
  • 网络jiaotong university;Beijing Jiaotong University;bjtu;njtu.edu.cn
  1. 论文工作得到了国家自然科学基金项目(No.60572037)和北京交通大学优秀博士生科技创新基金项目(No.48013)的支持。

    The work of this dissertation is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 60572037 ) and the Innovation Foundation of Science and Technology for Excellent Doctorial Candidates of Beijing Jiaotong University under Grant No.48013 .

  2. 公共交通运营补贴:北京交通大学经济管理学院,交通经济的理论、政策和工业经济的相关发展2007学术研讨会,北京

    Operating subsidies in public transport ; Beijing Jiaotong University , School of Economics and Management

  3. 北京交通大学(BeijingJiaotongUniversity)教授赵坚对高铁计划一直公开持批评态度。

    That is no surprise to Zhao Jian , a professor at Northern Transport University and an outspoken-opponent of the high-speed rail plans .

  4. 陈永涛先生早年毕业于北京交通大学,获得电气工程学士学位,后就读于美国城市大学,获得市场MBA学位。

    Bob holds a BA in Electrical Engineering from Beijing Communications University and an MBA in Marketing from City University in USA.

  5. 北京交通大学的ZJ教授说,在如此高速下行驶火车带来了很高的安全风险。

    " The plans to run the trains at such high speeds posed a big safety risk ," said Zhao Jian , a professor at Beijing Transportation University .

  6. 北京交通大学有5个国家级重点学科,11个部级重点学科,8个博士后科研流动站,l1个一级学科博士点、60个二级学科博士点、102个硕士点,5个学科被列入国家“长江学者奖励计划”。

    BJTU has 5 state key disciplines , 11 ministerial key disciplines 8 post-doctoral scientific research stations , 11 doctorate programs in first-level disciplines , 60 doctorate programs in second-level disciplines , 102 graduate programs 5 disciplines are granted to establish the positions of " Cheungkong Scholars Program

  7. 加强开放实验平台建设促进学生创新能力培养&以北京交通大学为例

    Strengthening the Open Experimental Platform Building , Promoting Student Innovation Ability Training

  8. 高校图书馆学科化社会服务的探索&以北京交通大学数字铁路博览馆建设为例

    Exploration on University Library Subject Social Service & Digital Railway Museum as an Example

  9. 胡思继是北京交通大学的教授,他今年已经80多岁。

    Hu Siji , a professor with Beijing Jiaotong University , is in his 80s .

  10. 而在北京交通大学大一新生罗瑞琪的家中,情况变得更加糟糕。

    Things have been even more tense at home for Luo Ruiqi , a19-year-old freshman at Beijing Jiaotong University .

  11. 现为浙江大学,北京交通大学及西南交通大学的兼职教授。

    He holds the title of adjunct professor at Zhejiang University , Beijing Jiaotong University and Southwest Jiaotong University .

  12. 24岁的赵磊就是其中的一个,他2008年从北京交通大学毕业,学的是计算机科学。

    One is Zhao Lei , a 24-year-old computer science major who graduated in 2008 from Beijing Jiaotong University .

  13. 北京交通大学的前身是清政府邮电部创办的北京铁路管理传习所。

    Her predecessor is Beijing Railway Management Training Institute set up by Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Qing Dynasty .

  14. 同时也将介绍北京交通大学近年来在气体燃料发动机领域开展的应用及基础理论研究。

    This presentation will also introduce some applications and basic theoretical research developed by Beijing Jiaotong University in recent years .

  15. 请问有知道北京交通大学的羽毛球场的最新收费标准和联系电话吗?

    Summary : Is there know that the Beijing Jiaotong University , the badminton courts on the latest charges and telephone contact it ?

  16. 因此,在北京交通大学现有的桥上无缝道岔有限元计算方法基础上加以完善,建立了桥上有碴轨道无缝道岔的纵横垂向耦合有限元模型。

    Consequently , Some improvements are done to the finite element method , the longitudinal-lateral-vertical coupling modal of jointless turnout on bridge is established .

  17. 1996年,来自世界各地数千名北京交通大学的学子们齐聚北京,共庆北京交大的百年华诞。

    In 1996 , thousands of alumni from different places of China gathered in Beijing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Jiaotong university.Mr .

