
  • 网络ustb;University of Science and Technology Beijing;beijing university of science and technology;Beijing University of Technology;University of Science Technology Beijing
  1. 北京科技大学人事处为了建立健全学校行政干部队伍素质测评机制,培养造就一支高素质专业化的行政管理干部队伍,对行政干部队伍素质基本情况进行了调查。

    The personnel department of USTB did a survey on the basic situation of administrative leaders group in order to establish a perfect evaluation mechanism and train a high quality and professional leaders group .

  2. 北京科技大学行政干部队伍素质现状的调查报告

    Survey Report on the Quality Situation of Administrative Leaders Group of USTB

  3. 对不起,本站仅对北京科技大学校内网段开放,您的IP地址(不在允许范围之列。

    Sorry , this site is only accessible from inside the University of Science & Technology , Beijing ( USTB ) . Your current IP address ( ) is not granted access .

  4. 文中,作者以北京科技大学电基础教学网站为例,依托ASP技术,介绍了电子电工远程教育中部分技术问题和管理问题的解决方法。

    Take the Electrical Engineering Course Websites of Beijing University of Science and Technology , as example and make use of the ASP technique , and introduce some solutions of development of electronic and electricity distance education .

  5. 本文论述了利用北京科技大学研制的固体电解质SO2(SO3)传感器对测定烟道气中的SO2进行的研究。

    This paper describes the determination of SO2 ( SO3 ) in stack gas with solid-state electrolyte SO2 sensors which were developed by University of Science and Technology .

  6. 解读高等学校的法律法规授权的组织资格&以田永诉北京科技大学案为范本展开的分析

    On the Qualification of University as An Organization Authorized by Law

  7. 北京科技大学高效轧制国家工程研究中心;

    National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Rolling Technology ; University of Science and Technology Beijing ;

  8. 1988年更名为北京科技大学。

    In 1988 , Beijing Iron & Steel College was renamed University of Science Technology Beijing .

  9. 北京科技大学

    University of Science and Technology Beijing

  10. 两年前,柴会龙从北京科技大学天津学院毕业。

    Two years ago , Chai graduated from Tianjin College of University of Science and Technology Beijing .

  11. 媒体报导,其中有九人是附近北京科技大学的同班同学。

    According to media reports , among the dead , 9 were classmates in the nearby Beijing Science and Technology Institute .

  12. 应用型本科会计专业的经济法课程教学研究&以南京工程学院会计专业为例北京科技大学机械工程学院零件轧制研究中心

    Study on Teaching Economic Law for Accounting Majors of Application & Oriented Colleges-A Case Study of Accounting Major of Nanjing Institute of Technology

  13. 就读于北京科技大学英语专业大四年级,22岁的刘川便很好地适应了自己的角色。

    Liu Chuan , 22 , a senior English major from the University of Technology and Science Beijing , has adjusted well to his role .

  14. 张梓琳毕业于北京科技大学,并获得工商管理学学士学位,现在在一家公司做文秘。

    She attended the University of Science & Technology and attained a Degree in Business Administration , and is now working as a company secretary .

  15. 北京科技大学大二学生杨峥(音译)前不久在北京市城市管理综合行政执法局得到了一份临时工作。

    Yang Zheng is a sophomore from Beijing University of Technology . He recently got a temporary job at the local City Administration and Law Enforcement .

  16. 万立群,22岁,就读于北京科技大学自动化专业。去年,他第一次尝试出售一些旧课本。

    Wan Liqun , 22 , a Beijing University of Technology automation major , tried to sell several of his old textbooks last year , his first time .

  17. 北京科技大学与重庆钢铁股份有限公司联合开发了高速线材控冷段温度及性能预报系统。

    An thermal and quality prediction system for Stelmor controlled cooling line has been developed jointly by University of Science and Technology Beijing and Chongqing Iron and Steel Co.

  18. 2009年,在取得北京科技大学计算机科学硕士学位后,张骞与一家在纳斯达克上市的北京私企签订了劳动合同。

    After getting his master 's degree in computer science from Beijing University of Technology in2009 , Zhang signed a job contract with a Nasdaq-listed private company in Beijing .

