
  • 网络Nortel Networks;nortel networks corp
  1. 北电网络公司的NGN解决方案

    Nortel Networks NGN Solution

  2. 今夏早些时候,谷歌公司(Google)收购北电网络公司(NortelNetworks)专利组合的计划落空。彼时,有谁能预料到,它今天会斥资125亿美元现金收购摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobility)?

    When Google missed out on buying Nortel Networks'patent hoard earlier this summer , few could have predicted it would make a stunning $ 12.5 billion cash bid for Motorola Mobility .

  3. 北电网络公司是加拿大最大的ICT公司,作为全球ICT行业的领头羊,北电曾经是业内最大的创新者之一。

    Nortel Networks is one of the largest ICT companies in Canada , as a leader in the global ICT industry , Nortel was the biggest innovators .

  4. 王高伟先生任北电网络公司企业网政府及北方区销售总监。

    Wang Gaowei , Sales Director of Central Government and North China , Enterprise Solution , Nortel China .

  5. 诉讼还把目标指向了谷歌核心的网络搜索技术的一些内容,主要根据的是Rockstar2011年击败谷歌、从北电网络有限公司(NortelNetworks)购得的专利。

    The litigation also targets parts of Google 's core Web-search technology , based on patents Rockstar bought from Nortel Networks Inc. in 2011 after defeating Google in a bidding war .

  6. 谷歌一向致力于自我保护,这并不是什么新闻。今年年初,谷歌在北电网络有限公司(Nortel)的专利竞购大战中失利后,收购摩托罗拉可算是一次惊人的反击。

    Google 's struggle to protect itself is not new , and after its failure to buy Nortel 's patent cache earlier this year , this move represents a stunning counterattack .