
zuì dī ɡōnɡ zī
  • minimum wage;living wage;union rate
  1. 最低工资定为每小时3.20英镑。

    The minimum wage was set at £ 3.20 an hour .

  2. 这些人应该得到比最低工资更高的报酬。

    These people deserve to make more than the minimum wage

  3. 这可能会使将最低工资定得远高于贫困线的努力告吹。

    This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line .

  4. 大批女工以最低工资受雇。

    Large numbers of female workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay .

  5. 16岁以下儿童没有最低工资。

    There is no lowest wage for children under 16 .

  6. 16-17岁青少年的最低工资应不低于每小时7美元。

    The lowest wage for 16-17 years old teenagers should be no less than 7 dollars per hour .

  7. 外卖平台要建立以工作任务、劳动强度相匹配的收入分配机制,劳动者的劳动报酬不低于当地最低工资标准。

    Food delivery platforms must establish an income distribution system based on orders the delivery workers take and the intensity of their work . The food delivery workers ' income should not be less than the locality 's lowest wage standard .

  8. 在美国,好市多(Costco)和货柜商店(ContainerStore)这类企业支付给员工的薪水远远高于法定最低工资。

    In the US , businesses such as Costco and the Container Store pay workers far more than the legal minimum wage .

  9. 在21个制定最低工资标准的欧盟(EU)国家中,失业率平均比未制定最低工资的7国高出近50%。

    In the 21 EU countries with a minimum wage , unemployment is on average almost 50 per cent higher than in the seven countries without such legislation .

  10. 这周二,美国总统奥巴马意外现身纽约曼哈顿中心的Gap商店,为妻女选购衣物,并借机呼吁商家增加员工最低工资。

    President Obama made an unannounced stop at a Gap store in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday to buy some clothes for his wife and daughters and make a pitch for increasing the minimum wage .

  11. 《卫报》(Guardian)上月报道称,一家呼叫中心的工作人员声称被解雇,一批当天获释的犯人取代了他们,因为该呼叫中心付给这些犯人的薪酬仅为最低工资几分之一。

    Last month , the Guardian reported on workers who claimed they had been dismissed from a call centre and replaced by prisoners on day release earning a fraction of the minimum wage .

  12. 2013年,美国联邦政府将最低工资从每小时7.25美元提高到了15美元,引发了一场广泛的讨论,而沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)则处于这个话题的漩涡中心。

    In 2013 , Wal-Mart ( WMT , Fortune 500 ) found itself at the center of the debate about raising the federal minimum wage from $ 7.25 an hour to figures as high as $ 15 .

  13. 薪资福利专业机构ids2005年年底进行的一项研究显示,在引入最低工资制后,超市已削减了薪资等级的数量,在一家超市,已“引入了单一的副主管薪资等级”。

    A study at the end of 2005 by IDS , the pay and benefits specialists , reported that supermarkets had reduced the number of pay grades and in one case had " introduced a single sub-supervisor grade " following the introduction of the minimum wage .

  14. GMB称,伦敦的3万名优步司机不是独立承包人,而是理应享受最低工资、病假工资和假日薪水等福利的员工。

    The GMB alleges that Uber 's 30000 London drivers are not independent contractors but workers owed the minimum wage , sick pay and holiday pay .

  15. 英国零售商协会(BritishRetailConsortium)委托进行的这项研究显示,接待行业96%的员工以及零售和批发行业75%的员工拿到的都是最低工资,今年10月,英国最低工资将升至时薪5.35英镑至5.52英镑。

    The study , commissioned by the British Retail Consortium , found that 96 per cent of workers in the hospitality industry and 75 per cent of retail and wholesale workers earned the minimum wage , which is due to rise from £ 5.35 to £ 5.52 an hour in October .

  16. 国际管理咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)在本周一发表的一份报告中得出的结论是:对于在中国拥有大型生产基地的企业来说,最低工资提高30%,仅会使利润率下降1%至5%。

    Accenture , the global management consultancy , concluded in a report published on Monday that a minimum wage rise of 30 per cent would cut margins by just 1 to 5 per cent for companies with a large Chinese manufacturing base .

  17. 幸亏有该法案的出台及最低工资水平的提高,“这里的人们第一次有了一种安全感,”MKSS的成员香卡。辛格说。

    Thanks to the roll-out of the NREGA and a hike in the minimum wage ," People here are feeling a sense of security for the first time ," says Shankar Singh of the MKSS .

  18. CASSENDRAWALLER:“如果你有一份工作,只能拿到最低工资,你怎样支付两个小孩每天的托管费?我已经多次无家可归。但是在维加斯却是最糟糕的情况。”

    CASSENDRA WALLER : " When you get a job and you 're making a minimum wage , how do you pay a babysitter for two kids every day ? I wound up homeless several times . And this is the worst I 've seen the homeless in Vegas . "

  19. 英国税务及海关总署(HMRC)将向200家打广告招收无薪实习的企业发出警告。如果他们被发现违反国家最低工资法,他们可能会被公开点名批评并处以5000英镑的罚款。

    HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) will warn 200 businesses who have advertised placements for unpaid internships that they could be publicly named and shamed and may be liable for a £ 5,000 fine if they are found to be in breach of national minimum wage laws .

  20. 提高最低工资的倡导者通常是象牙塔里的经济学家。

    The cheerleaders for minimum wage rises are typically academic economists .

  21. 你认为哪些行业应受最低工资的保障?

    Which sectors do you think deserve an increase in wages ?

  22. 他们要求提高最低工资。

    They are calling for a boost in the minimum wage .

  23. 最低工资甚至不够支付上下班交通费。

    The minimum salary could not even cover the commuter costs .

  24. 试用期内的工资可以低于最低工资标准吗?

    Is the salary inside probation OK under minimum wage standard ?

  25. 让我们回到最低工资这个话题上来。

    Let 's go back to the issue of minimum wage .

  26. 作为群体的外来工之所以工资低,主要是最低工资标准丧失了调节作用,这是基本的、直接的制度缺陷。

    That the minimum wage was not functioning was the institution flaw .

  27. 最低工资制度保护的是低端劳动力的利益。

    Minimum wage system protects the low - grade laborers ' benefit .

  28. 因此,试用期内的工资不能低于最低工资标准。

    Accordingly , the salary inside probation cannot under minimum wage standard .

  29. 维持一个工人及其家庭的最低工资。

    A wage sufficient for a worker and family to subsist comfortably .

  30. 一个新的最低工资标准也可以推动工资上涨。

    A new minimum wage should also nudge wages up .