
  • 网络HYUNDAI;BHMC;Beijing-Hyundai;Beijing Hyundai
  1. 结合本人在MBA学习过程中的理论知识,以及在汽车行业八年工作经验,其中包括北京现代的四年经验,最终为北京现代的竞争战略提出了一些自己的见解。

    Finally a proposal is presented by combining theory knowledge in MBA studies and more than eight years automotive industry experience , including four years in Beijing Hyundai .

  2. 俄罗斯是韩国现代集团的主要出口地之一,而北京现代的产品出口到俄罗斯后,必将对韩国现代目前的一系列产品造成巨大的冲击。

    Russia is one of the main exporting destinations for HMC and the export of Beijing Hyundai products to Russia is surely to bring a tremendous impact on a series of hmc 's products .

  3. WTO框架下北京现代农业的发展

    Development of Modern Agriculture in Beijing under WTO Frame

  4. H型钢无节点板钢桁架在北京现代汽车工程中的应用

    Application of H-section steel truss with contactless plates to modern automobile projects in Beijing

  5. 报道了北京现代瑞利仪器有限责任公司研制的具有完全自主知识产权的新一代光电直读光谱分析仪(WLD-4C型)。

    WLD-4C optical direct-reading spectrometer is a new generation of spectrometer developed by Beijing Rayleigh Analytical Instrument Corp. Ltd. with fully self-intellectual property .

  6. 北京现代服务业的界定与发展研究

    Delimitation and Definition of Beijing Modern Service and Its Development Research

  7. 借鉴经验,着力发展北京现代服务业核心产业群

    Development on Core Industry Group of Beijing Modern Service Industry

  8. 北京现代农业产业发展实证研究

    Studies on true examples of modern agriculture development in Beijing

  9. 北京现代汽车厂轻型卡车冲压车间结构设计

    Structural design of light truck press room of Beijing modern automobile factory

  10. 资源约束对北京现代制造业影响的系统动力学研究

    A Study of System Dynamic Simulation on Beijing Modern Manufacturing under Resources Constraint

  11. 关于完善北京现代物流体系的研究

    Study on Improving Beijing 's Modern Logistics System

  12. 现代音乐的盛宴&2005北京现代音乐节的收获

    Feast of Music A Feast of Modern Music

  13. 寄中国现代音乐未来以希望&记2004年北京现代音乐节

    2004 Beijing Modern International Music Festival : Bringing Hope to the Future of Contemporary Chinese Music

  14. 走出象牙塔的现代音乐&侧记2006北京现代音乐节

    2006 Beijing Modern Music Festival

  15. 北京现代服务业发展思路的探讨

    Modern Servicing Industry in Beijing

  16. 介绍了北京现代汽车厂轻型卡车冲压车间结构设计、方案比较。

    It was introduced the structural design , scheme comparison of light truck press room of Beijing Modern Automobile Factory .

  17. 刘榛,21岁,北京现代音乐学院演唱系,最注重的品质:孝顺父母,关爱他人

    Liu Zhen , 21 , Singing , Beijing Contemporary Music Academy Most valued qualities : filial piety , the ability to care

  18. 北京现代汽车老总装车间厂房是利用20世纪旧厂房进行改造而成的。

    The mill building for old assembling workshop for modern automobiles in Beijing is the one by reforming an old factory building established in 1980s .

  19. 为中国现代音乐发展搭建坚实的平台&第三届北京现代音乐节述评

    Constructing a Solid Platform for the Development of Contemporary Chinese Music : A Review on the 3 ~ ( rd ) Beijing Modern Music Festival

  20. 虽然最近几年北京现代取得了不错的成绩,但运营中也显露出来很多问题,北京现代已经成为市场上低价合资汽车的代名词。

    Although it achieved great result in the past several years , lots of issues exposed in the operation . Beijing Hyundai is nearly the synonym of joint ventures in low-price products .

  21. 笔者分析了北京现代物流人才的需求与供给状况,得出要大力加强现代物流人才教育培养的结论。

    Based on analysis of the situation of qualified personnel supply & demand , we can conclude that we should train the persons with ability in this area to comply the development of our society .

  22. 据本钢销售部门预测,今年全年本钢供北京现代汽车汽车板比例将继续增长,上升到新的水平。

    Benxi Iron and Steel sector , according to sales forecasts for this year , Beijing Hyundai Motor Bengang board the proportion of motor vehicles will continue to grow , rising to a new level .

  23. 第15届图书展销会将于2011年3月20日至25日在北京现代国际会展中心举行。我想,贵公司可能会来参观这次展销会。

    As the 15th International Books Trade Fair will be held in Beijing Modern International Exhibition Center from March 20th to 25th , 2011 , we think you might be paying a visit to the exhibition .

  24. 北京SOHO现代城设计

    Design of the SOHO Modern City

  25. 大约一年前,北京中国现代国际关系研究院(cicir)对美国实力的各种构成进行了一项细致的评估。

    A year or so ago , the Beijing-based Chinese Institute for contemporary international relations made a detailed assessment of the various components of us power .

  26. 北京的现代城市交通与古都风貌

    The urban transportations of Beijing and its historical styles and features

  27. 北京市现代农业可持续发展的基本思路与布局

    Basic Thinking and Distribution about Sustainable Development of Modern Agriculture in Beijing

  28. 北京市现代农业功能演变与水资源的关系

    The Relationship between Water Resources and Modern Agricultural Function Evolvement in Beijing

  29. 你们认为北京的现代建筑怎么样?

    What did we think of Beijing 's modern skyline ?

  30. 上海现在看起来比北京还现代。

    Shanghai looks more modern than Beijing nowadays .