
  • 网络the Austrian School
  1. 奥地利学派人类行为研究方法容易滑向不可知论泥淖。

    Austrian school 's human action methodology easily slides into agnosticism .

  2. 先是对奥地利学派的企业家才能理论进行论述,分析其形成的思想基础和基本含义。

    Firstly it discusses the entrepreneurship theory of the Austrian School , analyzing its ideological foundation and basic meaning .

  3. 奥地利学派的创业理论认为,市场非均衡提供了创业机会。

    Austrian theory of entrepreneurship suggests that market disequilibrium provides entrepreneurial opportunities .

  4. 奥地利学派创业研究认为,经济自由有利于创业发展。

    Austrian entrepreneurial theory suggested that economic freedom has a positive impact on entrepreneurship .

  5. 新奥地利学派:产业组织学的行为流派

    Neo-Austrian School : Action School of Industrial Organization

  6. 与此同时,这剂奥地利学派的解毒药却没有引起多少注意。

    Meanwhile the Austrian antidote gets little attention .

  7. 还是哈耶克为代表的奥地利学派?

    Or Hayek 's Austria school ?

  8. 哈佛学派、芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派等现代竞争理论则是在动态环境下研究竞争。

    Harvard school , Chicago school , Neo-Austrian school , etc. employed dynamic methods to study competition .

  9. 新馆运行前期准备工作的组织与实施新奥地利学派:产业组织学的行为流派

    The organization and practice of the preparation for a new action library Neo-Austrian School : Action School of Industrial Organization

  10. 当时,奥地利学派已经成为背负“异端学说”声名的美国经济学家中的少数派。

    By then , Austrian economics had become a minority movement among US economists , who were beset by heresy hunting .

  11. 第二章,介绍了规模经济问题的理论观点。综述了马克思的有关理论观点,介绍了哈佛学派、芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派有关钢铁产业规模经济的观点。

    The second chapter introduces theoretic views of steel industry scale economy including Marxism 、 Harvard School 、 Chicago School and Neo-Austrian school .

  12. 第四部分主要介绍奥地利学派经典人物米塞斯和哈耶克的核心经济理论,以及两人经济理论的评价。

    The fourth part introduces the core , revelation and evaluation of economic theories of Mises and Hayek , two representatives in the Austrian school .

  13. 新奥地利学派的奠基者哈耶克的一些思想对今天西方经济思想的发展和经济政策主张的变化都有着重要而又深远的影响。

    Hayek , who is the founder of Neo-Austrian school , has great and deep impact to current development of western economic thoughts and economy cycle theory .

  14. 克拉克的边际效用价值论是边际生产力分配论的前提,是在对奥地利学派理论修正的基础上提出来的。

    Clark is the marginal utility theory of value marginal productivity theory of distribution of the premise is correct in the Austrian theory based on the past .

  15. 本文的第三章引入奥地利学派商业周期理论,对系统性风险形成的根源从理论上进行了一般性的分析和探讨。

    The paper firstly illustrates relative theories of financial supervision , and then introduces trade cycle theory of Austrian School to explore into the root of systematic risks .

  16. 第五部分主要介绍一些对奥地利学派自产生以来最多的批判声音的评论,以及奥地利经济学派的最新发展状况。

    The fifth part discusses some critical voice since the Austrian school came into being , as well as the latest development of the Austrian school of economics .

  17. 因此,追寻奥地利学派历史踪迹,并结合其理论特色对当代问题进行深刻反思极具现实意义。

    Thus it is of great practical significance to follow the historical trace of the Austrian school and think about the contemporary problems deeply by combining with its theoretical features .

  18. 同时,产业组织理论的新奥地利学派也一直坚持市场竞争的动态性,他们的研究中含有大量的演化思想。

    At the same time , new Austria School always insist the dynamic of the market competition in the industrial organization theory , and contain large number thought of evolution .

  19. 奥地利学派虽然从动态的角度出发研究产业组织问题,但它主要关注的是市场,忽略了企业,并且其理论缺乏系统性。

    Although Austrian school study the topic of industrial organization from the dynamic point of view , but it is mainly concerned with the market . And it neglects the enterprise .

