
  • 网络Alfa;alfa romeo;mito
  1. 玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、捷豹(Jaguar)、阿尔法罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)都在开发SUV。

    Maserati , Lamborghini , Jaguar , Alfa Romeo all are developing SUVs .

  2. 所以,感谢的阿尔法罗密欧和MagnetiMarelli的努力,赛车和可靠的反应时,你把方向盘放在加速器你的脚。

    So , thanks to the hard work of Alfa Romeo and Magneti Marelli , the car is responsive and reliable when you turn the steering wheel or put your foot on the accelerator .

  3. 该公司最近与增长迅速的中国汽车制造商奇瑞汽车(cheryautomobile)签订了一项合资协议,内容包括首次在华销售阿尔法罗密欧(alfaromeo)品牌的轿车。

    The group has recently signed a joint-venture agreement with Chery Automobile , the fast-growing Chinese carmaker , which will include the first sales of the alfa-romeo brand in China .

  4. 菲亚特决定到2016年为止引入19款在意大利生产的车型,其中包括9款挂阿尔法罗密欧铭牌的车型,以及6款玛莎拉蒂(Maseratis)。

    Fiat intends to introduce 19 italy-produced models through 2016 , including nine Alfa romeo-badged vehicles and six Maseratis , and the rights to make them will be a valuable prize .

  5. 那你或许更喜欢一辆阿尔法罗密欧。

    You 'd like an Alfa Romeo much better .

  6. 嘿,你没有买不到的阿尔法罗密欧,因为它不看好。

    Hey , you don 't not buy an Alfa Romeo because it doesn 't look good .

  7. 【这是我能够想象的最可怕的对阿尔法罗密欧的模仿。。。】

    This is the worst possible Alfa-romeo imitation I could have imagined . Good lord this is horrible .

  8. 之后在一条公路上,我的眼睛被一辆停靠在我身前的黑蓝色的阿尔法罗密欧吸引了。

    After becoming one with the pavement , my eyes beheld a dark blue Alfa Romeo pull up in front of me .