  19. 我国学生诉高校案件始于田永诉北京科技大学案,其他两个案件也引起了社会的广泛关注。

    The case of students sued their school began with Tian Yong sues the Beijing University of Science and Technology , and the other two cases also aroused extensive attention .

  20. 北京科技大学成立于1952年,是教育部直属全国重点大学。

    University of Science and Technology Beijing ( USTB ) , founded in 1952 is a nationai key university under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education of China .

  21. 尽管明年从北京科技大学计算机专业毕业,罗丰明书已认识到找到一份好工作的困难了。

    Luo Fengming has already realized the difficulty of finding proper employment , although he will major in computer science and technology from the Beijing Institute of Technology next year .

  22. 结合在北京科技大学学生公寓二期工程中的应用,介绍了悬挑脚手架的构造要求、材料选择、施工工艺等内容。

    Combining the project of University of Science and Technology Beijing student apartment second stage , authors introduce something about suspension scaffold , such as construction demands , materials selection , construction method , etc.

  23. 北京科技大学以冶金学和材料科学著称,现己发展成为以工为主,工理、管、文、经、法等多学科协调发展的综合性大学。

    USTB is famous for its study of metallurgy and material science and has developed into a comprehensive university with emphasis on engineering and harmonious development in engineering , science management , humanities , economics and law .

  24. 应用数理统计学理论对北京科技大学所做实验的心部疏松实验数据进行处理,得到轧件心部疏松等级的回归方程,经检验,方程拟合良好且显著。

    The regression equation of internal rarefaction grades is acquired by processing the experimental data in the experiment of porous void by USTB , based on the mathematical theory of statistics . This equation fits obviously good by verification .

  25. 广告一直主张推行更为宽松经济政策的北京科技大学经济学家赵晓说,中国已经到了要竭尽全力保护经济发展的时候。

    ' It 's time for China to do all it can to safeguard our economy , 'said Zhao Xiao , an economist at the University of Science and Technology Beijing who has been arguing for easier economic policies .

  26. 21岁的孙思雨来自北京科技大学,她参加的雅思培训班上一共有100名学生,她说,我时常觉得老师教的语法知识我并不需要。

    Sun Siyu , 21 , an English major at Beijing University of Technology , is taking an IELTS training course with 100 students . I often find the grammar knowledge we are taught is not what I need , she says .

  27. 包括中国人民大学、北京科技大学、北京理工大学、中国政法大学和北京航空航天大学在内的五所知名高校已经开始了试点工作。

    The five prestigious universities -- Renmin University of China , University of Science Technology Beijing , Beijing Institute of Technology , China University of Political Science and Law , and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics -- have begun piloting the effort .

  28. 21岁的孙思雨来自北京科技大学,她参加的雅思培训班上一共有100名学生,她说,“我时常觉得老师教的语法知识我并不需要。”

    Sun Siyu , 21 , an English major at Beijing University of Technology , is taking an IELTS training course with 100 students . " I often find the grammar knowledge we are taught is not what I need , " she says .

  29. 北京科技大学教授赵晓周末在新浪微博上说:多么善良的百姓,这个国家谁敢站出来说:我比他更有义!

    What a kindhearted man ! Who else in this country can stand up and say ㄕ Im more righteous than he is ! Zhao Xiao , professor at University of Science and Technology Beijing , wrote on Sina Corp.s Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service over the weekend .

  30. 北京科技大学化学专业22岁的赵艳君(音译)每每想起她在台湾东海大学交换的日子,首先在脑海中浮现出的都是大肠包小肠。正如其名,大肠包小肠是由混着蟹肉的米肠将烤好的台湾香肠包裹而成。

    Sausage wrapped in glutinous rice When Zhao Yanjun , 22 , a chemistry major at the University of Science and Technology Beijing , looks back to her exchange days at Tunghai University in Taiwan , the first thing she remembers is sausage wrapped in glutinous rice .