
ào dí
  • Audi
  1. B噢,是的&梅赛德斯、奥迪、宝马。

    B Oh yes – Mercedes , Audi , BMW .

  2. 奥迪100/200型轿车三通道ABS控制过程分析

    The 3-channel ABS Control Process Analysis of AUDI 100 / 200 Car

  3. 奥迪牌轿车ABS控制电路原理

    The Principle of ABS Control Circuit on AUDI Car

  4. eventsacrosstheborder.美国驻伊拉克最高指挥官雷.奥迪尔诺将军星期天在福克斯电视节目上说,伊拉克人正在密切注视边界另一侧事态的进展。

    The top U.S. commander in Iraq , General Ray Odierno told the Fox News Sunday television program that Iraqis are keeping a close watch on

  5. 奥迪汽车的一些特色也整合在这款自行车中,例如LED灯、皮带传动、铝制和碳纤维的零件和碟式刹车。

    Audi features are integrated into the cycle including LED lighting , a belt drive , aluminum and carbon fiber components , and disk brakes .

  6. 而奥迪ShootingBrake和沃尔沃XC双门跑车都是插电式混合动力车,跨界概念车。

    The Audi Shooting Brake and the Volvo XC Coupe are both plug-in hybrid , concept crossovers .

  7. 通过激光前照灯的使用,德国奥迪公司(Audi)又将汽车技术向前推进了一小步。

    Audi is stepping things up a notch with laser light headlamps .

  8. 奥迪(Audi)等公司将自动化称为一种进展。

    Companies like Audi talk of autonomy as a progression .

  9. 与宝马竞争的品牌梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和奥迪(Audi)也在制造专门面向中国市场的加长型轿车。

    Rival brands Mercedes-Benz and Audi also make only-for-China stretch saloons .

  10. 宝马(BMW)、奥迪(Audi)等海外豪华汽车制造商正面临一个新的挑战。

    Foreign luxury car makers such as BMW and Audi face a new challenge .

  11. 奥迪(Audi)凭借推出一系列新车型,销售收入一直节节攀高。

    Audi has been rolling up sales gains with impressive new model launches .

  12. 奥迪是继谷歌公司(Google)之后的第二家公司,也是首家获准在内华达州公路上测试其自动驾驶系统的汽车公司。

    Audi is the second company , and first automaker after Google ( GOOG ) , to receive permission to test its systems on Nevada roads .

  13. 新型奥迪A4轿车&底盘设计和电子控制技术

    New Audi A4 Chassis Design and Electric Control Technique

  14. 奥迪A6型轿车发动机集中控制系统的维修

    Repair and Maintenance of Centralized Control System in Audi A6 Car Engine

  15. 本文以奥迪(AUDI)100/200四轮驱动型轿车三通道ABS为例说明其控制过程。

    Taking AUDI 100 / 200 4 wheel drive 3 tunnel ABS for example , this paper introduces its control process .

  16. 奥迪A7以其极具创意的掀背式设计,获得了最多青睐。

    The A7 is the favorite here for its innovative hatchback design .

  17. 奥迪A6轿车发动机控制系统的检测

    Inspection on Engine Control System on AUDI A6

  18. 本周在拉斯维加斯举办的消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上,奥迪展示了一套名为“交通拥堵辅助系统”的原型,它主要用于时速低于60公里(37英里)时的交通状况。

    At the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas this week Audi showed a prototype of " traffic jam assist " for use in traffic traveling below 60 kilometers ( 37 miles ) per hour .

  19. 表露身份&在每一个城市中穿戴奥迪托雷斗篷。(铜杯,10G)

    Show your Colors-Wear the Auditore cape in each city . ( Bronze , 10G )

  20. 奥迪A6型轿车的发动机为集中控制汽油直接喷射式V6发动机。

    Audi A6 car engine is a V6 centralized control and direct fuel injection gasoline engine .

  21. “低价王者”现代汽车(Hyundai)名列第九位,紧紧跟在高端品牌奥迪(Audi)身后,略高于另一个高端品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus)。

    And price-leader Hyundai grabbed ninth place , just behind premium-priced Audi and ahead of premium-priced Lexus .

  22. 去年奥迪取代梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz),成为全球销量第二的高端汽车品牌。

    Better yet , Audi overtook Mercedes-Benz as the second-largest premium brand by vehicle sales last year .

  23. 最近的报道中,阿尔法正与奥迪(Audi)密切来往。

    In the latest Alfa drama , the automaker is reported to be talking intensively about a linkup with Audi .

  24. 该车的起价为57400美元,与同样款式的奥迪A6的售价持平。

    Prices will start at $ 57,400 & about the same as for a similar-sized Audi A6 .

  25. 随着今年秋季A6的推出,奥迪公司(Audi)新一轮的最新车型上市即告一段落。

    With the launch this fall of the A6 , Audi concludes its latest round of new model introductions .

  26. 相比之下,梅塞德斯奔驰的销量上升了10%,宝马(BMW)上升了12%,最近快速崛起的奥迪(Audi)更是跃升了15%。

    By comparison , Mercedes sales have climbed 10 % this year , BMW 12 % , and fast-rising Audi 15 % .

  27. 德国的宝马(bmw)和奥迪(audi)也表示,它们将不得不让一些生产线停工,原因与日产相似。

    BMW and Audi , both of Germany , also said they would have to halt some production lines for similar reasons .

  28. 下面哪一个因素使新的奥迪A6安万特上的后背驾驶失效?

    Which of the following factors deactivates the electric rear hatch drive on the new Audi A6 Avant ?

  29. 上周我试驾了A6,它应该有能力让奥迪以巡航速度保持高速增长。

    The A6 , which I drove last week , should enable Audi to remain at cruising speed .

  30. 奥迪和莱诺弗·哈德伍德自行车公司(RenovoHardwoodBicycles)合作发布了这款手工制作的自行车“朵儿”(theduo)。

    Audi and Renovo Hardwood Bicycles have partnered up to release a handmade bicycle collection called the duo .