
  1. 在这种环境下,博览建筑有了长足的发展。

    In such situation , the exhibition architecture has made great progress .

  2. 中国博览建筑的更新再发展时代即将到来。

    The ageof renovation and redevelopment of museum architecture in china will advent .

  3. 早期的博览会与博览建筑&伦敦水晶宫展厅

    Early Expo and Expo Construction & Exhibition Hall of ' Crystal Palace ' in London

  4. 第二章重点介绍博览建筑的定义、分类、功能、特点,以及发展历程和发展趋势。

    In the second chapter , we highlight the definition , classification , function , specialty , the progress and tendency for exhibition architecture .

  5. 博览建筑是人类精神文明发展的见证,也是社会进行文化普及与文化交流的场所,见证着社会的进步。

    Museum is the witness of human spiritual development as well as the place of cultural popularization and exchange , witnessed the progress of society .

  6. 博览建筑是一种重要的建筑类型,与我们的生活息息相关,在当今社会中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    As one significant type of buildings with close relationship to us , the exhibition architecture is now playing an increasingly part in our social life .

  7. 当前,博览建筑无论是规模还是数量都有较大的增长,但对博览建筑的功能、形式等方面的要求也在不断提高。

    Currently , exhibition buildings have been increasing , both at size and amount , and the function , form and requirements on the exhibition building are also rising .

  8. 因而,更新理念,重建体系是解决博览建筑展示空间设计与时代同步的最有效途径。

    As a result , " renew the principle , reconstruct the system " is the most effectively path that the exhibition designs in exhibition hall space can keep up with the ages .

  9. 这一点对我国当代博览建筑的发展具有启示作用。②对于博览建筑,可用的数字技术有很多,尤其以网络技术、媒介技术、数字设计技术等最为广泛。

    This is an important point for China architecture development . 2 、 There are so many important digital technique for the exhibition building , especially three aspect : network technology , media technology , digital design technology .

  10. 第四章则将重心放在了传统地域文化对水元素运用的影响问题上,结合中国传统风水理论来探讨博览建筑中水元素的运用问题。

    The fourth chapter is focused on how the traditional and regional culture will have effect on the use of element of water , by exploring the experiment of water in expo buildings with Chinese traditional geomantic phenomenon .

  11. 在当今的数字化时代,新的数字技术不断出现,持续提升,为博览建筑功能水平、空间与形式品质以及设计手段和水平的提升,提供有力的技术支持。

    In digital age , new digital technologies emerge prominently and develop continuously , the strong technical support are provided by the development of the building function , space , form and level of quality and design means .

  12. 而对于公共博览建筑,遮阳的作用则不仅仅要着重体现在建筑节能这一方面,同时还有其特殊的专业要求&更为严格的采光要求。

    But regarding the public exhibition buildings , the functon of sun-shading is not only to show on energy saving of the architecture , at the same time it has the special professional requirement - more strict lighting requirement .

  13. 第三章重点介绍在博览建筑中运用水元素的意义,从水元素在建筑设计中的重要性和水元素所起到的作用两个方面来详细论述水元素与博览建筑之间的关系。

    In chapter three , the sense that how to utilize the element of water will be mainly discussed to analyze the relationship between element of water and exhibition architecture , by the significance of water in design and the functional characteristic of water .

  14. 博览建筑展示空间设计面临着诸多待以解决的问题,其中对观众的关注、新科技的引入以及对生态环境的重视是新世纪人们较为关注的三个问题。

    The exhibition hall space design is facing many problems to be solved . There are three problems that people has paid more attention in the new century . They are concerning to the audience 、 leading into new technology and to value ecosystem environment .

  15. 论文通过对建筑遮阳相关理论进行系统总结、分析,详细论述了建筑遮阳的分类特点、适用性、影响因素、材料选用等,从而引申出博览建筑日照设计解决的问题和遮阳设计的要点。

    This paper summarizes the relative theory systematically , analyze the classified characteristic of sun-shading building , applicability , influencing factor , the material to select and so on , so as to expand the problem of solving the sun-shining design and main point of sun-shading design .

  16. 随着社会和经济的发展,博览建筑展示空间设计逐渐成为了现代展示设计这门新学科的主要领域之一,是体现博览建筑水平的关键,在博览建筑设计中起着重要的作用。

    With the development of society and economy , the exhibition hall 's display space design have already become one of the main part of modern exhibition design . It is the key to reflecting the level of the museum , and also plays an important role in exhibition design .