
  1. 以VaR方法为例,建立了基于VaR的投资项目组合风险度量优化体系,规范了投资项目组合风险的分析与度量过程。

    Then VaR-based Optimization project portfolio system is established . This standardizes the risk analysis and measurement process .

  2. 公路项目投资风险度量和应对研究

    Study on Risk Evaluation and Handling of Highway Investment

  3. 本文的研究成果以项目投资风险度量为手段探究了以往相关研究的关系,并引入了风险评价的质量功能展开方法。

    The dissertation investigates the relation among previous findings by means of risk measurement .

  4. 工程项目投资风险度量与模拟及收益优化模型研究

    The Study on Measurement , Simulation and Return Optimizing of Engineering Project 's Investment Risk

  5. 风险投资具有高风险性,因此对风险投资项目进行风险度量是非常重要的。

    The venture capital has the noble character danger , therefore carries on the risk measure to the venture capital project is extremely important .

  6. 项目风险利润综合度量及应用

    A Synthesize Measurement of Project Risk Profit and Its Application

  7. 通过对风险分布的研究,对项目风险进行了度量;

    At last , through the study on risk distribution function , this paper measures the risk of project funded by venture capital .

  8. BOT项目经济风险指标及其度量方法

    Index and measurement of economic risk for BOT project

  9. 基于区间数的输电投资项目经济评价与风险度量

    Economy Evaluation and Risk Measurement of Interval-based Transmission Investment Project

  10. 数字用来划分风险等级的,并用于给整个项目风险的降低以度量。

    This number is used to rank the risks , and to measure the decrease in overall project risk .

  11. 两阶段风险贝叶斯网络建模方法,充分考虑了软件项目风险管理与软件度量数据的特点,将专家经验等定性知识与软件度量、项目案例数据等定量知识紧密结合,提高了风险模型的准确性。

    The two-stage modeling method takes into account the characteristics of software project risk management and software metrics data , integrates qualitative knowledge and quantitative data .