
xínɡ chénɡ zhī sù
  • action of formation
  1. 婚姻无效之诉从其本质上看,解释为形成之诉更为妥当;

    Marriage nullity , in essence , is a kind of action of formation .

  2. 由于形成之诉的特点,形成力很少受到学者们的关注,留下许多值得研究的问题。

    Because of the characteristics of the action of formation , scholars rarely pay close attention to the formation force , so that lots of questions are left to be studied .

  3. 诉讼法上关于形成之诉的学说和实务的发展导致了形成权概念的产生。

    The development about the theory and practice in procedure law has resulted in forming the concept of the right of formation .

  4. 对于继承回复请求权,通过司法上的诉讼提起请求的情况很多,通常不是确认或者形成之诉而是给付之诉。

    Right of inheritance , judicial proceedings filed request is usually not recognized or the formation of the complaint but the payment claim .

  5. 从功能主义的视角观察,主观之诉与客观之诉,事后补救之诉与事前预防之诉,形成之诉、给付之诉与确认之诉构成了世界范围内行政诉讼类型化的基本模式。

    From the view of functionism , subjective lawsuit and objective lawsuit , remedy lawsuit and prevent lawsuit , shaped lawsuit , present lawsuit and affirm lawsuit , named lawsuit and anonymity lawsuit constitute the basic mode the type of the administration lawsuit in the world .

  6. 随着请求权竞合现象不断出现以及确认之诉和形成之诉的产生,民法请求权和诉讼标的之间的关系开始剪不断理还乱,在不同的诉讼标的理论中,民法请求权地位各异。

    With the concurrence of right to petition and the emergence of interpleader cause and action of formation , the relationship between right to petition and object of litigation became complicated , and thus in different theories , the status of right to petition is different .