  18. 来自北京交通大学英语专业的周英(音译)认为,现在不比从前,同学间的关系已经没那么紧密了。

    Zhou Ying , an English major at Beijing Jiaotong University , says that class ties just aren ` t as strong as they used to be .

  19. 24岁的赵雷(音译)2008年毕业于北京交通大学,专业为计算机,他与另外五个人同住在小月河村一个130平方英尺大的房间内。

    Zhao Lei , a24-year-old computer-science major who graduated in2008 from Beijing Jiaotong University , shares a130-square-foot room with five other people in the village of Xiaoyuehe .

  20. 段凤(音译)毕业于北京交通大学,她和男友在一起已经有三年时间了,但今年九月她的男友将去加拿大求学。

    Duan Feng , a graduate of Beijing Jiaotong University has had a boyfriend for three years , but this September her boyfriend will leave for Canada to study .

  21. “‘频繁跳槽热’会带来公司的变动,有损于公司的长期发展。”北京交通大学教授张建荣(音译)说。

    " The job-hopping fever among graduates will destabilize companies and do harm to the long-term development of the companies ," said Zhang Jianrong , professor at Beijing Jiaotong University .

  22. 北京交通大学教授赵坚表示:这种高铁项目是一项政治工程,没有什么经济价值。

    This high-speed programme is a political project with little economic value , says Zhao Jian , a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University who favours conventional rail rather than high-speed projects .

  23. 23岁的王凯(音译)毕业于北京交通大学,现在北京一家研究机构工作,他被派到了电子设备检测部门。

    Wang Kai , 23 , a graduate from Beijing Jiaotong University , works for a Beijing-based research institute where he has been assigned to a department in charge of testing electronic devices .

  24. 通过对调查问卷的分析,建立了一套适用于北京交通大学现有网络教学平台的学习行为评价指标体系,采用层次分析法为各项指标确定权重。

    By analyzing questionary , it sets up an evaluation index system suitable for the current network teaching platform in BeiJing jiaotong university and confirms the power of the index by analytic hierarchy process .

  25. 北京交通大学教授石培华对新华社说,这次放假安排避免了节假日前后出现超长工作周。

    Shi Peihua , a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University , told the state news agency Xinhua that the arrangement eliminates " very long consecutive work days in weeks before or after holidays " .

  26. 北京交通大学教授石培华对新华社说,这次放假安排避免了“节假日前后出现超长工作周”。

    Shi Peihua , a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University , told the state news agency Xinhua that the arrangement eliminates " very long consecutive work days in weeks before or after holidays . "

  27. 25岁的李毅(音译)就读于北京交通大学交通运输工程系,当他看着女友发来的分手短信时,感觉自己心碎一地,这给他本已喜忧参半的毕业季又平添了几许凄凉。

    Li Yi felt his heart breaking into pieces . The 25-year-old traffic engineering major at Beijing Jiaotong University stared at the text message from his girlfriend , who had just broken up with him . It made his already bittersweet graduation even more painful .

  28. 北京交通大学校园管理信息系统包括了人员信息管理,学生资助,学生奖惩,社团活动,党团建设,思测评分等功能模块,每个功能模块通过与数据库进行数据的交互完成各自的功能。

    The modules of Beijing Jiaotong University management information system include information management , student assistance , student rewards and punishments , group activities , party building , and thinking evaluation modules , each functional module completes their respective functions through the interaction with the database .

  29. 近日,北京交通大学运输工程系教授张宏科(音译)针对大城市通勤趋势进行研究,研究结果显示在一些地铁系统较发达的中国城市,半数以上的人乘坐地铁通勤,且终于大部分人都住在离单位很远的地方。

    Zhang Hongke is a professor of transportation engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University . His recent study into metropolitan commuting trends shows that , in Chinese cities with a well-developed subway system , more than half of people who commute to work use the subway-and a big part of them live quite far away from their workplace .

  30. 根据目前76所部属高校公开的决算数据而得出的“高校富豪榜”显示,紧随清华之后的分别为浙江大学、北京大学和上海交通大学。

    It was followed by Zhejiang University , Peking University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University , according to a list of the richest universities in China based on balance sheets from 76 varsities 。