 行政诉讼级别管辖制度之完善&基于行政诉讼目的的角度

    Perfect the System of Level Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction & Based on the aim of administrative litigation jurisdiction

  30. 目前,司法实践中行政诉讼呈现出困境状态,这与行政诉讼目的定位不准确有关。

    At present , administrative litigation appear state of difficult position during judicial practice . This is not have nothing to define inaccurately the purpose of administrative litigation .