
zhènɡ ɡuī jiào yù
  • regular education
  1. 我没有受过正规教育。

    I had no regular education .

  2. 第四部分:社会教育与正规教育使妇女自身素质不断提高。

    The forth part : Social and regular education raised women 's culture qualities .

  3. 幼儿有时早在四岁时就开始接受正规教育。

    Young children are beginning their formal education sometimes as early as four years old .

  4. 职业顾问说,正规教育很重要,但是真实的生活经历通常甚至更有价值。

    Formal education matters , career counselors say , but real - life experience is often even more valuable .

  5. 他在大学受了四年正规教育。

    He received four years of normal edication at college .

  6. 这些把正规教育和工作实践联系在一起的活动称为工学结合(WorkIntegratedLearning)。

    This focus on Work Integrated Learning ( WIL ) programs that combine work with formal education is the result of several factors .

  7. 这些把正规教育和工作实践联系在一起的活动称为“工学结合”(WorkIntegratedLearning)。

    This focus on Work Integrated Learning ( WIL ) - programs that combine work with formal education - is the result of several factors .

  8. 辍学、创业的激情,曾帮助定义了Facebook、苹果(Apple)和微软(Microsoft)等公司的革新精神。这些企业的创始人退出了正规教育,创办了日后成为世界一流的企业。

    The mantra of drop out , start up , helped define the revolutionary spirit of companies like Facebook , Apple and Microsoft , whose founders quit formal education to launch what became world-beating ventures .

  9. 目的:通过分析急性脑血管病(acutecerebrovasculardisease,ACVD)患者受教育时间与认知功能障碍的关系,探讨正规教育对ACVD患者认知功能损害的保护价值。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the protective merits of normal education in cognitive impairment through analysing the relationship between educational level and cognitive impairment in acute cerebrovascular disease ( ACVD ) patients .

  10. 为研究正规教育对人力资本形成的贡献,在人口预测模型的基础上,加入教育入学率信息,建立了中国人口教育状态演化模型(P-E模型);

    In order to investigate the effect of formal education on human capital formation , a P-E model is established based on the forecasting model of population .

  11. 受过很少的正规教育;参加一个正规聚会。

    Had little formal education ; went to a formal party .

  12. 略论不正规教育对学校教育的影响

    The argument about the influence of informal education on school education

  13. 教育可以分为正规教育和非正规教育。

    Education can be divided into formal education and non-formal education .

  14. 父亲没受过正规教育,他的英语是自学的。

    He had little formal schooling . His English was self-taught .

  15. 加开发署非正规教育:青年中心项目信托基金;

    CIDA Trust Fund for non-formal education : youth centres project ;

  16. 问题10.女子接受的正规教育是什么?

    Question 10 . What formal education did the woman receive ?

  17. 这孩子接受过长期的正规教育。

    The child has received formal education over an extended period .

  18. 因此,合理安排闲暇活动和正规教育活动对我国经济增长有重要意义。

    Thus it is important to rationally arrange leisure and education activities .

  19. 你受过什么样的正规教育?大学程度吗?

    What education do you have ? A college degree ?

  20. 没受过正规教育并不妨碍发家致富。

    A lack of formal education is no bar to becoming rich .

  21. 关于儿童应何时开始接受正规教育有诸多争议。

    There is much debate about when children should begin formal education .

  22. 学生到学校接受正规教育。

    Students come to school to receive formal education .

  23. 语言是人们接受正规教育的重要工具。

    Language is a foremost tool for formal education .

  24. 旅行可以补充正规教育之不足。

    Travel can be a complement to formal education .

  25. 孩子们在家中接受正规教育。

    The children were put to school at home .

  26. 我国图书馆学正规教育的历史变迁

    The Changes in Regular Library Science Education in China

  27. 实践民间医学需要许多正规教育在药用植物。

    B.People who practice folk medicine need lots of formal education on herbs .

  28. 中美非正规教育比较研究

    Comparative Research on Non-formal Education between China and America

  29. 你千万别把缺乏正规教育看作缺乏智能。

    You mustn 't mistake lack of formal education for lack of wisdom .

  30. 倡导人士表示,提前开始正规教育将有助于缩小这种双重差距。

    Advocates say that starting formal education earlier will help close these dual gaps .