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  • ARPANET;Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  1. 冷战结束以后,阿帕网分离出一部分成为民用网,也就是今天所说的互联网(INTERNET)。

    After the end of the Cold War ," ARPANET " isolated part of a civilian network , today said the Internet ( INTERNET ) .

  2. 在这些互联网前辈的早期岁月里,比如美国国防部的阿帕网(ARPANET),用户必须维护一些对其它机器的列表以登录正确的成员机器。

    In the early days of the internet 's predecessor , the American Defence Department 's ARPANET , users had to maintain lists of other machines to enter the correct machine numbers .

  3. 当时为了防止老旧的阿帕网(ARPANET)当机他甚至不能用电邮发送该文件。

    What he typed could not even be sent as an e-mail , in case it crashed the ancient Arpanet system ;

  4. 美国国防部建立了阿帕网,作研究用。

    ARPANET started by the US Dept. of Defense for research .

  5. 阿帕网第一次建立了国际联系。

    The first international connections to ARPANET are established .

  6. 事实上,在早期,在阿帕网年代,

    So actually , in the early days , back when it was the ARPANET ,

  7. 计算机对计算机的邮件最早出现在1968年,当时博尔特·贝拉尼克-纽曼公司受聘为美国国防部研究阿帕网,即因特网的前身。

    Computer-to-computer email got its start in 1968 , when Bolt Beranek and Newman ( BBN ) was hired by the United States Defense Department to work on ARPANET , the precursor to the Internet .

  8. 1969年10月29日,第一台主机到主机在阿帕网上连接标志着互联网的开端,阿帕网是加州大学洛杉矶分校以及位于加州门罗公园斯坦福大学研究所间的一个实验性的军事计算机网络。

    On Oct. 29 , 1969 , the Internet had its beginnings when the first host-to-host connection was made on the Arpanet - an experimental military computer network - between UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park , Calif.