
xínɡ zhènɡ péi chánɡ qǐnɡ qiú
  • claims for administrative compensation
  1. 原审判决遗漏行政赔偿请求,第二审人民法院经审查认为依法不应当予以赔偿的,应当判决驳回行政赔偿请求。

    In the event that the judgment of original instance omitted administrative compensation claims and that the people 's court of second instance considers it ungrounded to make compensation after trial , it shall reject the administrative compensation claims .

  2. 因此,当事人在提起行政诉讼的同时一并提出行政赔偿请求的,应当分别立案,以保障审判公正。

    Therefore , when parties of administrative litigation present a claim for administrative indemnity , the court shall file cases separately to secure the justice of the judgment .

  3. 我国《国家赔偿法》和《行政诉讼法》都明确规定,行政相对人单独提出行政赔偿请求,必须经过行政赔偿先行程序。

    According to " National Compensation Law " and " Administrative Procedure Law " of our country , individual demands on compensation should undergo the administrative compensation priority procedure .