
  • 网络broadcom;broadcom corporation;BRCM;Broadcom Corp
  1. 芯片厂商博通公司(Broadcom)以近4200万美元的价格收购了总部位于以色列特拉维夫的安全软件厂商SCSquare公司。

    Device chip maker Broadcom acquired the Tel aviv-based security software maker SC square for nearly $ 42 million .

  2. 它还试着订购了超过60亿美元的博通公司(Broadcom)、高通公司(Qualcomm)和其他当地公司的处理器和其他配件,以此向美国商界示好。

    It has tried to make nice with corporate America by committing to shelling out more than $ 6 billion on processors and other components from Broadcom ( brcm ) , Qualcomm ( qcom ) , and other local companies .

  3. 在英国爱丁堡大学取得硕士学位后,他就职于美国博通公司,做了4年的工程师。

    He graduated with an MA from the University of Edinburgh in the UK and has been working as an engineer at Broadcom Corporation for four years .