
bó kè
  • blog;blogger;weblog
  1. 她开始写一篇反对塔利班的博客。

    And she started to write a blog against the Taliban .

  2. 如果你的博客文章没有被人转载,Facebook等社交网站上的状态也没有人点“喜欢”的话,这种抑郁情绪就会更严重。

    This depression often deepens when you find that your blog posts have not been re-blogged , or your Facebook status updates have not been liked .

  3. 过去几年间博客世界发生了很大变化。

    The blogsphere has changed a lot in the past few years .

  4. 结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点。

    Consequently , even as the blogosphere continues to expand , only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points .

  5. 参加论坛、博客和其他开放式对话论坛。

    Participate in discussion forums , blogs and other open-ended forums for dialogue .

  6. 希望你也能带着帽子、穿着长袍读《心理博客》来尽到自己的职责。

    Hopefully you will be doing your part by reading PsyBlog in a cap and gown .

  7. 从现在起,为了保持较少的拼写错误,我只会穿着白色外套给《心理博客》写文章了。

    From now on I will only be editing articles for PsyBlog while wearing a white coat to help keep the typing error count low .

  8. 目前网络公开课提供的课程大部分都是传统课堂教学过程的数字版本,博客作家丹•布汀将其称为“在web2.0的世界学习1.0的产品”。

    The current MOOC offerings are mostly digital versions of conventional pedagogies – what blogger Dan Butin has called " Learning 1.0 products in a Web 2.0 world " .

  9. 最近一项调查显示,极客和网友发明的“blog(博客)”、“folksonomy(分众分类法)”、“wiki(维基)”等词都是最令人讨厌的“网络英语”词汇。

    Example : Blog , folksonomy , wiki and other words coined by geeks and netizens are among the most irritating new " Weblish " words , according to a recent poll .

  10. BookCrossing.com网站的社区层面的意义不断发展,这是网站建立之初人们没有想到的,比如博客或论坛讨论,邮件列表以及遍布全球的年度会议。

    The community aspect of BookCrossing.com has grown and expanded in ways that were not expected at the outset , in the form of blog or forum3 discussions , mailing lists and annual conventions throughout the world .

  11. 这个博客就像是我的个人日志。

    The blog is like a personal journal to me .

  12. 例句看完她的旅行博客之后我也想四处旅行了。

    I am starting to get itchy feet after reading her travel blog .

  13. “晒娃父母”就是指忍不住在博客、推特等社交网络上发布自家孩子照片或近况的父母。

    Sharents are mums and dads who compulsively post pictures and blog , tweet etc about their offspring .

  14. 16岁起,章凝就开启了她的时尚事业,如今,她的社交媒体粉丝已经超过120万。16岁时,章凝就开始运营她的时尚博客,并且成为一名时尚顾问。

    At the age of 16 , she launched a successful fashion blog and has worked as a consultant .

  15. 你可以开始用英语写博客,描述自己的业余爱好、旅行经历或者任何你感兴趣的事情。

    You can start your own blog in English about your hobby , travel experiences or anything that interests you .

  16. 在网络上,这些动物之间友好关系的媒体报道经常会被分享到动物相关的博客、社交媒体以及论坛上。

    Online , media documenting these amiable1 associations are often shared in animal-related blogs , social media and discussions forums2 .

  17. 如果你不想写作,你可以去读老外的博客或文章,在有疑问时随意评论。

    If you don 't feel like writing , read foreigners ' blogs or articles and feel free to comment if you have a question !

  18. 据《太阳报》报道,该调查是通过分析“博客、报道和谷歌搜索页面”中“性感”一词的出现频率来得出结果的。

    The Sun reported that the survey results were determined " blogs , reports , and pages found in Google searches " with the word " sexy . "

  19. “微工作”是一种临时的任务式工作,可以有各种类型,通常通过网络预订。“微工作”包括在线工作或者雇员亲自工作,比如写博客,虚拟助理,勤杂工,保姆,网站设计等等。

    A micro job is a temporary , task-type job of all types , often booked through the Internet . Work may include online or in-person jobs , such as writing blogs , virtual assistant , handyman , nanny , website design , etc.

  20. 大多数博客其实是Web站点。

    Most blogs are really Web sites .

  21. 一些Web站点能够让不怎么精通网络技术的人管理自己的博客。

    Some Web sites actually enable people who are not tech savvy to host their own , albeit modest , blogs .

  22. “应用语言学博客”在“longtimenosee”是源于美洲土著还是出自中国的争论中指出:

    As the Applied Applied Linguistics blog points out in the debate over whether " long time no see " has Native American or Chinese origins .

  23. 博客(Blog)在网络时代的飞速发展,冲击着传统教育。

    Blog 's rapid development impacts the traditional education .

  24. 生态学视野中的Blog(博客)媒介形态研究

    Blog Media Morpha Study in an Ecology View

  25. 举例来说,某个扩展可允许您在Write中远程管理博客和博客文章。

    For example , there 's an extension that lets you remotely manage your blog and blog posts from within Write .

  26. 他同时也经常写关于企业架构,SOA,云计算等主题方面的博客和文章。

    He is also frequent blogger and noted analyst on enterprise architecture , SOA and cloud computing topics .

  27. 如前所述,要得到博客库中的博客条目,发送一个Getting请求到以下URL

    As mentioned previously , to get the blog entries into a blog library , send a Getting request to the URL

  28. 美国科技博客“商业内幕人士”(BusinessInsider)猜测,作为回报,Zynga因此将可在Facebook上获得免费的广告位。

    The Business Insider blog speculates that Zynga will get free ad space on Facebook in return .

  29. Wiki页面、博客文章、公告、项目任务和联系人信息都作为Web内容存储。

    Wiki pages , blog posts , announcements , project tasks , and contacts are each stored as Web content .

  30. 此外,还可以通过Atomsyndicatedformat(Atom)提要自动跟踪一些关键博客的发布。

    In addition , you can automatically track posts from key blogs through Atom syndicated format ( Atom ) feeds .