
  • 网络Procurement management;Project Procurement Management;Project Purchasing Management
  1. 项目采购管理几乎贯穿整个工程的项目生命周期。

    Project procurement management passes through nearly the entire project the project life cycle .

  2. 希望此文能对管道局在今后的国际项目采购管理发展和改革过程中提供借鉴并发挥引导作用。

    This paper can provide reference and direction in CPP future international project procurement management .

  3. F公司基于委托代理关系调整的项目采购管理策略研究

    Research on Project Purchase Management Strategy of F Company Based on Adjusting Agent Relation

  4. 通过A公司为GE公司量身定做开发新产品的案例,试图从项目采购管理的角度,特别是供应商的选择与成本控制以及采购周期几方面来探讨项目采购管理如何帮助项目的成功。

    Through the case that Company A develops new products specially for GE company , it is tsied to find out how project sourcing management helps to make the project succeed , especially from the aspects of suppliers'choice , cost control and purchase lead time .

  5. 工程项目采购管理的实践与探讨

    The practice and search on the method purchase to engineering material

  6. 企业服务外包项目采购管理的研究和应用

    Procurement Management Research and Application for Service Outsourcing Project of Enterprises

  7. 一体化供应链下的项目采购管理与供应商管理战略

    Project Purchasing Management and Supplier Management Strategy in the Integrated Supply Chain

  8. 大型石化项目采购管理全过程控制探究

    Complete Procurement Control Investigation of Integrated Petrochemical Complex

  9. 如何将经典的项目采购管理方法融入实际工作并解决现实问题。

    How to use classic project procurement management methods into the practical work and solve practical problems .

  10. 最后通过具体的实例进一步论证了项目采购管理&合同生命周期管理方法的先进性和可操作性。

    Paper finally through a specific example further demonstrates procurement management-contract lifecycle management method the sophistication and operability .

  11. 如何在全国范围内进行项目采购管理,并对项目采购实施控制,已成为房地产开发企业亟待解决的管理问题。

    How to conduct a nationwide multi-item purchase management and control it has become a management problems for the real estate development enterprises .

  12. 项目采购管理包括合同管理和变更控制过程,它们是管理由授权的项目团队成员签发的合同或采购订单所必需的。

    Project Procurement Management includes the contract management and change control processes required to administer contracts or purchase orders issued by authorized project team members .

  13. 健全的项目采购管理方法可以降低项目成本,避免合同纠纷、保证按期支付并防止贪污浪费。

    Sound management of the project procurement method can reduce the project cost to avoid contract disputes , ensure the payment schedule , and prevent corruption and waste .

  14. 项目采购管理包括为完成工作必须从项目外购买或获取产品、服务或成果的过程。

    Project Procurement Management includes the processes to purchase or acquire the products , services , or results needed from outside the project team to perform the work .

  15. 项目采购管理是项目管理重要领域之一,也是现代企业(公司)经营管理的重要组成部分。

    Project Procurement Management is one of the important areas of project management , but also the important part of the operation and management of modern enterprises ( companies ) .

  16. 接着阐述了采购管理优化实施的前期准备和注意的具体问题,需要建立项目采购管理团队,并提出了优化的难点。

    After that , the research discussed previous arrangement and detailed issues which need to pay attention to in optimization of purchasing management , need to create project purchasing management focus team , point out the difficult of optimization .

  17. 本文旨在为国际EPC工程项目物资采购管理的研究提供参考。

    This paper aims to provide a reference for the study of materials procurement and management of international EPC projects .

  18. 依照项目采购计划管理yanbu出口炼油厂项目管线包sp-2期间采购活动管理要求。

    Requirements for management of procurement activities undertaken during the Yanbu export refinery project pipelines package sp-2are to be managed in accordance with the project procurement plan .

  19. 协助项目采购经理管理部门的日常事务。

    Cooperate with Procurement Manger to manage the departmental daily routine .

  20. 阿尔及利亚总承包项目采购进度管理研究

    The Research of Procurement Progress Management for EPC Contract Project in Algeria

  21. 项目采购物流管理控制之管见

    Analysis on Management Control of Project Purchase and Logistics

  22. 第2章工程项目采购风险管理的国内外研究现状。

    The research status at home and abroad of project procurement risk management .

  23. 扬巴项目物资采购管理模式及启示

    Procurement Mode of BYC Project and Inspiration Thereof

  24. 中油管道物资装备公司国际项目采购成本管理研究

    Research on International Project Procurement Cost Management in China Petroleum Pipeline Material and Equipment Corporation

  25. 浅析项目物料采购管理

    On Material Procurement Management of the Project

  26. 软件项目外包采购管理的探讨

    Research on Software Projects Outsourcing Management

  27. 对与国外公司合作的某总承包项目的采购管理工作进行了分析。

    The purchase management of an EPC project in cooperation with a foreign company is analyzed .

  28. 工程项目的采购管理

    Procurement Management in Engineering Project

  29. 在项目的采购管理中,由于供应商是根据项目的需求而临时获取的,缺乏企业采购的稳定性,因此,其对供应商的管理问题就显得尤其突出。

    The suppliers are based the temporary needs of the project , lacking the stability existed in corporate procurement , and therefore the supplier management issues is in particular .

  30. 本文结合了采购的特点和建筑业生产的基本特征,对工程项目的采购管理进行了研究:分析工程项目采购管理的内涵:分析了建筑业采购对成本的影响;

    Procurement management in engineering project was studied by the basic characteristics of procurement and architectural production . In addition to this , the meanings of project procurement management and the influence of procurement on cost were analyzed .