
  1. 债务人的变更应纳入最高额抵押的变更事项中。

    The transference items of maximum mortgage should contain the debtor .

  2. 第二章对最高额抵押的设立和效力进行了研究。

    Chapter two researched the establishment and effect of the Maximum Mortgage .

  3. 论最高额抵押权的决算与实现问题

    On Issues of Final Accounts and Fulfillment of the Highest Quota of Mortgage

  4. 第二部分研究了最高额抵押权的设定。

    The second part presents the establishment of the mortgage of maximum amount .

  5. 对最高额抵押制度实践中几个困惑的思考

    Pondering over Some Puzzling Problems in the Practice of Ceiling Mortgage in China

  6. 在最高额抵押权时,抵押权人必须证明被担保债权存在。

    To achieve maximum mortgage , mortgagee must prove the existence of secure claims .

  7. 我国《担保法》对最高额抵押制度也有明文规定,但仅有四条,很不完善,几乎不具可操作性。

    However the system of maximum mortgage in our civil law is not complete .

  8. 我国《担保法》及其若干问题的解释以及《物权法》中也有最高额抵押的相关规定,但条文共仅12条,不够详细和全面。

    But the provisions of a total of only 12 are not detailed and comprehensive .

  9. 第三部分为最高额抵押权的变动与确定。

    The third part is the change and confirmation of the ceiling amount of mortgage .

  10. 对最高额抵押的法律思考

    Legal Thinking on Mortgage of Maximum Amount

  11. 论最高额抵押权的效力

    On effect of ceiling amount of mortgage

  12. 最后一部分为最高额抵押制度的完善。

    The last part is on the perfection of the maximum mortgage system in our country .

  13. 最高额抵押制度中的若干实务问题

    Practical Problems of Maximum Amount System

  14. 该部分的最后阐述了最高额抵押的社会功能及缺陷。

    The last part explains the social function and the defects of the maximum amount hypothec .

  15. 最高额抵押权问题研究

    Studies on Maximum Mortgage Issue

  16. 第一部分为最高额抵押的一些基本理论问题,主要阐述最高额抵押的特征及法律功能。

    The first part discusses the basic theory of the maximum mortgage as the characters and legal function .

  17. 此外最高额抵押制度还具有保证交易的效率和安全两个方面的社会功能。

    Then we discusses the social functions of it from the aspects of effectiveness and safety in trading .

  18. 最高额抵押所担保债权的范围应该进一步明确,应包括本金及其利息、违约金、损害赔偿金。

    The secured claims range of the maximum mortgage should include principal , interest , delay interest and penalty .

  19. 最高额抵押确定后,法律应赋予最高额抵押当事人减额请求权和消灭请求权。

    The law should give the maximum mortgagor the reduce application institution and extinctive application institution when the maximum mortgage confirms .

  20. 正文分四章。第一章着重阐释最高额抵押的概念、理论基础和制度价值,总领全文。

    In the chapter 1 author emphasizes and explains the concept , theory basis and institutional value of the maximum mortgage .

  21. 最高额抵押作为一种特殊的抵押,既具有一般抵押的共同特征,同时又具有自己的特征。

    As a special hypothecation , maximum hypothecation not only has the characteristics of common hypothecation , but also has its owns .

  22. 共有船舶抵押权设定中的法律问题第二部分研究了最高额抵押权的设定。

    Research on the Creation of Mortgage for Co-owner Ship The second part presents the establishment of the mortgage of maximum amount .

  23. 但是由于《担保法》关于最高额抵押制度立法方面的不足,导致最高额抵押制度在经济交往中没能发挥出应有的作用。

    However , since Chinese legislation deficiency on the guarantee law , The mortgage of maximum amount has not played its proper role .

  24. 确立和完善最高额抵押制度,必须有正确的指导思想,这是建立科学的最高额抵押制度的前提。

    There must be correct guidelines on establishing and perfecting the maximum amount hypothec system ; this is a prerequisite of setting up the rational system .

  25. 最高额抵押权是一种特殊的抵押权,与普通抵押权相比,在经济活动中它对于长期的、连续的业务交往的担保具有方便、快捷的特点。

    Compared with common mortgage , maximum mortgage , as a special system , is more convenient and speedier for the guarantee for long-term and continuous activities .

  26. 最高额抵押制度是现代工商业社会融资发展需要演绎出来的一种制度。

    The mortgage system of maximum amount is a system that be deduced by the need of the financing with the development of business in modern society .

  27. 最高额抵押的设立,应由当事人订立最高额抵押合同,以明确各方的权利义务。

    For the establishment of maximum amount mortgage , the party concerned should conclude a maximum amount mortgage contract , to make the rights and obligations definite .

  28. 其中,最高额抵押权转让的问题、保证担保的诉讼时效问题和清算责任问题是此类纠纷争议最多的三个问题。

    Then , the question of maximum amout mortgage right , prescription of action on security of guaranty and the responsibility of liquidation have the most dispute .

  29. 最高额抵押的研究相对来说比较透彻,也可供最高额保证的适用参考。

    Compared with maximum amount guarantee , maximum amount mortgage has been more thoroughly studied , which can serve as reference for the application of maximum amount guarantee .

  30. 论述了最高额抵押安全和效益两方面的立法价值,并考察了最高额抵押在国外和我国的历史沿革。

    The part also discusses the legislative value in safety and effectiveness , and explores the history of the mortgage of maximum amount in our country and foreign .