  20. 政府资金运动与货币供给量之间是否相关,以及政府存款是否应该计入货币供给量成为国外货币金融理论界争论的一个焦点,特别是货币学派和奥地利学派的观点分歧较大。

    Whether there is relation between the government funds and money supply and the government deposits should be included into the money supply are the hot topics in the financial circle .

  21. 这场争论见证了宏观经济思想对立学派间存在的严重分歧&凯恩斯主义者赞成财政刺激,货币主义者和奥地利学派的追随者则认为财政刺激要么无效、没必要,要么太危险。

    It saw rival schools of macroeconomic thought in violent disagreement & Keynesians favouring a fiscal boost versus monetarists and followers of the Austrian school who thought it either ineffective , unnecessary or risky .

  22. 芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派等现代竞争理论则是在动态环境下研究竞争。本文对这些理论进行全面而系统的阐述和分析。

    This paper makes an all-round and systematic analysis on modern theories of competition , such as the Chicago School of Economics and the Neo-Austrian School of Economics that analyze competition from a dynamic angle .

  23. 首次将奥地利学派机会发现观与新古典机会发现观以及行为学派机会发现观进行了深入比较分析,深化了人们对创业机会发现理论的理解。

    We firstly made a comparative study of Austrian opportunity discovery viewpoint , Neo-classical opportunity discovery viewpoint and Behavioral opportunity discovery viewpoint , enhanced our understanding on the theories of entrepreneurial opportunity discovery . 3 .

  24. 通过回顾奥地利学派的主观主义认识论的思想方法,本文猜测,未来交易费用经济学范式的复兴和发展可能有赖于其吸纳奥地利学派的主观成本论。

    Through a review of the subjective epistemology of the Austrian school , the author supposes that the future of the economic model of transaction cost may rely on the subjective theory of cost by the Austrian school .

  25. 一些奥地利学派的经济学家曾论断称,经济衰退在消除非理智投资方面是有一定价值的,而试图时时刻刻保持经济全速前进只会为将来埋下祸根。

    Some economists of Austrian origin have claimed that recessions have their value in liquidating unwise investments and that attempts to keep the economy going full blast all the time only store up greater trouble for the future .

  26. 从市场过程理论出发,结合行为学派和资源基础理论,透过机会发现、评价和利用三个阶段对创业过程展开深入分析,构建了奥地利学派创业过程的基本分析框架。

    Combining with cognitive psychology and resource-based theory , we examined entrepreneurial process with three phases of opportunity discovery , evaluation and development based on market process theory , designed an analytical framework of Austrian entrepreneurial process . 4 .

  27. 在这一方面,由门格尔奠基并经米塞斯、哈耶克等发展起来的现代奥地利学派及其市场过程理论可以为我们分析和判断微观经济干预的合理性提供一个新的理论视角。

    In this respect , modern Austrian economics school and their market process theory , which are founded by Menger and then developed by Mises and Hayek , could provide a new theoretic perspective for analyzing and justifying the micro-economic intervention .

  28. 本文利用中国大陆31个省市2002年到2006年的相关统计数据作为样本,运用结构方程模型检验了经济自由与创业活动之间的关系,并应用奥地利学派市场过程理论对此进行了分析。

    Based on the cross-sectional data of all the mainland provinces and municipalities from 2002 to 2006 , we , using SEM , tested the relationship between economic freedom and entrepreneurship in China , and gave interpretation by market process theory .

  29. 早在西班牙经院哲学家的思想中就蕴含着自生自发秩序思想,经由苏格兰启蒙运动,奥地利学派尤其是卡尔·门格尔的发展,最终形成了这一思想的历史传统。

    Early in 16 C ' in Spain , since the scholars of Salamanca School had had spontaneous order 's thought , the history tradition of the thought was formed after the development of Enlightenment in Scotland and Austria School , especially Carl Menger .

  30. 奥地利经济学派的历史渊源与当代反思

    The Historical Origin of the Austrian School of Economics and Relevant Contemporary Reflection