
  • 网络beijing university of chemical technology;BUCT;buct.edu.cn
  1. 北京化工大学

    Beijing University of Chemical Technology

  2. 这位北京化工大学2006届毕业生说:我对开始一份新工作信心不足。

    " I don ` t feel quite confident about starting a new career ," said the 2006 Beijing University of Chemical Technology graduate .

  3. 央视的报道引用了北京化工大学(BeijingUniversityofChemicalTechnology)的检测结果,结果显示这种材料含沥青残余。

    CCTV 's reports cited test results conducted by Beijing University of Chemical Technology that showed traces of asphalt .

  4. 同时随着PBA/DMPA或PPG/T-M北京化工大学硕士学位论文的比例的提高,固化速度加快;

    Curing rate accelerates with the increase of ratio of PBA / DMPA or PPG / T-M.

  5. DSC扫描实验表明:加入IPA共聚后,PET/MMT的冷结晶温度提高、过北京化工大学硕士论文冷温度降低,I以改性PET/MMT的结晶速率比PET/MMT慢。

    The results of DSC showed that PET / MMT modified by IPA increased the cold crystallization temperature and decreased the melt crystallization temperature of PET / MMT .

  6. 溶胶-凝胶法和沉积-沉淀法制备的成型催化剂Au/TiO2/成型氧化物有望北京化工大学硕士学位论文成为催化活性高、抗硫中毒性能优良的实用型金催化剂品种。

    The shaped catalyst Au / TiO2 / shaped-oxide prepared by sol-gel processing and DP is a promising candidate with high activity , and shows an excellent resistance to sulfur .

  7. 并结合北京化工大学研究生MIS系统的开发实例详细地讨论了系统的结构、安全和实现方法。

    Secondly , taking the development of graduate student education MIS of Beijing University of Chemical Technology ( BUCT ) as an example , the program design , system infrastructure , system security and realization techniques are discussed in detail .

  8. 北京化工大学足球俱乐部现状与发展研究

    Present Situation Development Research of Football in Beijing University of Chemical Technology

  9. 何泉(1975-),男(汉族),博士,北京化工大学讲师。

    Biography : He Quan , male , born in1975 , doctor , lecturer of BUCT .

  10. 北京化工大学博士学位论文(2)床层最高温度;

    Maximum bed temperature .

  11. 北京化工大学教学楼抗震鉴定及加固改造由抗震所完成。

    The seismic assessment and strengthening renovation for the teaching building , office building of Beijing University , completed by IEE .

  12. 北京化工大学博士学位论文具备完整准确的数据后,传统的实时优化还需判断装置处于稳态后,才可以开始进行优化计算。

    Having been provided with complete and accurate data , traditional real time optimization system will still need to determine steady state to start optimizing .

  13. 该装置由北京化工大学超重力工程研究中心研制,是首次在国内大型硫化物硫酸盐生产装置中使用。

    The device consists of Beijing University of Chemical Engineering Research Center of gravity research , is the first large-scale sulfide sulfate production in the domestic use of the device .

  14. 那是一个闷热的夏日午后,在北京化工大学附近某公交车站,一阵阵热浪向负责指挥车辆的田蒙(音译)袭来。

    It 's a stiflingly hot summer afternoon in Beijing . Waves of heat wash over Tian Meng as he signals city buses at a stop near Beijing University of Chemical Technology .

  15. 李晓晓,19岁,就读于北京化工大学应用化学专业。在新生见面会上,一位高年级同学和他说,有些课程会需要几本很难买到的教材。

    Li Xiaoxiao , 19 , a chemical applications major at Beijing University of Chemical Technology , was told by an upperclassman at orientation that particular textbooks would be needed for some courses .

  16. 利用红外光谱法和核磁共振光谱法对所分离组分进行了结构鉴定,确定出进口纺织油剂的化学北京化工大学硕士论文组成及分子结构,采用重量法对其进行了初步定量分析。

    FTIR and NMR methods were used to determine the structures of separated components . Preliminary quantitative analysis was carried out . The chemical compositions of the synthetic fiber oil agent were determined satisfactorily .

  17. 北京化工大学成立于1958年,是教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家“211工程”重点建设院校。

    Beijing University of Chemical Technology ( BUCT ) founded in 1958 is a state key university affiliated to the Ministry of Education and is also one of the first group of universities admitted to " Project 211 "

  18. 结合北京化工大学橡胶塑料机械研究所多年从事混炼技术和装备的理论研究和开发实践,对现代混炼技术与装备的研究现状和发展动向进行了述评。

    Combined with the research and developing practice of years engaged in mixing technique and equipment in Rubber and Plastics Machinery institute of Beijing Chemical University , here evaluate the research status and developing trend of current mixing technology and equipment .

  19. 经过48年的建设,北京化工大学已经从一个科技学院发展成为理科基础坚实,工科实力雄厚,文、法、管、经济学科富有特色的多科性综合大学。

    As a result of the development in the past 48 years , BUCT has developed from an nstitution of scientific specialties to a comprehensive university with a solid foundation in science , great strength in engineering and full of characteristics in liberal arts , law , management and economics .

  20. 此外,北京大学、北京化工大学、中央美术学院以及北京林业大学的预算,涨幅都超过了15%。

    In addition , the budgets of Peking University , Beijing University of Chemical Technology , China Central Academy of Fine Arts , and Beijing Forestry University increased by more than 15 percent .