
  • 网络project;project-based learning;project approach;project-based teaching;project-learning
  1. 高职C语言的双循环项目教学法

    Teaching Methods of Double-Cycle Project in C Programming Language

  2. 在《VB程序设计》教学中开展项目教学法的研究

    The Study on Developing the Project Didactics in 〈 VB Program Design 〉 Teaching

  3. 采用项目教学法进行《SqlServer2000数据库管理系统》的课程教学,有利于学生系统地掌握数据库管理技术,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。

    Items teaching for SQL Server 2000 Data Bank Management System is beneficial to master technology of data bank and improve the ability of analyzing and solving problems for students .

  4. 单片机课程的教学偏重于操作和实践活动,项目教学法的选择显得水道渠成。

    Teaching of single microcomputer is based on operation and practice .

  5. 谈项目教学法在IT故障诊断课中的应用

    The Application of Item Teaching Method in IT Fault Diagnosis Class

  6. 项目教学法在水体污染监测实践教学中的应用

    Application of Project Teaching Method in Water Pollution Monitoring Practical Teaching

  7. 项目教学法在动物饲料配方设计中的实践与探索

    The Practice and Exploration of Project-based Teaching in Animal Feed Formulation

  8. 项目教学法在计算机应用基础实训课中应用的五要素

    Five Factors of Project Teaching Method in Computer Application Training Courses

  9. 德国职教项目教学法的理论研究与实践及推行策略

    Researches on Theory of German Project Approach and Practicing & Implementing Strategy

  10. 项目教学法在网络操作系统管理课程链中的应用

    The Application of Project-Based Teaching on the Chain of NOS Management Curriculum

  11. 机械制造基础课程项目教学法的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of the Project Teaching of Mechanical Manufacture Basic Course

  12. 单片机课程项目教学法的探索和实践

    Research and Practice of Project Instructional Method of Single Microcomputer

  13. 网上英语写作与项目教学法研究

    Online English Writing and Project-based Learning : A Case Study

  14. 基于工作任务的项目教学法在通信类课程中的应用探讨

    Application of project approach based on tasks in courses related to communications

  15. 项目教学法在《模拟电路分析与实践》教学中的实践

    Practice of Project-teaching Model in Analog Circuit Analog and Practice

  16. 基于项目教学法的CAD/CAM教学实践与思考

    The Teaching Practice And Thinking Of Project-based Teaching About CAD / CAM

  17. 浅析项目教学法在汉语课堂教学中的运用

    Analysis of the Teaching Approach in the Teaching of Chinese

  18. 实施项目教学法做好课程改革的探索

    Exploration on Curriculum Reform by Carrying out the Project Approach

  19. 项目教学法在《国际结算》课程教学中的运用

    The application of project teaching method in the course of international settlements

  20. 项目教学法在计算机语言程序设计课程教学中的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Item Teaching Methodology in Computer Language Programing Design Course

  21. 项目教学法在《幼儿园活动设计与实践》课程中的运用

    Project Teaching in the Kindergarten Activity Design and Practice

  22. 项目教学法在基础护理技术教学中的应用

    Application of Project Teaching Methods in Teaching of " Basic Nursing Skills "

  23. 项目教学法在《数据库原理及应用》实验教学中的应用

    Project Pedagogy Application in Experimental Teaching of the Principle & Application of Database

  24. 以案例为引导的项目教学法在组网教学中的应用

    The Application of the Project Teaching Introduced by Cases in the Network Teaching

  25. 项目教学法在高职院校数字电路课程中的应用

    The Application of Project-teaching in the Digital Circuit Course of Higher Vocational Colleges

  26. 浅析项目教学法在新媒体艺术教学中的应用

    A Brief Study on Project Teaching Methods Application in New Media Art Education

  27. 化学检验技术课程项目教学法的实践与研究

    Projects Teaching and Practice Research of Chemical Testing Technology

  28. 项目教学法在《电机拖动与控制》教学中实施的探讨

    The Research of Project Teaching Method in " Motor Drive and Control "

  29. 项目教学法在现代远程计算机教学中的研究

    The Research and Application of Computer Teaching in the Modern Long-distance Teaching Project

  30. 项目教学法实施过程中的问题、分析与对策

    The Question and Solution of Classroom Project Teaching