
  • 网络nordic model
  1. 但奥利拉先生提到一批来自该地区学者的分析,这些学者写作了名为《北欧模式》(nordicmodel)一书。

    But Mr Ollila points to the analysis of a group of academics from across the region who wrote a Book calledthe Nordic model .

  2. 北欧模式依然是一项未完成的工程。

    The Nordic model is still a work in progress .

  3. 北欧模式究竟代表什么含义,这个问题存在争议。

    Debate abounds as to what exactly the Nordic model stands for .

  4. 实际上,北欧模式在此次危机中的命运可谓喜忧参半。

    The Nordic model is in fact facing mixed fortunes in the crisis .

  5. 北欧模式有资格成为最佳体系的竞争者。

    The Nordic model has a good bid to be the best system .

  6. 而这种根深蒂固的平等主义也使北欧模式的输出遭遇困境。

    But this deeply held egalitarianism also makes the Nordic model difficult to export .

  7. 正如那些体系要面临功成身退后的挑战,北欧模式亦如是。

    Just as those systems faced challenges after their time in the limelight , so does the Nordic model .

  8. 从某种程度上讲,答案是解决北欧模式成功应对的那些问题。

    In one way or other the answer is to solve these issues that the Nordic model does well .

  9. 但北欧模式理应因为其长期成就而受到褒奖:慷慨的福利体系,较低的不平等程度,而生产率保持高位运行。

    But the model is rightly admired for its long-term achievement : generous welfare systems and low inequality while keeping productivity high .

  10. 但对诺基亚和爱立信这样实现全球扩张的集团,不是人人喜欢这种北欧模式。

    But as groups such as Nokia and Ericsson have expanded across the globe , not everyone has found the Nordic way to their liking .

  11. 然而,尽管审视北欧模式,对于像美国银行家这样的外国人可能是件有趣的事,但仿效起来显然是困难的。

    But while it may be interesting for foreigners such as the US banker to look at the Nordic model , it appears difficult to emulate it .

  12. 欧盟经济并不存在单一的“社会模式”,而是应该划分为五种经济模式,即西欧模式、南欧模式、英爱模式、北欧模式和东欧模式。

    Rather , they should be classified into five economic models : western Europe model , southern Europe model , British-Irish model , northern Europe model and eastern Europe model .

  13. 欧洲国家的经济社会发展模式可以细分为北欧模式、莱茵模式、盎格鲁一撒克逊模式和地中海模式四种。

    The economic and social development model for European countries can be divided into four types : the Nordic model , the Rhine model , the Anglo-Saxon model and the Mediterranean model .

  14. 实际上,世界上许多国家都在向北欧模式看齐&至少,有种种调查的结果显示,北欧模式下人民的幸福程度冠绝全球。

    Indeed , many countries around the world look to the Nordic model , which at least according to a variety of surveys produces some of the highest happiness levels in the world .

  15. 过去的北欧模式其根本依赖于一群大企业产生足以支撑国家的利润,但现在这些企业正在被全球竞争削弱。

    The old Nordic model depended on the ability of a cadre of big companies to generate enough money to support the state , but these companies are being slimmed by global competition .

  16. 从上一次应对银行危机的反应,到提升女性在董事会的比例,北欧模式激发了全世界的好奇心,这与人们对上世纪80年代日本与60年代德国的资本主义潮流的好奇如出一辙。

    From its response to a previous banking crisis to its promotion of women in the boardroom , the Nordic model is piquing interest around the world in the same way as the Japanese style of capitalism did in the 1980s or the Germans ' in the 1960s .

  17. 谈话很快发展成一场历时两小时、有关北欧商业模式与公司差异的探讨。

    It soon extended into a two-hour discussion of the Nordic business model and corporate diversity .

  18. 但遗憾的是,我担心,对北欧国家模式的某些乐观情绪可能是站不住脚的。

    But sadly , I fear that some of this optimism about Scandinavian models might be misplaced .

  19. 他提出,北欧资本主义模式对全球化持开放心态,但保护人民免受其负面影响,同时为所有人提供良好平等的教育提供了我们所需要的答案。

    He argues that the Nordic way of capitalism being open to globalisation but protecting people from its negative aspects and providing everyone a good , egalitarian education provides the answers that are needed .

  20. 北欧国家的社会福利制度以所谓的“北欧模式”在世界上独树一帜。

    The so-called Nordic model of social welfare system in the North European countries is a unique style of social welfare system in the world .