
  1. 水运工程项目招标采购的风险评价

    Evaluation of Procurement Risk for Port and Waterway Engineering Projects

  2. 浅议基建项目物资招标采购

    On the goods purchasing by the way of bidding in capital construction project

  3. 世界银行贷款项目国际竞争性招标采购程序

    Introduction on International Competitive Biding Procurement Procedure for the Loan Project of the World Bank

  4. 物资采购项目的招标管理实现采购项目申请、公开招标、邀请招标、竞争性谈判、询价采购、单一来源采购等功能。

    Material purchasing project bidding management realizes the purchasing project application , public bidding and inviting bidding , competitive negotiation , inquiry procurement , single source procurement and other functions .