
  1. 本文结合社会主义市场经济,从现代市场营销观念出发,论证企业形象促销的战略意义和实施方法。

    Abstract In this article , in the light of socialist market economy , the author demonstrates the strategic significance and implementing methods of the enterprise image-promoting asles from the modern marketing view .

  2. 传统促销模式下,旅游景区形象促销功能和旅行社线路促销功能不同步,景区的促销效果和景区的发展空间受到制约。

    Under the traditional marketing pattern , the function of marketing for tourist scenic spot image and the function of marketing for tour lines of travel agency are asynchronous , which restricts the marketing results of and the developing space for scenic spots .

  3. 旅游地形象联合促销行为的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of the United Image Promotion Action in Tourist Destinations

  4. 这款手表是深受广大成功人士喜爱,更是企业、商家提高自身品牌形象,促销、馈赠的好产品、好载体。

    This watch is deeply loved , successful business enterprise , enhance the brand image , promotion , the legacy of a good products , good carrier .

  5. 以树立品牌形象为主的促销策略;

    Setting up the brand - oriented promotion policy ;

  6. 因此其重要性依次为内在核心价值、内在一般价值、品牌、服务、外观形象、广告促销。

    As a result , the sequence is value , brand , service , appearance , and advertising in order of importance .

  7. 建立基于WebGIS的旅游信息系统对发展旅游业,提高旅游的公众形象,进行旅游促销,辅助旅游决策和进行旅游管理,起着不可低估的作用。

    It is quite significant to build geographical information system for developing tourism , improving the public image of tourism , promoting tourism , helping decision-making in tourism management and managing tourism based on Web GIS .

  8. 包括企业形象推广、广告促销、多手段整合促销、人员促销等具体的促销策略。

    Including corporate image , advertising promotions , and more means of integrated marketing , promotions and other personnel specific promotional strategies .

  9. 提出旅游偏好既和外国游客本身特质有关,又与目的地国的国度形象、旅游宣传促销密切相关;

    It is closely related not only to foreign visitors ' own special characteristics , but also to the state image and travel promotion of the destination country .

  10. 品牌宣传培训优势:强有力的品牌策划,广告宣传,统一形象宣传,统一促销方案,统一培训,随到随学。

    First , brand awareness training advantages : a strong brand planning , advertising , unified image of the publicity , unified marketing program , unified training , pick school .

  11. 其次是强化行销组合将弱势转化为强势,再则应改善民宿的环境与管理,以发展其特色与形象,并加强促销使威胁减至最低。

    The next , should enhance marketing for transferring the weaknesses into strength , and improve the home-stay environment in order to develop characteristic and image for reducing the threat moreover .

  12. 通过分析商标形象的构成要素、商标形象的促销作用以及对包装形象的意义,论述商标形象设计对包装形象的影响。

    The inscape of trademark , the sale promotion function , and the meaning of trademark image were analyzed . The influence of trademark image design to package image was discussed .

  13. 在政府主导模式中,旅游目的地形象包装战略、形象推广战略和形象促销战略构成了旅游目的地形象营销的主要内容。

    Among government leading mode , travel destination image packing strategy , image popularizing strategy and image promoting strategy form the main content of the destination image marketing of the travel .