
  • 网络behavior imitation;Imitative behavior;Behavior Modeling;mimesis
  1. 镜像神经系统在语言进化、动作识别与理解、行为模仿等方面都起着重要的作用。

    Mirror neuron system plays important roles in language evolution , action recognition and understanding , behavior imitation and so on .

  2. 基于行为模仿的机器人学习方法的研究

    Study on Robot Learning by Imitation

  3. 一个范例提供一种社会暗示,观察者做出与之匹配的反应,这种反应的强化就增强了行为模仿的趋势。

    A model provides a social cue , the observer performs a matching response , and its reinforcement strengthens the tendency to behave imitatively .

  4. 健美操隐蔽课程因素对学生的作用机理为:自我认知、意识分化、困难磨砺、情境陶冶、舆论监督、环境暗示、行为模仿、交际学习、情绪感染等;

    The aerobics conceals the function mechanism to students of course factor : the self-cognition , consciousness splits up , difficult and temper , monitor in situation , the supervision by public opinion , environment hint , imitate behavior , communication study , mood are infected etc.

  5. 本文运用演化博弈理论研究企业自主创新行为、模仿创新行为与市场结构的演化,研究表明,在满足一定的条件下,市场中进行自主创新投资的企业的比例以及市场结构将演化稳定。

    The relation of independent innovation , imitative innovation behavior and evolution of market structure is studied .

  6. 父母吸烟的话,他们成了抽烟行为的模仿对象,孩子们经常会模仿他们父母的行为。

    When parents smoke , they model smoking behaviour , and children often copy what they see their parents do .

  7. 通过对人的相对低层次认知行为的模仿可以改善计算机感知外部世界的能力。

    The ability of computers to perceive outside world is very poor , that could be improved by simulating human beings ' low level cognitive function .

  8. 从理论上而言,范文模仿法是以行为主义的模仿理论为基础的。

    Theoretically , model & imitation practice is based on the imitating theory of behaviorism .

  9. 随着我们不断研发这种智能,自主家用型机器人,机器人也会不断进化,到时候它能够通过观察人类的行为,或者模仿其他机器人来学习新的技巧。

    And as we move towards these intelligent , sort of autonomous domestic robots , in the future , the robots will be able to learn new skills by observing other humans do them or by learning from other robots .

  10. 人类有两种行为方式,即模仿和创新。

    The mankind has two kinds of behaviors , namely imitate and innovate .

  11. 在特殊情况下,狗狗甚至可以受到人类行为的影响并模仿人类行为。

    Under special circumstance , dogs can even be influenced by and imitate human behavior .

  12. 具体给儿童呈现了一个假装行为和一个模仿行为,考察儿童能否根据他人的知识状态成功辨别这两种高度相似的动作以及能否利用知识状态来推断假装者的心理表征。

    We present a pretending action and a copy action and ask children to recognize them according to others ' knowledge state .

  13. 模仿是个人自觉或不自觉的重复他人的行为的过程,模仿是学习的基础。

    Imitation is the process that an individual repeat the behavior of others consciously or unconsciously and it is the foundation of learning .