
  1. 因此,选择何种旅游形象主体才能最大限度的吸引旅游者,对旅游产业的发展至关重要。

    Therefore , that which kind of the participial part of tourism images is selected for absorbing tourists in maximum is crucial to the development of tourism .

  2. 事实上,随着女性形象主体性的增强,男性作家及其笔下男性人物形象的主体性的内涵和外延就会相应的丰富起来。

    In fact , with the image of the main female sex enhancement , male writers and their pen the main male characters of the connotation and extension will be enriched accordingly .

  3. 研究发现:在信息化的时代,大众传播媒介的发展受到认知主体、形象主体和环境因素的制约,同时也在改变着环境。

    Study found that in the information era , the development of mass media was restricted by the cognitive subject , the image of the subject and the environmental factors . At the same time they were also changing the environment .

  4. 形象权主体为自然人,不包括法人、其他组织及虚构角色。

    The right of the main image is a natural person , not including legal persons , organizations , and his role in fictitious .

  5. 形象权主体是自然人,死者在其死后一定期限也享有形象权。

    The right of the main image is a natural person and is well-known figures or public figures , after the death of the deceased in their right to also enjoy the image .

  6. 设计说明:以可爱卡通形象为主体,主要在于他们的高兴的表情,“常来、常乐”是他们的名字,同时也是广告语,简洁大方。

    Design : with lovely cartoon image as the main body , mainly lies in their happy expression ," often come , always happy " is their names , but also the slogan , concise and easy .

  7. 中国的人物木雕目前多数仍然是以神话或者是民俗生活中的人物形象为主体,带着较强的装饰性,大部分作品还是属于传统的工艺美术范畴。

    The Wood Carving majority of the current situation in China is still a fairy tale or folk life characters as a theme , with a strong decorative , most of the works or part of the traditional arts and crafts areas .

  8. 这些男性形象内在的主体性也因此受到了程度不同的损伤。

    The inherent subjectivity of male images is also affected in varying degrees of damage .

  9. 结语部分指出了比较文学形象学对主体文化和文化对话的注重。

    Conclusion : This part indicates that the Imagology of Comparative Literature pays attention to subject 's culture and cultural dialogue .

  10. 其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。

    His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity .

  11. 九江旅游形象的传播主体即九江政府及城建的领导者、策划者以及九江区域的全体城市居民,传播受众是旅游者和潜在旅游者。

    The main body for communication of tourist image of Jiujiang is the government and the urban leaders , designers as well as the entire city dwellers .

  12. 拉康将人类的心理分为三个阶段,想象级、符号级以及现实级,但同时他认为自恋形象是人类主体形成的最基本条件。

    Lacan divides human psyche into three stages , the Imaginary , the Symbolic and the Real , and he regards the narcissistic image as the basic condition for human identity .

  13. 评述大型舞剧《南风》舞美设计的立意、形象选择和主体语汇的创新与运用、造型与制作技术的综合运用。

    Comment of the dance drama South Wind such as dancing conception , image choice , blazing new trails of main dancing expressiveness and comprehensive application of would making and technical processing .

  14. 真实人物形象权的主体不应仅仅局限于知名人物,而是每个人都可以成为其权利主体;客体则应是蕴含于形象中的商业价值;真实人物形象权的内容主要涉及形象的使用权问题。

    The subject should not be confined to the well-known figure , but everyone can become the right subject . Object should be the commercial value which is contained in image of owner .

  15. 本文讨论的四个词,即文学还是出版物、形象思维、主体性还是主观性、本体论,都是通过翻译出现在汉语语境中的。

    The four terms discussed in this paper , namely , literature or publication , imaginative thinking , subjectivism or subjectivity and ontology , all came into Chinese context by means of translation .

  16. 城市政府扮演着城市形象管理的主体和重要载体这双重角色,政府行为能引导城市形象的定位、保障城市形象优化的科学性方向和提高城市形象传播的有效性。

    City government plays dual roles as main part and important carrier of the management of city image . The government behavior can guide the conduct of position fixing of city image , guarantee the scientific direction of image optimization and exaltation the effectiveness of dissemination of the city image .

  17. 张爱玲的小说《霸王别姬》中虞姬形象体现了女性主体意识觉醒的二重性。

    The character of Concubine Yu in Farewell , Concubine reflects the duality of the awakening of women 's subjective awareness .

  18. 传者形象,即活动主体的形象具有隐蔽性,可在客体形象塑造过程中间接呈现。

    The image of the Communicator is elusive , but can be found indirectly in the process of shaping the objective images .

  19. 即农产品品牌存在品牌形象、品牌拥有主体的特殊性和品牌效应的外部性,这是农业产业化经营品牌战略研究的基础。

    The particularities of brand image and the brand that owned and the externality of brand effect are the foundation of agricultural industrialization management brand strategic research .

  20. 表现在文学创作和文学批评中,存在着妇女观与女性文学形象、男性霸权主体话语与女性反叛形象话语的双重悖反。

    His literature creation and literature comments express much double paradox about female viewpoint and female literature images , male hegemony principal words and female critical visual words .

  21. 从传播学的基本原理出发,河南旅游形象传播的三大要素就是传播主体、形象主体和传播受众。

    Based on the basic principles of communication , the major elements composing the tourist image of Henan are , communication main body , visualized main body , and communication audience .

  22. 首先,形象权起源于隐私权,隐私权的主体为自然人,法人与虚构角色都不具有隐私权,因此形象权主体也限于自然人。

    The origin of the right of publicity to privacy , the subject of privacy is a natural person , legal persons and fictional literary characters do not have the right to privacy , therefore , the main image of the right to be limited to natural persons also .

  23. 提出河南旅游形象的概念,认为应以形象硬件和形象软件为基础,以传播主体、评价主体、形象主体为依托,树立和传播河南旅游形象,高起点发展河南旅游业。

    Based on the hardware image and the software image and supported with " transmissional subject " . " commentary subject " and " imaginary subject ", we can build and transmit Henan tourist image , and then develop Henan tourist industry from a high jumping-off point .

  24. 论文论述了形象营销的特征及作用,尝试以企业形象、产品形象、服务形象等为主体构建形象营销体系,并提出了企业形象营销的运作模式。

    Thesis discusses the feature and function of image marketing , attempted that regard corporate image 、 production image and service as main part to build image marketing system , and put forward operating model of corporate image marketing .