
  • 网络weblog culture
  1. 构建健康有序的博客文化传播生态已是当务之急。

    It has been an urgent affair to form a healthy and well-ordered ecology of weblog culture communication .

  2. 博客文化现象探析

    Analysis on the Phenomenon of " BLOG " Culture

  3. 博客文化及其在图书馆中的应用刍议

    Discussion on Blog Culture and Application in libraries

  4. 博客文化及其教育应用

    Culture of Blog and Its Educational Application

  5. 博客文化对构建和谐社会的负面影响与对策研究

    Negative Effects of Blog Culture on the Construction of a Harmonious Society and Study of Counter-Measures

  6. 博客文化的价值审视

    Cultural Values of the Blog

  7. 博客文化不应是法律边缘的博弈&探讨网络博客的立法问题

    The Blog Culture Is Not the Gambling on the Edge of the Law & Discussion about the Legislation on Blog

  8. 本文通过对博客文化特征的分析以及对博客教育应用的理论与实践两个方面的探讨,展示了博客教育应用的广阔前景。

    This essay analyses the cultural character of blog , discusses the theory and practice of educational application of blog and exhibits the nice foreground of educational application of blog .

  9. 从文化情境研究模式出发,探讨博客文化与主流文化的关系,并结合后现代语境及消费文化的特点,质疑博客文化的内涵。

    From cultural situation pattern , we explain the relationship between blog culture and mainstream culture , questioning the true cultural meaning of blog culture in terms of postmodernism and consuming culture .

  10. 那么,微博客文化的后现代性表现在哪里?目前中国的微博客文化传播存在哪些问题?未来的发展趋势是怎样?这些问题都是值得深入探究的。

    Then where do the characteristics of micro blogging culture to present ? What are the problems for micro blogging in the process of spreading ? What is the tendency of micro blogging will evolve ? All these questions are worth of further researching .

  11. 消费者在博客品牌文化消费中得到的纯粹是精神层面的娱乐和体验。

    What consumers got in the brand cultural consumption of the blog is amusement and experience of the spiritual aspect completely .

  12. 作者认为通过精心设计的基于博客的文化教学活动能够激发学生对文化教学的兴趣,培养学生的跨文化意识,从而提高他们的跨文化交际能力。

    The author thinks that students ' intercultural awareness and intercultural communication competence can be improved by well-designed culture teaching activities in blogs .

  13. 博客:消费文化背景下新的文学生态的整合

    Blog-Integration of Literature as an New Ecology on the Background of Consumerism Culture

  14. 文章在分析了博客作为网络文化特有的内涵之后,对博客在教学应用中的特色和存在的问题进行了初步的探索和思考。

    After exploring the content of blog as a cyberculture , this article analyzes and reflects on the features of blog in teaching application as well as some problems .

  15. 博客这种网络文化传播方式给普通民众提供了一个全自由的网上言论空间,逐渐释放了底层人民的话语权。

    As a mode of network culture transmission , blog has provided a free space of speech for general people and released the right of speech of bottom people gradually .

  16. 接着对博客的社会文化成因进行了分析,重点从博客文化的社会心理方面进行分析,从博客心理来解释博客行为。

    Then on the blog of the causes of social and cultural analysis , the focus of the blog culture from an analysis of the psychological , from the blog to explain the psychological behavior blog .

  17. 你认为他(们)的博客代表中国的文化圈吗?

    Do you think these blogs can be regarded as a special " circuit of culture " in China ?

  18. 2002年才刚刚进入中国的博客,以其文化性和零技术性的特点、以难以令人置信的速度很快进入到了教育领域。

    Blog entered China as late as in 2002 , but with its culture and zero technical characteristics , it entered the education domain at an amazing speed and developed very fast .

  19. 由唐天(音译)负责运作的汉字文化博客最近对西方文化中汉子的误用及“东方文化”纹身的误译列出了直接的追溯记录,以此为广大博客读者提供指引帮助。

    The Hanzi Smatter blog , run by Tian Tang , has been trying to set the record straight by chronicling the ' misuse of Chinese characters in Western culture ' and translating would-be ' Asian ' tattoos for the benefit his readers .

  20. 随着博客应用范围的扩大和被关注程度的加深,博客文化作为一种新兴的网络文化现象也越来越为人们所关注。

    The culture of the blog as an emerging network culture , along with its deep application has also been cared by people .